How to draw a sheep step by step?

How to draw a sheep step by step?
How to draw a sheep step by step?

When a child likes to engage in artistic creativity, you need to encourage him as much as possible in this matter. If the kid is interested in how to draw a sheep, a goat, a kitten or a puppy, it is worth explaining the process of creating an image at an accessible level. This will be useful for children not only in terms of the development of the hand, but also the baby will remember the parts of the body of the animal and understand that any complex shape always consists of simple ones.

how to draw a sheep
how to draw a sheep

Doing a task with children of different ages

Children learn to draw animals already in kindergarten, but at this stage the forms look very simplified, often even disproportionate. Students are able to draw a more realistic picture. Tasks and samples should be selected according to the age of the child.

The kid is interested in doing everything in a playful way. You can offer to create your own farm, make simple figurines of animals. For the guys who go to the art studio, it’s better to immediately explain that you always need to outline the contours from the general shape, gradually drawing the details. For ordinary schoolchildren who do not plan to draw professionally, it will be enough to collect the figures in parts, that is, adding tohead torso, then legs, tail and so on.

Classes with stencils

If you want to figure out how to draw a sheep in a simplified way, the easiest way to do this is by circling the outline of the finished sample. Toddlers especially like this method. After all, the little artist wants his animals to turn out like real ones. Working with stencils, in which you can use the outer or inner outline of the shape, will stimulate the children to be creative. In addition, the baby will immediately begin to perceive how the animal should look right, that the paws, for example, are not sticks, but a specific shape. Completing such tasks will help the child understand how to draw a sheep with a pencil, a cow, a pig - any animal on their own. Having learned how to work with stencils, the baby will easily move on to the next step.

how to draw a sheep with a pencil step by step
how to draw a sheep with a pencil step by step

How to draw a sheep step by step

First learn the principle of a professional approach. It consists of making a general shape, positioning the object correctly on the sheet, and then working out the details. So, the steps for creating an image will be as follows:

1. Outline the size of the animal with thin lines. In this example, a horizontal format would be better. As you can see, the body is made in the form of a rectangle, the head is a triangle, and the paws are like stripes.

2. You round simple geometric shapes, converting them into recognizable sheep contours.

how to draw a sheep step by step
how to draw a sheep step by step

3. Gradually draw all the details. Remove construction lines.

how to drawsheep with a pencil
how to drawsheep with a pencil

The resulting picture can be painted or hatched with a pencil.

Transfer of wool texture

If you want to get a realistic image, you should think not only about how to draw a sheep linearly, but also to do, for example, a tonal study. The most important thing here is to naturally and naturally show the numerous curls of a soft lamb coat. The texture in the form of wavy lines is best suited. They can be either separate elements or cover the animal's body like a continuous "web". Don't forget that this curly cloud also has light and shadow.

how to draw a sheep for kids
how to draw a sheep for kids

It is interesting to make a sheep in color. You can give the child the opportunity to dream up and be creative in coloring the picture. It is interesting to try to convey the texture of wool with a bristle brush, trying to move your hand in a spiral. So you can get a lot of small curls. Another option is to stick a piece of cotton wool soaked in paint, or use the spray method, when small colored droplets are sprayed through a comb with a brush. You can even use the application method of curls of colored paper, threads. The child will be happy to make a relief from bright plasticine. So there are a lot of opportunities for creative activities with the baby.

How to draw a sheep with a pencil step by step

Another example shows a completely different approach to creating an image. The body of the animal, as it were, is made up of individual parts, by gradually adding them. Workthis method is convenient for beginners using an auxiliary grid. It allows you to get a proportional image. When building by eye, it may turn out that your legs or tail will not fit on the sheet if you initially make other parts too large. It is better to immediately evaluate the entire object and roughly determine the ratio of elements. How to draw a sheep in this way, see below. The work consists of the following steps:

1. Outline the head with ears.

how to draw a sheep step by step
how to draw a sheep step by step

2. Detail the muzzle, add the torso.

how to draw a sheep with a pencil
how to draw a sheep with a pencil

3. Draw the nose, start to make the texture of the fur.

how to draw a sheep step by step
how to draw a sheep step by step

4. Outline the tail and both pairs of paws.

how to draw a sheep with a pencil
how to draw a sheep with a pencil

5. Finishing fur and paws.

how to draw a sheep with a pencil
how to draw a sheep with a pencil

6. Completing the image.

how to draw a sheep step by step
how to draw a sheep step by step

Picture for preschoolers

If you are looking for information on how to draw a sheep for young children, then you can take a simple sample, mentally decompose it into parts, as in the previous examples, and explain to the baby the workflow. This option is perfect as a coloring book.

how to draw a sheep with a pencil
how to draw a sheep with a pencil

Funny faces

Very often it is required to depict the animal not entirely, but, for example, only the head. This can greatly simplify the task. Invite your child to show on a piece of paper an animal that looks out of a window or behind a fence. In this case, you do not need to make complex constructions, it is enough to draw just a few lines. If a child asks how to draw a muzzle of a sheep, it is easy to explain to him with ready-made examples.

The first sample shows a simplified but more realistic image than the others. It is very easy to make it. Draw a vertical axis of symmetry. Focusing on it, on the left and right equally draw the shape of the head, ears, circles of eyes and pupils, curls of the nostrils, ears. From above add a "light cloud" bangs lamb. Such a simple shape can even be used as a stencil.

how to draw a sheep face
how to draw a sheep face

The second sample looks more cartoony, but still quite acceptable. It's easy to do. To simplify the construction, mark the vertical axis of symmetry. Draw an auxiliary circle or ellipse. Draw a stylized hairstyle. At an equal distance from the center line, make ears, eyes and a simplified lower part of the muzzle.

how to draw a sheep face
how to draw a sheep face

The third option is done in the same way easily and quickly. The child will be able to independently make any of his choice.

how to draw a sheep face
how to draw a sheep face

So, you have learned how to draw a sheep with a pencil step by step. Using the ready-made step-by-step instructions, you can easily do this. The sequence of actions will be the same when creating a realistic and simplified version, as well as separately the muzzle of an animal. The creative process will definitely bring pleasure to both you and your baby.
