The breed of Garfield's cat. Myth or reality?

The breed of Garfield's cat. Myth or reality?
The breed of Garfield's cat. Myth or reality?

Cat Garfield, despite his terrible character, is one of the most beloved pets by the audience. Many who decide to get a cat look for the Garfield breed in all shelters and on all sites with ads. So how did everyone's favorite cartoon character appear, what breed of cat from the movie "Garfield" and does such a breed even exist? We will try our best to answer this question in our article.

Garfield from comics and cartoons

Garfield is one of the most beloved characters in children's comics. It was created by artist Jim Davis in 1978. He was named that way in honor of the grandfather-creator of the beloved hero. The first cartoon with the participation of this character appeared back in 1982, and for 13 years it was voiced by the same actor - Lorenzo Music.

Since 2004, the famous Hollywood actor Bill Murray took up the voice acting of Garfield. It is his voice that sounds in films and animated series about an obnoxious cat.

But in the animated feature films released a little later, the obnoxious cat speaks in the voice of Hollywood's most successful actor, Frank Welker.

Garfield's personality

Cat Garfield
Cat Garfield

Garfield is the prototype of the most ordinary lazy person with a terrible character. The red color of the coat was also chosen not by chance. According to the creators, it is this color that characterizes the difficult temperament of the owner.

Garfield doesn't want to move much, hates Mondays and loves to get promotions and gifts. His favorite dish is lasagna. And most of all, he hates raisins, because, in his personal opinion, they cause allergy attacks. Vegetables for Garfield are also terrible and tasteless.

It's worth noting that Garfield's mood is constantly changing. There are times when he prefers not to get angry at the world around him and lies lazily on the couch. However, there come days when everything that falls under the paw of this unbearable cat shatters into pieces. In one episode, he has a friend, a dog named Odie. It is this unfortunate dog who suffers most from Garfield's behavior: either he saves him, or he mercilessly mocks him.

Garfield thinks eating mice is disgusting. Therefore, he prefers to make friends with them.

Garfield cat breed

exotic cat
exotic cat

There are many opinions about what breed the character of comics and cartoons became the prototype of. The most common is the assumption that the breed of the cat from the movie "Garfield" is exotic.

This breed was bred about sixty years ago, for this the American Shorthair and Persian species were crossed. Despite the fact that exotics are very different in temperament from their cartoon prototype,their external signs are identical. For example, exotics have short hair, full paws and a muzzle like a bear. They have large eyes and a massive build. These animals can weigh from 7 to 15 kilograms and live next to the owner for 15 years.

Garfield cats are actually very friendly and unobtrusive. They like to wallow and move rather slowly. They can have a completely different color: gray, red, white, mixed. It is possible that they are also very fond of lasagna and hate vegetables.

A little more about the breed

Cat Garfield
Cat Garfield

Garfield the Cat is a fictional character. He is the result of the imagination of an artist who once created a beloved fat ginger pet. Therefore, it is absolutely possible that such a breed as Garfield's cat simply does not exist. However, do not despair. You can raise your Garfield from absolutely any breed of cat that has short red hair and a frantic appetite. It is likely that after 2-3 years you will get an impudent red cat that will weigh about 15 kilograms and hate all kinds of movement. To do this, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive exotics.
