Pushkin's sayings about friendship, love, life, creativity

Pushkin's sayings about friendship, love, life, creativity
Pushkin's sayings about friendship, love, life, creativity

Pushkin's statements are very important for understanding the development of not only fiction, but also the socio-political thought of the era under consideration. His remarks and observations in the most concentrated form conveyed the content of the main ideas of his contemporary time. He, like no one else, was able to express the mood of the thinking part of the intelligentsia of his time.

About friendship

Pushkin's statements are devoted to the most diverse topics that he raised in his work. Now, probably, every schoolchild knows how much importance the poet attached to friendship. One of his most touching poems on this topic was dedicated to the opening day of the lyceum, which he graduated with many of his friends. It is in this work that the famous phrase sounds: “My friends, our union is beautiful!” The author attached great importance to the preservation of friendly relations throughout life. Often he turned to specific individuals, whose friendship he especially valued.

Pushkin's sayings
Pushkin's sayings

Pushkin's statements are amazingly touching and heartfelt, they are warmed by a warm feeling of affection and respect. For example, he addresses Pushchin with such simple but deep words: “My firstfriend, my priceless friend!” It is not surprising that poems on this topic are necessarily studied at school.

About love

Pushkin's statements are still relevant, some of them even went into quotes. This is especially true for love topics. Some of his poems are so beautiful and melodic that they have even been set to music, and phrases have become part of everyday life. For example, in his famous novel in verse, the following phrase sounds: “All ages are submissive to love.” These words in our time can be found both in publications and in ordinary colloquial speech: this observation of the poet turned out to be so apt and witty.


Some of Pushkin's statements about love, on the contrary, are very touching and romantic, for example, the phrase "I loved you" sounds sad, reminiscent of a past strong feeling. In general, sentimental lyrics acquired a very peculiar shade in the poet's work: he bows to his beloved, but at the same time he often makes humorous remarks, such as: “The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us.”

Pushkin's sayings about love
Pushkin's sayings about love

This shows that the author very sensitively felt all the shades of manifestation of a feeling of affection between a man and a woman. Pushkin's statements about love for a woman are distinguished by romantic nobility, subtle irony, and joy from the realization of reciprocity. The phrase "Spring, spring, it's time for love!" indicates that the poet perceived love as something bright and spiritualized in a person's life.

About life

Prettyoften the poet in his poems spoke on the philosophical topics of life and death, summing up the results of creativity. He analyzed the past years and constantly held the idea that he had experienced and changed a lot. "I survived my desires" is a phrase that emphasizes the change in his outlook.

Pushkin's sayings about love for a woman
Pushkin's sayings about love for a woman

The poet talked about the bygone youth and admitted with subtle, bright sadness that this time had passed for him. There is no annoyance or despair in these lines, but a simple recognition that "there is no return to dreams and years." In poems on this topic, the poet almost always conveys the idea of the importance of his work not only for fiction, but also for people's lives in general.

About prose and poetry

In conclusion, it should be indicated how the poet treated the language. It must be remembered that he is considered to be the founder of the modern Russian language, therefore Pushkin's statements about literature are especially important for understanding his work. He highly appreciated the richness of vocabulary and emphasized it in every possible way.

Pushkin's statements about literature
Pushkin's statements about literature

In his opinion, the native language was unusually flexible, expressive, and therefore it can be used to express any thoughts. This is evidenced by the following phrase: "As the material of literature, the Slavic-Russian language has an undeniable superiority over all European ones." So, Pushkin in his works touched upon all the most important aspects of culture, human relations. His remarks on certain issues are deeply philosophical and at the same time simple, whichmakes them relevant in our time.
