City of Kirov: art school

City of Kirov: art school
City of Kirov: art school

For children, the city of Kirov also provides an opportunity to become a talented artist. There is only one art school here, but this city can also offer art schools, where children are taught not only fine arts, but also music, dance, and more.

kirov art school
kirov art school

Why go to art school

If a child in the future plans to connect his life with the fine arts and enter a school or institute, then a document on the successful completion of an art school is required for admission to these educational institutions. For example, in the St. Petersburg Art Academy. Repin is not allowed to take entrance exams if the applicant does not have a secondary art education. Graduates of the Roerich School and the Lyceum named after A. I. Ioganson, who is located at the academy. But the opportunity to enter these universities, unfortunately, cannot be given by Kirov. The art school of this city gives an excellent education to its students, but for admission to the Institute. Repin it gives less benefits.

What art school teaches

DKhSH (Children's Art School) not only prepares the child for higher education and becoming a professional artist, but also develops a variety of useful qualities. So, over time, a child develops a taste for flowers, design, and even clothing. The baby develops imagination, which, moreover, he can transfer to paper. The child in studies the theory and history of arts, and this expands his knowledge. And even in untalented children, the art school develops the ability to draw. Everyone who has spent time on this additional education has never regretted it.

children's art school kirov
children's art school kirov

MBOU DOD "DKhSH" - children's art school (Kirov)

Here secondary art education is provided for children. Young artists are taught to paint in watercolor, gouache, pastel and other materials. For each work, teachers make a still life of fruits and vegetables, vases, flowers, harmonious drapery and much more. Children learn the basics of drawing: the correct construction of a composition, the harmonious arrangement of objects on paper, the laws of perspective, the study of the structure of objects, people and animals, and so on. Other art schools in the city of Kirov cannot teach children what this art school gives.

art schools of the city of kirov
art schools of the city of kirov

The best works are collected in the fund. It can be compared to a museum. When children begin a new task, they are shown the best work of previous students as an example. Exhibitions are regularly held here. The exhibition hall features works by talented artists andschool students. The city of Kirov can truly be proud of such an educational institution. The art school is located on Molodaya Gvardiya Street, 52. For talented and simply loving children, the Art School is happy to open its doors.

Where else in Kirov can a child learn to draw

The following is a list of art schools in the city of Kirov. Each of them has its own advantages. Therefore, you should choose a school by location. If it is far from home, then why enroll a child there? Because of the long road, your child will quickly lose interest in attending additional drawing classes. All desire to learn fine arts will be lost along the way.

  • Children's art school №11. Ivan Popov Street, 17a.
  • "Rhapsody". School of Arts. Koltsova street, 8.
  • Lyangasovskaya children's art school. East Street, 11.
  • Novovyatsk children's art school. Ordzhonikidze street, 15.
  • Children's art school. Kostino village, Sadakovskaya street, Bamovsky lane, 1a.
  • Elegy, children's art school. Street Club, 3.

The best option would be an art school in the city of Kirov, which is closest to your home. You may have to visit several art schools, but it's more important that the child enjoys the lessons.
