Humoresque is a humorous miniature in literary or musical form

Humoresque is a humorous miniature in literary or musical form
Humoresque is a humorous miniature in literary or musical form

Verbal and musical languages are closely intertwined, carry intellectual and emotional information. Literature and music allow us to perceive the world as a whole. They reflect reality, expressing human feelings in their own way, and their integration helps to develop aesthetic perception more deeply. There are concepts common to all genres of creativity, humoresque is one of them.

Generalized meaning and definition of the word

Humoreske from humor - humor, a passing joke, a word of German origin. Humoresque is a narrative, small in volume, playful interlude, in prose or poetic form. In fact, a mocking anecdote containing notes of pathos, often in a grotesque form. Basic Values:

  • fun piece of music;
  • a play in rhyme with a playful character;
  • small musical comic or literary work;
  • a little piece written to make the reader laugh;
  • ridiculous sketch;
  • funny scene;
  • joking note;
  • humorous opus.


The origin story begins in literature. Humoresque is a small work of art imbued with humorous and sometimes satirical content. During the Renaissance, Western European humoresque in literature included popular urban genres:

  • fablio;
  • facetia;
  • schwank.

In modern times, urban folklore adds notes of an anecdote to it, which has grotesque, extremely sharp features. For the first time in our country, humoresque appeared in the 17th century. She gains popularity in prose, poetry. Officials, representatives of the upper strata of society, the military, rich people become typical objects of satirical ridicule. Usually, the embedded semantic load is manifested in a comic description of scenes from life. Among prose writers specializing in humoresques were: Teffi, M. Zoshchenko, A. P. Chekhov, I. F. Gorbunov, A. Averchenko.

Humoresque "Thick and thin"
Humoresque "Thick and thin"

As an independent genre, playful sideshow does not have clear outlines. Humoresque, as a rule, does not have an acutely satirical content, and its roots go back to the traditional medieval fablios, schwank and facies. In modern folklore, the closest thing to humoresque is an anecdote.

Among the poets who worked in this genre, it is worth noting S. Polotsky, S. Cherny, D. Minaev, V. Mayakovsky.

Museum exhibit based on humoresques by M. Zoshchenko
Museum exhibit based on humoresques by M. Zoshchenko

In the art of music

Humoresque is a piece of music that is entirely humorous or contains sections in a humorous way. R. Schumann was the first in the art of music to use the name humoresque. In 1839, he applied the genre to his play, consisting of lyrical episodes, where a joke and a dream are successfully combined.

Composers of the 19th century used humoresque to designate light humorous pieces that exist as a separate composition or in a series of works combined into one whole. In most cases they were piano. The interpretation of E. Grieg looked different than that of Schumann. He believed that these were genre sketches reflecting the original features of folk music. In the works of A. Dvorak, on the contrary, the lyrical beginning was clearly manifested, in M. Reger - scherzo.

Humoresque in music
Humoresque in music

Humoresque in Russian music has noticeable scherzo-dance features. From it can be seen in P. I. Tchaikovsky (1872), S. V. Rachmaninov (1894). Among Soviet composers this tradition is continued by: L. N. Revutsky, R. K. Shchedrin, O. V. Taktakishvili and others.