How to make mandalas for coloring?

How to make mandalas for coloring?
How to make mandalas for coloring?

Today, psychologists have various techniques for relaxation and getting rid of stress and depression. Among them, elements taken from Eastern traditions such as meditation, reading mantras, qi gymnastics and others have recently become popular. You can also use mandalas for coloring, according to scientists, doing with such patterns has a beneficial effect on the human psyche, strengthens the nervous system and allows you to get rid of a negative mood.

What is a mandala?

mandalas for coloring
mandalas for coloring

This element is a circle (which means the word "mandala" in Hindi), it is used as a ritual object during meditation according to Buddhist traditions. The sacred symbol denotes the place where higher beings live - the gods, in other words, it is a kind of map of the universe. Also, similar patterns can be found among the American Indians.

Mandalas (both ordinary paints and special compositions can be used to color these objects for ritual purposes) are depicted mainly with the help of such geometric figures as an inscribed circle, square and triangle. The inner circle can be made in the form of a lotus flower.

Such samples can be flat and voluminous (embossed) from various materials and performed in a variety of ways. It can be embroidery on fabric, drawing on stone or sand, engraving on walls, a combination of colored powders, carving in wood, soap or hard oil, and paper mandalas have also recently become popular.

Magical properties of the mandala

mandala coloring book
mandala coloring book

These symbols have the ability to concentrate energy, so they are used as talismans and elements for the fulfillment of desires. When creating a mandala for coloring, you can be guided by the following concepts:

  • Circle - embodies the meaning of security, integrity and orderliness.
  • Triangle - with the top directed upwards, it symbolizes courage, courage, activity, otherwise it means the desire for destruction.
  • Square - means stability, reasonableness and materialization of ideas.
  • Spiral - in the right direction means creation, in the opposite direction - destruction.
  • Star - confidence, freedom and spirituality.

How to make a mandala with your own hands?


Drawing a mandala is a creative process in which you can identify internal psychological problems, experiences and the like. Also, at the same time, you can find answers to the questions posed or concentrate your desire in the scheme. In order to complete the scheme for coloring your mandala, which contains the hidden meaning of any ideas, you can use tools such as a compass, a piece of paper, a pencil, a ruler and paints. In this case, you can follow this order of actions:

  1. Mark a circle on the sheet with a compass.
  2. Sketch the internal contents with a simple pencil. This will be the main meaning, idea, desire, which must be executed on paper impromptu, spontaneously. It is better to close your eyes before this and think about the secret that you would like to receive or translate into reality.
  3. In the process of drawing, you can take into account the above points. Also, the mandala has a center, relative to which symmetrical elements are applied.
  4. Come up with a name for the symbolic drawing, it should express what was hidden.
  5. The finished sample can be carried with you, put under the pillow and so on. After the fulfillment of the desire, you must thank the Almighty.

Mandala coloring has become very popular, it is released as a book for meditation, and just as a training manual for drawing. It is noted that when using such funds, memory improves, nervousness disappears, and creativity opens up.
