Complementary colors give a variety of shades

Complementary colors give a variety of shades
Complementary colors give a variety of shades

Three primary colors - red, blue and yellow - are part of the color palette. Opposite or complementary colors give a variety of shades from their derivatives by mixing and coloring. Sometimes it is difficult to choose the outfit you like for the appearance. Given the age categories, type of face, as well as the structure of the figure, you can experiment with colors and choose the right tone for clothes. Each color type has its own palette, which can emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws. To do this, it is enough to know the basics of the correct combination.

In the circle of Itten

complimentary colors
complimentary colors

The theory of the "color wheel" makes it possible to imagine a palette of colors visible to our eyes. The Itten circle has an exhaustive palette. But as soon as it is narrowed down to 10 shades and separated by radii, complementary colors will be clearly visible. This theory is a good help for creative people. The design of clothes and interiors is done thanks to the whole system of the color wheel.

Basic combinations

There are many ways to combine colors. The following are considered priority:

complimentary color combination
complimentary color combination
  • Monochromatic. This is a game with one tone and its shades. Combining your style, the emphasis is on a dark and saturated subject, additional things, more muted colors, are already selected for it. A neutral tone will help dilute this look, and pastels will give lightness and femininity.
  • Triadic is the contrast on the three primary colors. Such a composition creates a bright and dynamic union. In the 70s, the emphasis of the fashion trend was based precisely on the main palette. They were part of the style choice. Such a characteristic mix made it possible to be fashionable and not at the same time be yourself.
  • Achromatic combination. Game of black, white and gray colors. This is a classic. This range is suitable for women of any age and with any figure. A black suit with a white shirt is always relevant. This set looks very progressive. Gray was not perceived for a long time and was considered boring. But in context, with the right tones, it looks different. The latest fashion trends welcome this color and its shades.
  • And the complementary combination of colors closes the list. It is based on total contrast.

The role of color in clothes

Complementary colors are the most difficult when choosing clothes, and at the same time the most spectacular. Each woman perceives and reacts to color in her own way. There is no certain tone that everyone likes without exception. Some people like saturated ones, others like calmer ones.

complimentary colors in clothes
complimentary colors in clothes

Red is the brightest and most provocative, able to inspireconfidence and excite the imagination. Wearing a red dress and complementing it with green sandals, you will be on top. In such an outfit, a woman will like herself, which means she will receive the approval of others.

Playing in contrast

Don't be afraid of contrasts. A complimentary combination of colors in clothes is always a win-win option. New stylistic images allow you to select a set, emphasizing it on the variation of shades. Complementary opponent colors of green and red, yellow and blue will attract the attention of others. Multi-colored fabrics will create a slightly daring and bold look. The main thing is not to overdo it. The shades of the fabric should be clearly balanced, and the texture of the items should be almost identical. Diversified fabric structure is also welcome in modern fashion, it is important to know its exact application in a particular set.

Stylists advise

Women who prefer pastels and warm colors in their wardrobe can make a contrast on one thing. Or choose related-complementary colors. These are more muted tones located next to the main ones. Additional shades complete with the main perfectly harmonize. If it seems that the image is rustic, it can be refreshed with an edgy bright scarf or other accessory that always catches the eye. Stylists base their fashion guidelines on many factors. For a complete combination, it is not enough to choose one main element of clothing. We must not forget about the small details, the choice of shoes. Consistency and integrity must be in everything.

Harmony of flowers

complementary opponent colors
complementary opponent colors

The choice of this or that color must be harmonious. Looking around, you will understand that nature itself prompts and directs you to the right decision. For example, watching flowers, you can see the complete harmony of nature. This will serve as a source of inspiration, and complementary colors in clothes will create an unforgettable set.

Black and white

Individual colors can harmonize with almost the entire color palette. Like white and black. They play an important role for the modern fashionista. These are the main components of her wardrobe. A business ensemble cannot do without this couple. Of course, you can diversify it and add a bright detail so as not to look too strict. Blue gives an unusual set paired with gray. It will be strict and at the same time soft due to the contrast. Focusing on the main gray detail, the second color fades into the background a bit. Muted contrast creates a good impression. Green and its shades are always held in high esteem. Things of this coloring always look stylish. The composition of green and dense blue is especially interesting. Combining the incongruous, the image looks quite correct and accordingly.

complimentary colors in clothes
complimentary colors in clothes

Combining bright colors in one set, do not be afraid to experiment. With the help of various trends, beat and complement the image. As a result of correctly selected combinations, a stylish, boring look will be provided to you. And most importantly - you will be unique in your outfit.
