"Hotel Babylon" - series for easy viewing

"Hotel Babylon" - series for easy viewing
"Hotel Babylon" - series for easy viewing

Video: "Hotel Babylon" - series for easy viewing

Video: Евгений Леонов "О пользе алкоголя" --- Yevgeny Leonov "the benefits of alcohol" 2024, June

The British series "Hotel Babylon" has long won unconditional success among viewers around the world. He first appeared on screens in 2006. Four seasons of the film were released in four years. Isn't this an indicator of popularity?

The series is based on the book by Imogen Edwards-Jones with the same title. "Hotel Babylon" - a film about the life and work of employees of one of the best hotels in London. In 2006, the first season of the series was released in the UK. But in Russia, the premiere took place only in 2009 as part of the City Slickers project.

Babylon Hotel
Babylon Hotel

At the center of the action is Rebecca, the hotel manager, and her assistant, Charlie. She cares only that the reputation of the hotel does not suffer. All her aspirations and efforts are aimed at ensuring that not a single star turns gloomy. Employee Tony always makes sure that customers have everything at hand. Its mission is to provide top-notch customer service. And he is trying with all his being to please the residents of the hotel. He can bring tickets to the match, order lunch, help with the pastime. Also, the viewer gets acquainted with the receptionist Anna. Here she is, on the contrary, trying to harm Charlie's work. The film is infused with comicatmosphere. Whenever the bartender, elevator operator, and other workers come into view, something humorous or farcical happens.

Hotel Babylon season 5
Hotel Babylon season 5

Hotel "Babylon" is always full of guests and lodgers. Workers now and then try to extract as much money from them as possible. And now turned up a good chance to earn. A well-known rock band in the country decided to settle in "Babylon", but it was not there - there were no places. Employees decide to go on an adventure. The hotel turns off the lights and then releases a few mice. As a result, the guests scatter in fear, but the whole floor remains for the rock band.

Viewers of the film have a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a luxurious expensive hotel. From the very first minutes it becomes clear that everyone here is ruled by money. Adventures, the desire to appear better, to please and at the same time pull out more money - that's what employees do.

It should be noted that the film was shot specifically for the BBC channel. It was produced by an independent television company. Directed by Andy Hay, Sam Miller, Iain B. McDonald.

Fans of the series now and then leave reviews and vigorously discuss what is happening in the film. Many note that the first seasons were more successful. The reasons are called different. Some say that from season to season the series becomes more and more pretentious and therefore approaches a comedic farce. Others explain the failure of recent seasons by the fact that the actors have changed. Be that as it may, there are those who still actively watch the series and enjoy what is happening. The main reasons for success are cited as follows:

- captivating storyline;

- dynamism;

- comedy;

- no murders, investigations, etc.

Hotel Babylon movie
Hotel Babylon movie

These are the advantages of "Hotel Babylon". Season 5 of the series has already appeared in the public domain and pleases its fans. By the way, film experts note that the basis of the plot will last for several more seasons. Well, time will tell whether this is true or not.
