Solving the problem of how to draw an envelope without taking your hands off

Solving the problem of how to draw an envelope without taking your hands off
Solving the problem of how to draw an envelope without taking your hands off

Modern children are difficult to captivate with something. They like to watch cartoons and play computer games. But smart parents are always able to interest their child. For example, they may suggest that he find a way to draw an envelope without lifting his hand. Read about some tricks of this task below.


how to draw an open envelope without taking your hands off
how to draw an open envelope without taking your hands off

Before you start torturing your child with logical tasks, you need to do preparatory work with him. Why is she needed? So that the child does not cheat when he starts to puzzle over the question of how to draw an envelope without taking his hands off. After all, the most interesting thing in this puzzle is that the line must go from point to point continuously.

What kind of tasks can be offered to the child as a warm-up? Of course, the first one should be eights. Drawing this figure relieves stress, clears the brain, and trains the hand. All in all, a useful exercise. After that, you can move on to drawing rounded shapes. It can be curls or anyother squiggles, the main thing is that in the process of drawing the child does not tear off the pencil and depict everything in one smooth line.

How to draw a closed envelope

how to draw a closed envelope without taking your hands off
how to draw a closed envelope without taking your hands off

Many parents themselves spent more than one hour before offering such a task to a child. You can try too. But we can immediately upset you - it is simply impossible to complete such a task without being a little cunning. Therefore, we will tell you a method that will help you and your child go a little beyond the usual logic in order to understand how to draw a closed envelope without taking your hands off.

We take a sheet of paper and bend its edge. We bend it back. Now our task is to draw the top edge of the closed envelope just on the fold line. To make it easier to understand, let's place dots at the ends of the rectangle. Let's number them, starting from the upper left corner. Here will be the number one and then clockwise. From the number 4 to 1 we draw a line, now we connect 1 with 2 and now we draw a diagonal to 4. From 4 to 3 we draw a straight line, and then again a diagonal to 1.

Now let's get to the fun part. We bend the edge of our sheet and depict a zigzag, which forms, as it were, the cap of our envelope. It will pass from 1 to 2. It remains to connect 2 and 3 with a straight line - and the puzzle is solved. Fold back part of the sheet. The riddle of how to draw an envelope without taking your hands off can be offered not only to children, but also to friends or colleagues.

How to draw an open envelope

how to draw an envelope without tearing it offarms
how to draw an envelope without tearing it offarms

Those who carefully read the previous paragraph and created their drawing according to the description already understood how to answer the question posed above. After all, the solution to the riddle of how to draw an open envelope without taking your hands off will be similar to that written in the previous paragraph. Only here you do not have to bend and bend parts of the sheet. The whole image will be done in one line in the same way.

But if you do not want to repeat yourself, then we offer another way that will lead to the same result. How to draw an envelope without taking your hands off the second way? To begin with, we draw a rectangle again with dots and number it again, as in the previous paragraph. From the number 4 to 2 we draw a diagonal, from 2 to 3 - a straight line, and from 3 to 1 - again a diagonal. Next you need to draw a corner. From 1 to 2, draw a zigzag that marks the top of the envelope. From 2 we return to 1 with a straight line and complete our construction by alternately drawing straight lines from 1 to 4 and from 4 to 3.

Why do we need such puzzles

Such logical tasks should be performed not only by children, but also by adults. Thanks to them, the human brain strains and begins to work. If you accustom yourself to perform a similar task every day, after a month you will notice that in critical situations solutions are generated faster and less effort is spent on it. It is especially useful for schoolchildren to study logic puzzles. In this way, they train creativity and learn to approach standard questions outside the box.
