How to draw a heart? Pencil

How to draw a heart? Pencil
How to draw a heart? Pencil

When there is eternal spring in the soul, the high spirits cannot be kept in any way: it bursts out of the chest to splash out with cute creativity. How to draw a heart, a rose, or better, both together? Take a simple pencil, a blank sheet of paper - now you will learn everything. Lesson 1: How to draw a heart with a pencil

Step 1

how to draw a heart
how to draw a heart

We will draw a heart of roses. Draw a regular circle and divide it in half with a line. Exactly on a horizontal line, draw an uneven oval, similar to a deflated balloon. Attach a pair of curves to it from above and below, like the red lines shown in the figure for example.

how to draw a heart with a pencil
how to draw a heart with a pencil

Step 2

In the lesson explaining how to draw a heart, first of all, pay attention to the red lines of the sample - these are new fragments that need to be repeated on your version of the original heart.

how to draw a beautiful heart
how to draw a beautiful heart

Draw a kind of snail in the very center of the future masterpiece. First, just separate the bumpy line with a convex curved line.oval almost in half. Add a few strokes: in the form of the letter "P" and from its top a regular line, bounded by the same oval. Don't forget to add another stroke, just a little bit, on the top petal. This inverted "comma" will add dimension to the pattern.

Step 3

how to draw a heart
how to draw a heart

A very simple step in the creative process called "How to draw a heart": draw two symmetrical petals, the upper part of which, as it were, repeats the invisible lines of the heart.

Step 4

how to draw a heart with a pencil
how to draw a heart with a pencil

All that's left is to add three petals at the bottom of the heart. If you didn’t skip math classes at school, then you know how to draw curly braces. This acquired knack will help you easily cope with the task: a pair of curves on the left and right, and one final “arrow” down the center. By the way, if you carefully look at the sample, you will see that the last petal you drew will be boring without a small detail - a convex stroke that adds volume.

Step 5

how to draw a beautiful heart
how to draw a beautiful heart

Erase all auxiliary, erroneous and unnecessary lines. Lesson "How to draw a heart" completed!

Lesson 2: Heart Surrounded by Roses

Let's complicate the task: draw a symbol of love in a scarlet round dance:

how to draw a heart
how to draw a heart

Step 1

Draw an arbitrary outline of the heart, like this one:

how to draw a heart
how to draw a heart

Step 2

Make your first sketchesthree buds at once, distributing them evenly. Start with curls, draw side lines from them according to the pattern:

how to draw a heart with a pencil
how to draw a heart with a pencil

Step 3

Each flower has its own individual shape, which appears thanks to simple curved lines. Take a closer look and repeat them in your drawing, there is nothing difficult in this:

how to draw a beautiful heart
how to draw a beautiful heart

Step 4

Finish the drawing of roses by adding three or four graceful contours to each bud.

how to draw a heart
how to draw a heart

The more details, the more beautiful the flower. There is no doubt that you are doing great.

how to draw a heart
how to draw a heart

Step 5

The leaves in this delicate picture are like a perfect bed for hearts and roses. Sketch them out as shown in the sample. Please note that the leaves of the flowers are jagged:

how to draw a beautiful heart
how to draw a beautiful heart

Step 6

All you have to do is apply veins to each leaf with smooth lines and erase unnecessary lines:

how to draw a heart
how to draw a heart

Just don't be surprised that the question of how to draw a beautiful heart will now always haunt you: as soon as friends and acquaintances see the exquisite images created by you. Do not hide anything from them, teach this simple art!
