Biography of Nikolai Rybnikov - the great Soviet actor

Biography of Nikolai Rybnikov - the great Soviet actor
Biography of Nikolai Rybnikov - the great Soviet actor

Despite the fact that today new films, both Russian and foreign, are released almost every day, many of us still prefer films from the old Soviet cinema.

biography of Nikolai Rybnikov
biography of Nikolai Rybnikov

One of the most talented and beloved actors of that time was Nikolai Rybnikov, whose biography will be of interest to many. Not possessing classical beauty, but being very charming and talented, he won the hearts of millions of Soviet citizens, and especially girls. The most famous films with his participation were "Spring on Zarechnaya Street", "Girls", "Height", "Girl with No Address".

Actor Nikolai Rybnikov. Biography

Rybnikov was born in 1930 in a city called Borisoglebsk. His parents were ordinary people: his father worked as a locksmith, and his mother spent all day doing housework. In addition to Nikolai, there was another child in the family - Vyacheslav, his brother.

The family was very friendly, but the war broke their happiness. One day a letter came from the front stating that their father had died. Mother soon also died, unable to bear the grief.

nikolai rybnikov biography
nikolai rybnikov biography

The biography of Nikolai Rybnikov in childhood is rather sad, because in his teens he was left an orphan. However, he found the strength to achieve his goals in life, as well as help his brother.

Even during the war, Nikolai, Vyacheslav and their mother moved to Stalingrad to live with their aunt. In the same place, the young man graduated from school, in which his acting abilities first began to appear. After that, he studied at the medical institute. In parallel with this, the young man was an actor in the auxiliary staff of the Stalingrad Drama Theater.

Soon, however, the biography of Nikolai Rybnikov changes dramatically: realizing that medicine is not his calling, he decides to enter the actor in Moscow. So, in 1948 he successfully passed the exams and became a student at VGIK. Simultaneously with his studies, Rybnikov played in performances. From the first days of the first year, he realized that his vocation was to be an actor. Even then, he brilliantly played a variety of roles. He was magnificent in the image of Khlestakov, and Julien Sorel, and Benckendorff.

Despite this, when the actor graduated from the institute, he was offered very few dramatic roles in the cinema. The biography of Nikolai Rybnikov and his filmography help to trace that the vast majority of his characters are simple workers. Builders, foremen and ordinary workers at the plant - this was his role.

actor nikolai rybnikov biography
actor nikolai rybnikov biography

Nikolai Rybnikov has always had a good sense of humor. This quality of his manifested itself during his studies at the institute. Even then, he was expelled from the Komsomol after onetoo "daring" (according to management) jokes. Rybnikov on the radio announced a decrease in retail prices for products, skillfully forging his voice under the voice of the announcer. But he was quickly exposed, and for quite a long time he was in a special account with his superiors.

The biography of Nikolai Rybnikov was not without a wonderful romantic story. As a student, he fell in love with his classmate Alla Larionova. At that time, she had a boyfriend, but in 1957 they met again and very soon formalized their relationship.

Rybnikov and Larionov lived together for 33 years. Surely this period would have been much longer if the Honored Artist of the RSFSR had not died of a heart attack in 1990.

Nikolai Rybnikov was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.
