Rules for dance support

Rules for dance support
Rules for dance support

Dance is an amazing human art. Every day, many try to improve their body and develop its abilities. Excellent plasticity and ease of movement give the dance harmony and coherence. Beautiful dance supports make the viewer pay attention to the soaring couple and immerse themselves in the state of flight and elevation. The basic property of a dancer is not only the ability to accurately perform a sequence of movements, but also individually select combinations according to their own performance and skill.

After the partners have mastered the basic elements of support, the couple is allowed to take part in competitions and show their skills to the public.

dance support
dance support

Lady support and its elements

Most of the support in the dance is for the partner. In order for the couple to look light and airy, the lady also needs to clearly follow some rules:

  • The posture should be perfectly even, while being fixed due to the muscleswaist.
  • The position of the shoulders plays an important role in performing simple and complex movements. Shoulders should not roll up or be overly relaxed.
  • It is necessary for partners to start performing support in a position opposite each other, it is better for the partner to shift slightly to the right side.
  • Professionals master the art of dance support gradually, reverently honing every movement.
  • It is desirable for a lady to obey the will of her partner as much as possible and not interfere with him in the ease of performing the elements.
  • Don't be upset if support doesn't work for several workouts, it only means that a mistake was made during the execution of the element, eliminating which the couple can easily complete everything necessary.
support in the dance photo
support in the dance photo

Basic safety rules for partners

Compliance with safety regulations is extremely important for both partners. A man needs to be very careful with his partner, paying attention to her legs and shoulder joints. Constant insurance of each other is the best solution for a couple who decides to master light dance lifts. It is not necessary to attach special importance to the brushes and assume that with the help of them you can hold the mass of the whole body. Partners need to keep all the muscles of the body in good shape and perform proven actions, without improvisation and adding their own elements.

When performing support, one should pay attention to the general condition of each other, it is possible that the partner may feel dizzy or darken in the eyes fromplenty of turns.

simple dance support
simple dance support

Fears during support

Excitement often accompanies couples who are just beginning to master the art of supporting dance. It is worth remembering that only long-term training leads to the desired result. Tips from the coach at the first stage will be simply necessary. It is impossible to master the art of dance on your own, especially such complex pirouettes.

Partner and partner experience fear. The partner thinks about how not to drop the partner, she thinks about how not to fall. Fears are overcome only with the help of constant training, where element by element all combinations are worked out for a long time.

light dance lifts
light dance lifts

How to make relationships in a couple harmonious, and air support?

The dance of professionals is always different and looks extraordinarily skillful. Harmonious relationships in a couple, coherence of movements and understanding of each other give great confidence and understanding of what to expect from a partner in the next second. Simple lifts in dance look unusual if the couple adds their own emotions and performs them with incredible character. In the most difficult moments, the partner provides support to the partner, and in the dance itself follows him, obeying the movement. This is how refinement is achieved, small strokes become invisible to most viewers. The support in the dance is the result of the joint work of the couple. Sometimes when changing a partner, it would seem that an experienced partner makes mistakes, you have to train almost from the beginning. To achieve highresults are not enough for one desire, it is necessary to have leadership qualities and strive for victory. Patience, painstaking work and perseverance make dancers real athletes. Real contact and a common desire for a common result come only to that couple that overcomes all difficulties for a long time and improves in development, despite difficulties and minor setbacks.

beautiful dancing support
beautiful dancing support

Advice for dancers on lifts

Each teacher prepares a couple, following their own style. However, there are some important tips that you need to pay attention to in order to achieve the first results:

  1. Exact and graceful repetition of foot movements. This indicator characterizes not only the harmony of the dance, but also a clear adherence to its pattern.
  2. Display the basic dance figures and follow the step line.
  3. Correct posture.
  4. Bodily and spiritual contact of partners, understanding each other in motion.

And the main thing…

Beautiful elements and beautiful supports in the dance photos convey better than any words! And watching the dancers in the hall or on the stage is even more impressive! Perfect harmony enchants the viewer and inspires the audience to repeat such complex elements or take up dancing on their own. After all, they charge with vitality and have been passed down for many generations from master to beginner. Today's development of dance art pleases many true connoisseurs.
