"Live and remember": a summary of the story by V. Rasputin

"Live and remember": a summary of the story by V. Rasputin
"Live and remember": a summary of the story by V. Rasputin

In most works of art, the title plays a decisive role. In Rasputin's story "Live and Remember", the summary of which is unable to fully reflect its essence, the title should be regarded as an eternal lesson that should be remembered forever by the person who received it. The action of the story develops in 1945 in a small village called Atamanovka.


Despite such an ambiguous name, the villagers have long led a quiet and measured lifestyle. But everything changed on the day when the Great Patriotic War came to the village. The main theme of the work is the death of people fighting for their own future, for their families and friends. In the story "Live and Remember" a brief description of the inhabitants of Atamanovka deserves special attention.

In Atamanovka, the central event of the story takes place - the betrayal committed by Andrei Guskov. As soon as the war began, he, along with his fellow villagers, went to fight for his homeland. Throughout the Great Patriotic WarAndrei was repeatedly wounded and received several contusions. In the end, he simply broke down when he heard, after another injury and waiting for a vacation, the verdict - "to the front." Andrei decided to run away home. He justifies himself by the fatigue that has accumulated over the three years of participation in the battles. The work "Live and Remember", a summary of which allows you to get complete information about its heroes, tells in detail about what fate awaits the hero.


The story does not have any detective plot, it has a relatively small number of characters, but all this helps to strengthen the psychological load of the work. The author creates the image of the main character, who has an average development, both mental and spiritual. Guskov is a good performer who went to war with the goal of winning as soon as possible and returning home to his parents and his Nastya. The story "Live and Remember" is part of the cycle of stories dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, and therefore it is definitely worth reading.

However, fate did not allow him to return home, all the time there were some reasons for this, and in the end Andrei broke down, simply tired of waiting for his return. As a result, he decides to go against the system and automatically becomes a criminal. Previously, he did not admit that he could become a deserter, but the desire to see his loved ones, to find out what happened to them, overpowered just at the moment when he did not receive a long-awaited vacation. N. Rasputin's story "Live and Remember", a summary of which is presented in this article,gives the reader the opportunity to imagine themselves in the place of Andrey.

As soon as Guskov arrived home, he immediately realized how low and disgusting his act was. It dawned on Andrei that he had acted horribly and now he would be forced to constantly hide from the whole world. However, all his actions, his desertion did not lead to anything - Andrei dies.


The main tragedy of the work is that not only the main character dies, but also his pregnant wife. Nastena is a woman who is able to make any sacrifice in order for her loved one to return home safe and sound. She is an innocent victim who is ready to take the blame for her husband's mistake on herself, loving him desperately.

In the end, Nastena gets tired of living away from everyone and starts to go crazy, it seems to her that everything around her is not real, that she invented all this. The author did not describe the death of a woman, replacing it with figurative metaphors, which are quite enough to understand what happened.

The magnificent work "Live and Remember" is still being studied in schools, a summary of which will always help the reader to keep abreast of the matter. In 2008, based on the book by V. Rasputin, director Alexander Proshkin made a film of the same name, frames from which are used to illustrate the article.
