Viktor Bortsov: "Let me freeze in deep bonjour"

Viktor Bortsov: "Let me freeze in deep bonjour"
Viktor Bortsov: "Let me freeze in deep bonjour"

Which of the fans of Soviet cinema does not remember the good-natured, cheerful, a little rustic and never discouraged Savva Ignatievich from the film "Pokrovsky Gates"? Basically, this is the older generation that lived surrounded by television classics. Spectators - representatives of the generation of the 70s-80s - adore him Gavrila in Svetlana Druzhinina's trilogy about midshipmen. In total, this amazing person played about 50 roles.

Most of this actor's looks are cute, cute big-ass mattresses. But, despite the fact that he had an inexhaustible comic talent, he also had a masculine lyrical charm. And this is all about him, about one of the beauties of the twentieth century in the cinema of the Soviet Union, about a man who radiated strength, nobility and courage. So, Viktor Bortsov, the actor who embodied the pride and glory of the Maly Theater.


The future People's Artist of the RSFSR was born on June 14, 1934 in the city of Orenburg. He grew up in the most ordinary Soviet family, in which the correct upbringing of children was welcomed, instilling in them moral standards and responsibility.

He did well in school, butat the same time he liked to play pranks, breaking glass in the windows. During these years he was engaged in a drama circle. It happened that he was so fond of the role that on the way to school, repeating the text to himself all the time, he skipped school, because all his thoughts were in art.

Continuity of generations

After graduating from school, without leaving thoughts about the stage and backstage, Viktor Bortsov enters the Shchukin school, and immediately, the first time. This course brought together very talented guys under its wing - Yuri Solomin, Alexei Eibozhenko, Roman Filippov. And Vera Pashennaya herself taught with them - one of the most famous Russian actresses, who played at the Maly Theater since 1907. Thus, Bortsov was the brainchild of the giants of the Russian school, formed before the revolution.

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While still a student and speaking on the stage of the Ostrovsky House, he was able not only to simply express the essence of the image offered to him directly, but also added very bright and interesting properties and qualities of his own personality to each played character. He enriched each character with colors of personal predilection.

His theatrical work

Even among the very early works of the actor in the theater, there are many obviously successful ones - Shvandya in "Lyubov Yarovaya", Pyotr in "The Forest", Valerian in "Before Dinner" … Viktor Bortsov, whose photo very often appeared on the pages of Soviet magazines time, was an actor with unique creative abilities. In each of his many works, he exclusively creatively revealed the most typical features of the Russian national character withits breadth, scale, but, at the same time, with the kindness of the heart, captivating purity and naivety, touching lyricism and straightforwardness, which could easily disarm.

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It is impossible not to mention that from the very moment when Viktor Andreevich crossed the threshold of the Maly Theater, the latter got the opportunity to show on his stage a large number of Ostrovsky's works, because Viktor Bortsov was the best performer of the "Ostrovsky" repertoire. Lynyaev, Bruskov, Potrokhov, Goretsky, Dosuzhev, Akhov - they all got a long life thanks to him.

Cinema, cinema, cinema…

With famous directors - Igor Ilyinsky, Leonid Kheifets, Pyotr Fomenko - an actor named Bortsov Viktor was lucky to work. His biography does not end with magnificent theatrical works. He is one of the most popular and beloved by the audience of film artists. Many of his films have occupied their niche in the treasury of Soviet cinema - "The First Trolleybus", "Visit of the Lady", "Going through the torment", "And again Aniskin" …

viktor bortsov photo
viktor bortsov photo

And yet the actor's calling card is the amazing Savva Ignatievich. Later, he recalled: despite many years of friendship with Mikhail Kozakov, he was brought to this film by the second director of the picture. A huge number of well-known actors auditioned for this role, but it was thanks to Viktor Bortsov that a touching and kind character turned out to be a touching and kind character instead of the scripted front-line joker.

It was easy for him to act because he grew up in a similar backyard. That's whythe actor suggested to Kozakov what it would be better to dress Savva in, what kind of mustache he should come up with, what kind of gait he should have, and so on. But the actor did not really like to remember this film, he became boring. After all, in almost every interview there are a couple of questions about the Pokrovsky Gates. And then, in 1982, during filming, Kozakov allowed the actors to review the footage and all the takes, so the effect of "overeating" occurred.

In the famous "Midshipmen" Viktor Bortsov, whose biography is still of interest to fans of his talent, played Gavrila, the wise servant of Nikita Olenev. According to the film, he cooks ointments, sells them with success and often helps out his young master with money. Especially for the role of Fighters, he went to doctors and taught them phrases in Latin. The actor regretted that many interesting scenes with his participation were cut out during editing.


It is impossible not to mention another important aspect of life. The last years he lived with his second wife Viktor Bortsov. The family consisted of two people - himself and his wife. From his first marriage, the actor had a daughter, Olya, whom he always helped as much as he could. He liked to lie on the couch and watch political programs on TV. Sometimes I watched cassettes with performances. He believed that he had already lived his life. But he lived, doing what he loved, which not everyone succeeds in. And he only regretted that he played very few comedy roles.

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In recent years, Viktor Bortsov was very sick. Everyone hoped that this was not for long, and that he would soon recover again forwork. But, unfortunately, this did not happen. The actor passed away on May 20, 2008 in Moscow.
