Natalya Andreichenko: biography of the Soviet Mary Poppins

Natalya Andreichenko: biography of the Soviet Mary Poppins
Natalya Andreichenko: biography of the Soviet Mary Poppins
Andreichenko Natalya Eduardovna
Andreichenko Natalya Eduardovna

Many in childhood were fascinated by the movie "Mary Poppins, goodbye!". And, we can say that it was thanks to this picture that Russia learned about who Natalya Andreichenko was. The biography of the actress has dozens of roles in various films, but for every viewer she is, first of all, “Lady Perfection” - Mary Poppins. About what was the backstage life of the actress, read the article.

Natalya Andreichenko: biography. Childhood

The future honored artist was born in 1956, in the spring, on May 3rd. Her father was a worker at an aircraft factory, and her mother worked at the Ministry of Education.

At the age of five, the girl became interested in ballet after seeing a performance at the Sleeping Beauty Theatre. At the age of eight, she already acted as a choreographer and director at one of the school holidays. And in the third grade, the girl went to a music school and began to play the piano. Another hobby of the talented and energetic Natalia wasswimming. But she was not going to big sport - she was afraid that her hands would lose grace and become the same as those of professional swimmers.

The decision that she would become an actress, Natalya made in the tenth grade, when the documents for admission to the Faculty of Philology at Moscow State University were already collected.

Actress Natalia Andreichenko

actress natalia andreychenko biography
actress natalia andreychenko biography

Her biography contains information that the actress first tried to enter the Shchepkin acting school, but to no avail. However, she did not give up and went to VGIK. There she was immediately accepted, and already in her second year she played her first role in her life. It was the film "From Dawn to Dawn". By 1977, there were already five roles in her acting arsenal. But her first success was brought by participation in the film "Siberiada" in 1978. There she played the role of the Siberian beauty Solomina Nastya, who, according to Andreichenko herself, became one of her most successful roles. After the filming of this film, Natalya was included in the list of Soviet actors who would go abroad. For her at that time it was tantamount to a State award. Andreichenko starred in several more average films, but even bit parts she succeeded brilliantly, she was always remembered by the viewer. The directors appreciated in the actress an amazing sensitivity to the camera, the so-called cinematic - she always had feelings and emotions in moderation.

Natalia Andreichenko. Biography: real success

natalia andreychenko with family
natalia andreychenko with family

The early eighties becamea turning point in the life of an actress. In 1983, the most popular films were shot with her participation in the title role - "Mary Poppins, goodbye!" and "Military field novel". In 1984, in Spain, at the International Film Festival for the best female role, it was Natalia Andreichenko who received the prize.

The biography of the actress, of course, is rich in other roles in lesser-known, but no less interesting films.

Actress's personal life

The first husband of Natalia Andreichenko is the Soviet composer Maxim Dunayevsky. But Natalya broke up with him in 1986, because she fell in love with the American director Maximilian Schell, who came to the USSR at that time to shoot a movie about Peter the Great. For five years, she and Shell lived in Russia, and then moved to the United States, where they spent another eleven years of living together. From the first marriage, the actress has a son, Mitya, from the second, a daughter, Nastya.

natalia andreychenko biography
natalia andreychenko biography

Return to Russia

In the US, Andreichenko was never able to realize herself as an actress. She starred in several films, but they did not bring her the popularity that she had here. In 1999, Andreichenko Natalya Eduardovna returned to Russia with her son. The daughter stayed in America with her father. They are still married to Shell, rarely see each other, but they say that this only strengthens their love. Now the actress is acting in films and along the way is trying to realize herself in politics.
