Remembering our favorite fairy tales will help us with their summary: "Caliph Stork", Gauf

Remembering our favorite fairy tales will help us with their summary: "Caliph Stork", Gauf
Remembering our favorite fairy tales will help us with their summary: "Caliph Stork", Gauf

During his short life Gauf wrote many good and kind fairy tales. Many of them are familiar to us from childhood. The collections include, as a rule, the most popular of them: "Little Muk", "The Story of the Severed Hand", "Dwarf Nose" and many others. Surely, in any library there is such a book. The Caliph Stork is one of the most famous tales of the great Gauf. It is permeated with oriental motifs. Based on her motives, television and animated films were created. Let's recall its summary.

"Caliph Stork". Intro

summary of caliph stork
summary of caliph stork

The Baghdad caliph Hasid was sitting in his chambers in a quiet evening, smoking his favorite rosewood pipe and drinking aromatic coffee, which was poured into his cup by a slave. The mood of the nobleman was excellent, nothing boded bad. At such moments it was possible to talk with him on any topic, to ask for anything. It was at this time that the wise vizier Manzor liked to visit his master. So this eveningvisited by a faithful servant of his caliph. He came and informed the Hasid that a trinket merchant was standing below his palace and offering his goods. Caliph wanted to please his vizier on this beautiful evening, and he sent his slave for this street vendor. When the latter came to them, the nobles bought pistols from him for themselves and a magnificent comb for Manzor's wife. When the merchant was about to leave, the vizier noticed a black box and an old manuscript that was attached to it. The seller did not know what was in the casket and offered the nobles to buy it from him. So they did. The caliph could not read the ancient manuscript and ordered Selim the literate, who knew all languages, to be called. The scientist who came was able to unravel what is written in this scroll and announced this to the nobles. He said that there was some secret message here: “He who sniffs the powder from this casket and pronounces the magic word Mutabor will turn into any animal he wishes and will understand the language of all animals and birds on earth. In order to return to the previous appearance, one should bow three times to the east and say the same word. But woe to him who laughs in the form of an animal. Then that person will forget the magic word and forever remain a beast. After listening to all this, the vizier and the caliph decided the very next day to try the effect of the miraculous powder on themselves. They didn't really believe in his power. The next chapter (its summary) will tell about what happened next.

"Caliph Stork". Developments

caliph stork book
caliph stork book

NextIn the afternoon, as soon as dawn broke, Hasid and Mansur went to the garden to find some animals there and eavesdrop on their conversations. After wandering there for some time and not finding anything remarkable, they go to an old pond where storks live. “Here, the time has come for a miracle to happen,” they both decide, inhale the magic powder and pronounce the word “mutabor”. In an instant, the Caliph and his faithful vizier turn into storks. They hear the conversations of these amazing birds and understand them. Looking at each other, the nobles burst out laughing, and when they came to their senses, it was already too late. They no longer remembered the magic word that was supposed to turn them into people again. For a long time they wandered in this guise through the swamp, and then went to Baghdad to the palace. There they saw a festive procession of the people in honor of the election of a new lord of the glorious city. They became Mizra, the son of the mortal enemy of Caliph Hasid, the magician Kashnur. So our heroes became aware of who bewitched them. That merchant from the street was sent to them by the treacherous Kashnur. Who can help their trouble, Hasid and Manzur did not know. They decided to go to Mecca to the grave of the prophet, hoping to find answers to their questions there. On the way there, flying over the valley, they saw some ruins that had once been a beautiful palace. The storks went down there to spend the night. In one of the halls they heard someone's soft cry. Going to his sound, Hasid and Manzur saw a large night owl in one of the dilapidated rooms. She told the travelers her sad story. It turned out that this is an owl - an enchanted princess, the daughter of the king of India. Turned into an owl by her evil wizardKashnur, who often flies to this castle to arrange feasts for his entourage. Hasid and Manzur realized that this was their chance to become human again. For it is possible that at one of these gatherings a word will be spoken which they have forgotten. For her help, the owl asked one of them to take her as a wife. Since the vizier was already married, the choice fell on a single caliph. Only in this way the evil spell will collapse, and the owl will again turn into a girl, Hasid agreed to marry the princess, not even knowing what she looks like. How this amazing story ended, the next chapter (its summary) will tell.

"Caliph Stork". Interchange

caliph stork hauf's tale
caliph stork hauf's tale

The decisive moment has finally arrived. Kashnur flew to the castle with his companions. There was also a street vendor with him, who deceived our heroes. At the feast, he said that the caliph and his faithful vizier had forgotten the word "mutabor" and now they would walk like storks until the end of their days. Hasid and Manzur heard it all. They immediately repeated this word and bowed three times to the east. A moment, and they again became people. Turning around, they saw a beautiful girl. It was a princess - now the wife of the Caliph. Nothing reminded her of the appearance of an owl. As soon as these miracles happened, the travelers went to Baghdad, where the people had already rebelled against Mizra and his evil father. The appearance of the Caliph was accepted by all with joy. He again became the ruler of this glorious city. Kashnura Khalif ordered to be hanged in the same dungeon where the night owl recently lived. And he offered his stupid son a choice: death or sniffing magic powder from blackboxes. He chose the latter and turned into an animal. He was locked in a cage and put out in the garden for all to see. And the Caliph Hasid lived happily ever after with his wife. This is the end of this amazing story (here is its summary). The Caliph Stork is truly one of the best tales of the great Gauf. It is interesting to read for both adults and children. For young readers, it will be a good lesson, since its main idea is that some prescriptions must always be observed.

Thus, to follow the rules and orders of adults teaches children the work "Caliph Stork". Gauf's tale has educational value.
