What is painting and why is it needed today

What is painting and why is it needed today
What is painting and why is it needed today

So, what is painting? It would seem that everyone knows the answer to this simple question, but not everyone can formulate the answer. After all, any person has his own concept of this phenomenon, different from others.

If you ask a pragmatist what painting is, he will most likely say that it is a reproduction of the surrounding reality with the help of various coloring means. That is, for a practical person, this action involves, first of all, reason, with the help of which the artisan creates his “masterpieces” with clearly calibrated lines and once and for all mastered technique.

What is painting
What is painting

Connoisseurs have always referred to such creations as the "lower style" of the decorative image.

Historian to the question: "What is painting?" - will answer that this is one of the most important ancient arts, which originated at the dawn of time. And if at first primitive people transferred exclusively materialized objects to stone, wood or bronze, then later, in the days of Ancient Egypt, they began to depict thoughts and feelings. At the same time, symbolism appeared in painting - the art of showing a phenomenon or object figuratively.

Modernoil painting
Modernoil painting

An artist, like any other person who is able to subtly feel and understand the essence of things, to the question: “What is painting?” - will answer that this is an art capable of conveying a special vision of the real world and influencing the feelings of the people around. This requires a special talent, a spark, inspiration, a different view of things - you can call it differently, the main thing is to understand that someone is able to become an artist, and someone is not. And even if you study and work long and hard, at best it will be possible to stamp unpretentious paintings of the same type. And nothing can be done, talent is measured differently for everyone, and this has always been the case. In every century, great masters were born and died, and often only after their death did their canvases become known to the whole world.

Contemporary painting in Russia
Contemporary painting in Russia

The heyday of painting was the Renaissance, which gave the world such great masters as Titian, Botticelli, Masaccio, Rembrandt, Vermeer and many others. After their time ended, critics repeatedly diagnosed the fine arts as "decline and bad taste." However, years passed, and already new artists were erected on the podium, such as Matisse, Renoir, Picasso, Aivazovsky and a whole legion of those who followed them.

contemporary painting
contemporary painting

Fine art is alive and now, for example, modern oil painting is represented by the canvases of John Marcose, Robert Zeller, Jerry Winks. Perhaps in 150-200 years, their paintings will go from auctions for a crazy price, and they will havetheir followers, like the Dutch and Spanish masters of the Renaissance. Modern Russian painting can also boast of such names as Anton Semenov, Georgy Dmitriev, Evgeny Balakshin, so this art is still relevant in our country.

Why do we need painting in the age of electronics and all kinds of video devices? Perhaps soon this art will cease to exist? I think not, just as books, theater, opera and ballet have not died. Most likely, painting will remain the lot of a certain number of connoisseurs, as well as we althy people. That is, nothing will change, since this high art has always been only for the elite and the circle of connoisseurs.
