Batman Workouts: Affleck, Bale and the Character in the Movie Exercises and Activities

Batman Workouts: Affleck, Bale and the Character in the Movie Exercises and Activities
Batman Workouts: Affleck, Bale and the Character in the Movie Exercises and Activities

In the movie about Batman, the protagonist trained not only on the screen, but also in real life. Ben Affleck had to live up to his movie look. To do this, he made a special training course. It is mainly aimed at increasing muscle mass. Before the movie, Ben was a simple man. Also, Christian Bale's Batman-style training, as he played in this movie.

Superhero Training

batman training
batman training

According to the plot of the work, the main character was constantly training. Batman resists evil, and for this you need to be in good physical shape. Since the enemy can be stronger and faster if you do not play sports. Batman workout includes:

  • Squats. The hero did 20 reps for ten sets.
  • Punches. The character did 40 swings per limb.
  • Lunges with a jump. The person does 10 reps.
  • Pushups. Did Batman 10 sets of 10 reps.
  • Leg raise. This exercise pumps the abdominal muscles. To do this, the character did 10 lifts of 10 sets.

According to the plot of the film, the hero went in for sports 3-4 times a week. Batman's training kept him in good physical shape. He did not use free weight exercises. The character improved his stamina.

Affleck and training for "Batman"

batman affleck training
batman affleck training

When the actor signed a contract with the creator of the work, his weight was 100 kilograms. Half the mass was muscle. Therefore, the task of the coaching staff was made easier. It was necessary to make sure that the muscle mass remained, and the fat was burned. In preparation for the film, Ben Affleck trained according to the following system:

  • The first day - pumping the pectoral muscles and triceps. The guy did the bench press with dumbbells. 3 sets of 6 reps. Reduction of hands with the help of "Butterfly. He did 3 sets of 6 reps. Classic bar exercises. Affleck did 2 sets of 6 reps. Reverse bench press-ups. Actor will perform 3 sets of 8 reps.
  • The second day was devoted to cardio training. "Batman" Ben Affleck ran for 40 minutes.
  • The third session worked out the muscles of the back and biceps. To do this, the actor did the pull of the upper block with 4 sets and six repetitions. They will also do the Yats deadlift for 3 sets of 6 reps. His workouts included barbell curls for three sets and six reps.
  • Fourth day - cardio.
  • Fifth workout - legs and deltoid muscles. The actor performed an army bench press with 4reps and 6 sets. He also lifted dumbbells to the sides. He did 3 sets of 6 times. The deadlift was done with 4 sets of 6 reps. In addition, he performed the plank to failure.

And also Affleck kept to a diet. Without proper nutrition, training for "Batman" would not allow you to lose weight. Ben worked hard for 6 months. By the time of filming, he had already found the perfect figure for his role.

Preparing Christian Bale for "Batman"

Christian Bale
Christian Bale

At the time of the screen test, his weight was 55 kg with a height of 190 cm. For six months, Bale needed to build muscle to fit the role. To do this, he carefully monitored his diet. His food was 2500 calories and 150 grams of protein. The guy managed to gain 30 kg in 6 months. Christian Bale's Batman Workout:

  • Cardio. The actor was constantly running, as he liked to drink beer. Cardio helped him deal with a hangover.
  • The first day he did a superset. It included classic pull-ups and cable pull as a warm-up. After that, the actor performed barbell pull-ups 4 sets of 10 times. Also in his program was the thrust of the neck to the chest. He did 4 sets of 10 reps.
  • The second Batman workout included sprinting and squatting.
  • The third session included raising arms, bench press, push-ups. He did all the exercises without a break.

Christian devoted the fourth day to rest. All other days of training, he repeated his program. This complex activates the work of allmuscles. That is why the actor managed to gain 30 kilograms in such a short period of time.


ben affleck batman workout
ben affleck batman workout

A set of exercises for actors was selected by experts. It was thanks to the knowledge of the coaches that Affleck and Bale managed to achieve their goals. However, they can also suit the common man. Since these programs use basic exercises that activate the work of all the muscles of the body.

Gym workouts alone can't build mass. To do this, you need to follow proper nutrition. To increase weight in six months, a person should eat 1 time in three hours. You should go to the gym almost every day. Only then will Batman's training be effective. Also, a person needs to consider their body type.
