Charming Russian autumn. Russian artists about this season

Charming Russian autumn. Russian artists about this season
Charming Russian autumn. Russian artists about this season

Do you like Russian autumn? Russian artists, poets and musicians have invested in their works warmth and love for this fertile, but fleeting season. Along with the first fogs and the cries of cranes, a dazzling riot of colors suddenly breaks into the monotonous flat landscape. The richest color palette is hard to convey in words. And how to reflect on the canvas this play of highlights on the gold of birches and aspens, the coolness of the morning, the crunch of the first frost or the aching cry of birds flying south? And yet they succeeded.

Russian autumn Russian artists
Russian autumn Russian artists

Almost Summer

Knew what is the early Russian autumn, Russian artists. They were able to accurately convey the atmosphere of Indian summer in Central Russia. During the day it is still very warm, but the evenings and mornings are refreshing. The air is as if crystal, and a thin cobweb floats in it against the background of flaming mountain ash. Especially indicative is “Autumn. Veranda” by S. Yu. Zhukovsky. The canvas was written in 1911. The artist managed to convey that elusive moment when summer is leaving, and the frosty air of the approaching evening fills the open veranda. But this time is also generous, which is clear from the painting by A. M. Gerasimov “Gifts of Autumn”. The still life is simple and uncomplicated: apples on a plate, two sunflowers and a vase with rowan clusters. The berries shine like rubies and cast a reddish glow all around.

An ocher reflection of withering…

Golden Russian autumn… Russian artists, like no one else, were able to depict this most beautiful season of the year. The forest turns into a box painted with gold leaf, but at the same time, one feels something poignant, decadent in this fading beauty. Only Russian people, following Pushkin, can see the charm of the eyes in this "dreary time". The motif of golden autumn is present in many artists. These beautiful moments are so fleeting that you just want to hold them - at least on the canvas.

Autumn in the paintings of Russian artists
Autumn in the paintings of Russian artists

Levitan and golden Russian autumn

Russian artists, even if they did not belong to the glorious cohort of the Impressionists, were able to convey the mood of the quivering, touching and at the same time amazing nature of October. I. I. Levitan devoted especially many canvases to this fleeting season. His most famous painting is called “Golden Autumn”. Looking at her, the viewer seems to plunge into the warmth and freshness of a fine September day. The road leads into the forest and seems to beckonyourself. “Autumn Day in Sokolniki” is another painting by the artist that perfectly conveys the mood of this season.

Autumn in the painting of Russian artists
Autumn in the painting of Russian artists

Late autumn in the paintings of Russian artists

This really dull time is also masterfully conveyed by many painters. Firstly, the singer of golden autumn Levitan did not shy away from this topic. His canvas “Road in the Village” depicts impenetrable mud, in which steps and cart wheels get stuck. Bare aspen trees joylessly and forlornly tremble in the wind, and the sky is all overcast with lead clouds. I. I. Brodsky in his painting “Summer Garden in Autumn” tries to find a kind of comfort in the deserted alleys and thin, as if melting in the air, the outlines of the gazebo. The mood of lostness and orphanhood in the face of impending cold weather also shines through in A. Savrasov's painting "Evening". As you can see, autumn is firmly rooted in the painting of Russian artists. Because such anguish and hopelessness is somewhat in tune with the soul of our people.
