Famous and favorite actors: "White Wolves" (Russian TV series)

Famous and favorite actors: "White Wolves" (Russian TV series)
Famous and favorite actors: "White Wolves" (Russian TV series)

In 2012-2013, a new Russian series called "White Wolves" was released on TV screens. It became very popular and, according to TV viewers, received 6 points out of 10.

Series Summary

Criminal thriller tells about the actions of the White Wolves special forces group. Its members ensure order and tranquility in the state as a whole. Officers have to deal with criminal gangs and not only. In their path are large drug dealers, robbers and raiders, whom they neutralize.

One of the episodes tells about a crazy major who drank himself after returning home. For a long time he participated in bloody actions in Chechnya, but could not recover from all that he had seen in the war. His madness led to him killing his wife, the woman next door, and taking defenseless little girls hostage. The purpose of the special forces is to neutralize the criminal and rescue the hostages.

actors white wolves
actors white wolves

The second season delighted viewers with its release in 2014. The plot is the same - the heroes are trying to repel mafia attacks. They act according to the only correct principle - "Evil must be punished!"

This season's chiefenemy and criminal - a crime boss named Boss. Will spetsnaz men be able to catch and punish him? You can find out about this if you watch the series from beginning to end.

The series "White Wolves". Actors and roles

Directors of the series I. Zabara and V. Lavrov were able to successfully choose the cast. Thanks to the talented acting of the actors and the interesting plot, the series has become one of the favorite films for TV viewers.

Let's take a look at which actors were cast in each season.

Actors ("White Wolves", the first season) were selected carefully. Each role had to fit the appearance of a particular actor.

Starring: Andrey Averyanov (special forces major Burov), Tatyana Kalikh (Lena Nikolaeva), Denis Bobyshev, Artem Borodich, Alexander Ilyin, Maxim Zhitnik. In addition to them, Georgy Pitskhelauri, Viktor Rybchinsky, Olesya Pukhovaya, Alena Kozyreva, Svetlana Kozhemyakina, Stanislav Vilkin, Marina Denisova, Farkhad Makhmudov and other wonderful actors played secondary roles.

white wolves actors and roles
white wolves actors and roles

The actors ("White Wolves") in the second season in the title role are the same as in the first. And new faces appear in secondary roles: Mikhail Yesman, Yuri Shulgin, Maria Zhiganova, Sergey Derevyanko and others.

Viewer feedback: did they like the actors?

"White Wolves" is a series that allows young people to become true patriots. Rejoicing for the successes of the heroes, worrying about their defeats, they become more merciful, a sense of order and discipline develops. Therefore, those who watched the series leave onlypositive feedback.

The actors ("White Wolves") played their roles well, the audience is sure of it.
