Timur Bokancha: biography, creativity and personal life

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Timur Bokancha: biography, creativity and personal life
Timur Bokancha: biography, creativity and personal life

Video: Timur Bokancha: biography, creativity and personal life

Video: Timur Bokancha: biography, creativity and personal life
Video: The History of Rembrandt and most important Art | Biography and Art of Rembrandt 2024, June

There are people who just look at once to understand that you have a unique personality in front of you! They have a phenomenal attraction and charm. This is the hero of our story - the actor, playwright and writer Timur Bokancha.

Short biography

Timur Bokancha was born on August 17, 1983 in Moscow. Already in childhood, an unusual personality of this person appeared. Peers often did not understand and did not accept a child with huge naive eyes, too fragile physique and great inner strength. Perhaps because of this, the boy had to change one school after another, and one of the educational institutions had a religious bias.

actor timur bokancha
actor timur bokancha

However, even when Timur Bokancha grew up, his throwing did not stop. In 2001, he entered the Moscow University of Culture in the acting department, but after studying for several years, he changed his plans: he dropped out and went to work as a courier in a printing house.

The work was distinguished by a free schedule, which allowed Timur at that time to act in educational films of students of the Institute of Cinematography (VGIK).

In 2005, Timur Bokancha becamepart of the acting troupe of the Royal Drama Theater in the Moscow region. At this time, the young actor began to be invited to shoot in various television projects, films with his participation were released on the screens.

In 2010, Bokancha entered the Faculty of Cultural Studies at the Institute of the History of Cultures, and in 2015 - at the Literary Institute. Gorky (drama department). Timur's excellent intellectual abilities allowed him not only to master the professions of an actor and playwright, but also to learn several languages: Italian, English, Ancient Greek, as well as Latin and Esperanto.

actor Timur Bokancha
actor Timur Bokancha

Private life

Actor Timur Bokancha got married early and became a father at the age of 21. His wife is a charming girl Olga Pavlova. In 2004, the couple had a daughter, Elina, in 2009, a son, German, and in 2013, Timur and Olga became the parents of another baby, who was named Plato.

Although Timur Bokanchi's wife is a mother of many children, she is engaged in design activities and studies languages together with her husband. The couple does not really like to talk about the details of their personal lives to journalists, but Timur sometimes shares happy family photos with his fans on Instagram.

Timur Bokancha personal life
Timur Bokancha personal life

Timur Bokancha: films and theatrical works

Behind the shoulders of the young artist are many roles played in the cinema. Here is a list of the most famous films and series in which he took part:

  • "Merciful".
  • "High Security Vacation".
  • "Kitchen".
  • "The Third Wish".
  • "N. E. T.".
  • "Deffchonki".
  • "Next".
  • "It's always sunny in Moscow".
  • "Stramm's Theory".
  • "Nanolove.
  • "Moscow. Central District".
  • "Moths".
  • "Love with limits".
  • "Apartment".
  • "Dealer".
  • "Wild-2".
  • "Against all the rules".
  • "Univer".

For the main role that Timur Bokancha played in the film "Merciful" directed by Alexander Naumov, the actor received the Triumph Award.

At the Royal Dramatic Theatre, Bokancha plays in plays:

  • "The Nutcracker".
  • "Fritz".
  • "A man named M".

The artist also takes part in theatrical performances for children.

Timur Bokancha creativity
Timur Bokancha creativity

Drama activities

Rich experience as an actor, knowledge of the inner "kitchen" of acting and stage laws, as well as the profession of a playwright obtained at the Literary Institute, allow Timur to write talented plays for the theater and scripts for cinema.

In this field, he already has the first successes. In 2016, his play "Kill Me, Friend" was shortlisted for two competitions: "Author's Stage" and "LitoDrama". Scenario forthe film "Behind Your Back" was also nominated for an award at the screenwriting competition, which is held annually by the Three Comrades studio.

We wish further success to Timur - this bright and talented representative of today's creative youth!
