Dumbledore's Army: description of the organization from the "Order of the Phoenix"

Dumbledore's Army: description of the organization from the "Order of the Phoenix"
Dumbledore's Army: description of the organization from the "Order of the Phoenix"

Dumbledore's Army is an organization in Juan Rolling's famous Harry Potter saga. As is often the case with world bestsellers, the squad has gained popularity in the real world as well. Many children and teenagers swept the icons and clothes of their favorite book characters from the shelves.

Dumbledore's Army: Order of the Phoenix book

At the end of the 4th part, the evil wizard Voldemort (translated by Rossman - Voldemort) was reborn. A terrible threat hung over Britain and the whole world. The return of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named causes a serious conflict between the leadership of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and the Ministry of Magic. Minister Fudge refuses to acknowledge the existence of the threat and believes that Headmaster Dumbledore is plotting to seize the ministerial chair.

Dumbledore's squad
Dumbledore's squad

Therefore, Cornelius sends his ward, Umbridge, to supervise Hogwarts. She fully shares the views of her boss. Upon arrival, she immediately begins to establish her own rules. She is ordered to teach the students the subject of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Umbridge believes that Dumbledore is going to create his own army of students. Therefore, it does not give students any practice in attacking and defensivespells.

Harry Potter and Dumbledore's squad

Harry Potter, who has seen with his own eyes the rebirth of the Dark Lord, believes that his comrades should learn to fight. And by Christmas, he comes to the decision to create a secret organization where anyone can learn how to protect themselves from the dark arts. For lack of other options, Harry himself acts as a teacher.

During the next sortie to the village of Hogsmeade, students from various faculties gather in one of the taverns. They were all called by Harry's friends. There, the Scarred Boy makes a speech about the need to start preparing for a big war and encourages those present to join Dumbledore's squad. Nearly everyone agrees. The last problem is the place for the fees. Umbridge forbade the creation of any organizations without her personal permission. And she certainly would not have allowed the hated Harry Potter to teach someone. And here the solution is found by Neville Longbottom. The ancient castle of Hogwarts holds many secrets. One of them is Help-room. This is a special place that opens the door only to those who really need it. The room itself takes exactly the form that a person needs.

Start training

When the students went inside, they saw a spacious hall with a lot of items to help learning. They choose "Dumbledore's Army" as the name of their group, because this is what Umbridge was afraid of, the director has nothing to do with the organization. So, Harry begins to teach students everything he knows.

Harry Potter and Dumbledore's Army
Harry Potter and Dumbledore's Army

Start with basic defensive enchantments and Disarm spells. The first problems arise when mastering the Patronus. For Harry, summoning the silver Dementor Protector was no problem. But it turned out that not all charms are given so easily. At this point, Potter's teaching abilities are manifested. Even the clumsy Neville was able to summon a Patronus. Dumbledore's squad sets Harry up with a girl named Zhou Chang. In a short time he falls in love. And on the eve of Christmas, their first kiss takes place. Drama in the situation is brought by the fact that Zhou used to be the girlfriend of Cedric Diggory, who was killed in front of Harry.

Squad breakup

In the second half of the year, Umbridge begins a real hunt. Dumbledore's squad is forced to use counterfeit coins for communication. Using various tricks, the disciples continue their meetings. But Umbridge manages to catch Zhou and pumps him up with the truth serum. Under the influence of the potion, the girl gives out all the secrets. This leads to a roundup and capture of the participants.

Dumbledore's army book
Dumbledore's army book

Dumbledore's squad ceases to exist.
