Reviews about the book "White Fang": readers' opinions about the plot and the hero

Reviews about the book "White Fang": readers' opinions about the plot and the hero
Reviews about the book "White Fang": readers' opinions about the plot and the hero

Reviews of the book "White Fang" show that this work is still popular with the modern reader. A bright dynamic plot, an original form of narration, which is conducted not on behalf of a person, but on behalf of an animal, captivate all fans of the work of the famous American writer Jack London, who rightly consider this book to be his best work.

About the hero

Reviews on the book "White Fang" will help the teacher prepare a lesson on the topic of this outstanding author. London wrote his work in 1906. The story is dedicated to the life of a wolf-dog in the conditions of the so-called gold rush in Alaska. All readers unanimously claim that none of the famous writers managed to convey the inner world of the beast, desperately fighting for its existence, so successfully, expressively and believably.

But most of all, the writer's fans were struck by how subtly, touchingly and soulfully he portrayed the hero's desire to become better, stronger, more resilient. About how colorful the description of the wild life of the author turned out, say the reviews of the book "White Fang". According to all readers, London surprisingly truthfully reproducedall the worries and torments of a wolf who had to go through many terrible trials before finding a peaceful life and finding his happiness.

white fang book reviews
white fang book reviews

About the idea

Readers rightly draw attention to the practical absence of sharp dynamic action, which is so characteristic of modern literary works and films. Nevertheless, they all point out that the book turned out to be unusually rich and dramatic due to the description of the struggle of passions that takes place inside the protagonist. Reviews of the book "White Fang" will help schoolchildren navigate this difficult text and understand the main idea of the work: it is in the fight against obstacles that real character is tempered.

Readers have caught the fine line between the parallels that the author drew when comparing the lives of people and animals. According to them, the actions of a person are very expressively evaluated by the peculiar thinking of the wolf. The review of the book "White Fang" by Jack London is interesting in that it shows the relevance of this work even today. According to readers, the world of people is shown in the book sometimes even more cruel and harsh than wildlife.

white fang book review by jack london
white fang book review by jack london

Plot Opinions

All fans of the author's work believe that the story turned out to be very interesting, exciting, vital. Most recognize the description of childhood and the formation of the hero as one of the most successful parts in the entire novel. It is not in vain that London paid so much attention to the formation of the "personality" of the wolf: after all, his life inwild forest, according to primitive laws, determined its character. Everyone finds the pictures of Fang's training exciting and dramatic at the same time. The way the Indian tamed the hero makes readers admire and feel some pity at the same time, especially when he sold him to the villain.

white fang book review
white fang book review

A review of the book “White Fang” read shows that the scene of the fight between the hero and the bulldog makes a special impression on schoolchildren, since it was in this battle that the beast showed all his strength, dexterity, courage, but almost lost his life. Luckily, he was rescued in time by a local engineer. In the opinion of all lovers of the writer's work, the author's scenes of the gradual return to life of a wolf in a new family turned out to be especially touching and heartfelt.

book review white fang short
book review white fang short

About the meaning

The novel immediately received universal recognition due to its truthfulness, reliability and persuasiveness, and most importantly - the original form of the narrative. The popularity of this work among modern schoolchildren is evidenced by a review of the book "White Fang". The summary of London's work allows you to understand how strong and colorful the story told by the writer turned out to be. It is not surprising that the novel has been filmed more than once, including in our country. According to the readers, the work had a great influence on the development of world literature, as it made it possible to show the world of nature and animals in a new way, which the author brought to the fore, pushing people's lives into the background. This approach has provided a widepopularity of the book among general readers.
