Anatoly Protopopov: short biography, book "Treatise on Love" and other works

Anatoly Protopopov: short biography, book "Treatise on Love" and other works
Anatoly Protopopov: short biography, book "Treatise on Love" and other works

There are few writers in the world who deal with the topic of relations between a man and a woman. One of these is Anatoly Protopopov. This man wrote a scandalous book called A Treatise on Love. In this work, he fully spoke about how people begin relationships with each other.

At a Glance

Propotopov Anatoly writer
Propotopov Anatoly writer

The public knows that this person is engaged in ethology - the science of the collective behavior of animals. Anatoly Protopopov also often participates in anonymous discussions on the Internet. Often, users will recognize him by references to the book "A Treatise on Love." He wrote this piece in 2002. He put a lot of effort into this. The audience is ambivalent about it. Some people love it and some people hate it.

Book "Treatise on Love"

Treatise on love
Treatise on love

This work is popular in narrow circles. However, the author himself often promotes it on the Internet and at various scientific exhibitions. In this book, AnatolyProtopopov fully explains the sexual instincts of man. He touched on a taboo topic in Russian society, which earned him some notoriety.

In the work, the author claims that a person is not much different from an animal. The personality of a person is formed not only by the environment and upbringing, but also by ancient instincts. The book deals in detail with the animal desires of both women and men, as well as the relationship between the sexes. Reading a book can help people who don't understand the feelings that come with falling in love. We have been dealing with these feelings almost throughout our lives. Key concepts from the book:

  • Men are inherently polygamous.
  • Women choose the best partner who occupies the highest position in society. This can manifest itself in the amount of money or recognition.
  • Most interesting men can be dangerous for a woman. Males who like females are self-centered and not prone to empathy.
  • Appearance is very important for a person.

The author also touches on the topic of human ranks. There are people who are more subject to instincts, and some are less. The latter in modern society are more suitable for life. The former are engaged in robbery and banditry.

Other works

Protopopov Anatoly
Protopopov Anatoly

Often this author devotes scientific articles to some topic. One of his most popular publications is The School Hierarchy. In it, he analyzes the society of children in educational institutions. Protopopov also has a book "Size asmirror of the hierarchy." In it, he deals with the upbringing of the modern man.
