Sergey Umanov: the path to the viewer

Sergey Umanov: the path to the viewer
Sergey Umanov: the path to the viewer

In 1972, the future artist was born in Leningrad. As a child, Sergei did not differ from his peers and did not dream of becoming an artist, his dreams were rather prosaic. Without thinking about what to spend the money found on the street, he calmly bought chewing gum for everything. Or he could easily exchange the bonds he found at home with friends for plastic Indians that he collected. Sergey grew up as an ordinary teenager who was fond of sports, he played chess and boxing, cultivating a fighting character in himself.

The thorny path of the actor

After graduating from the eighth grade, Sergei Umanov went to study at a vocational school, deciding to become a cabinetmaker. He made rather refined and elegant furniture in the form of tables and stools, but the talent of the cabinetmaker was not destined to be revealed to the end. Sergei got into the drama circle, he was very interested in classes and took part in all the performances, which, rather, looked like short sketches from the Wick magazine. But this was too little to discover his talent, and Sergei, without hesitation, went to the studio "Saturday".

Sergey Umanov
Sergey Umanov

Road to the dream

Next stepthere was an attempt to enter the academy, but at Mokhovaya, at the entrance exams, one of the teachers, not hiding his indignation, spoke out against his singing. Sergei Umanov did not believe in his failure and the next year he entered Petrov's course. At the end of the academy, he receives an invitation to the children's theater, where he was offered to play only the role of a wolf for a long time - there was no prospect. Sergei did not dream of this fate, and in order to make his dream come true, he found another way out.

Different roles - different fates

Sergey Umanov (actor) worked in small theaters and studios, often changed teams, trying to find his way. In 1996, he entered the theater "Lyceum", the "School of Clowns", where he was listed not only as a student, but also as an actor. He was not only engaged in entreprise, but also took part in various performances by directors of the theater institute. Thanks to the Drama Theater of Lev Ehrenburg, he got the opportunity, with the help of his characters, not only to discover new talents in himself, but also to change his life.

Sergei Umanov actor
Sergei Umanov actor

Movie debut

Back in 1991, Sergei Umanov got the opportunity to play a small role in the film, and this was his debut. After that, for a long time he was not invited to film in the cinema for serious roles, there were only episodes in the series. His serious roles appeared in the 2000s, 2010 was especially successful. With his participation, six films were released at once. Having played the role of "Katya" (Hearse) in the series "Agency NLS", Sergey was especially fond of and rememberedviewers.

Do it all

Each hero played by Sergei has a special charm, mastery of acting gives great opportunities for reincarnation. Although the actor has played many roles in many films, his full potential has never been revealed. Both the actor himself and his admirers understand that his most important and best role has not yet been played and is waiting for him ahead. Sergey manages to dub cartoons for children and feature films. He writes excellent poems that shine with wit and sincerity, and in 2011 Sergey published his first book of poems, which he called "Felt Happiness".

Sergey Umanov personal life
Sergey Umanov personal life

Many admirers of his game believe that the acting abilities of a talented actor are not appreciated by directors. Professionalism, versatility and uniqueness allow him to play roles both in modern films and in classics, both ironic heroes and tragic ones. According to many, talent and Sergey Umanov are the same. The actor's personal life did not work out, and perhaps he hides it very well. But we can say with accuracy that Sergei has neither a wife nor children. He lives with his mother, who is engaged in housekeeping, and Sergei Umanov, as far as possible, tries to help her in everything.

Variety of looks

Sergei Umanov filmography
Sergei Umanov filmography

Sergey Umanov starred in many films. His filmography is quite impressive:

  • In 1999 "National Security Agent" comes out;
  • was filmed from 2001 to 2003in the series "NLS Agency";
  • in 2002, an episodic role in the series "Deadly Force-4";
  • 2003 - "Three Colors of Love";
  • in 2004 the films "Labyrinths of the Mind" and "Code of Honor" were released;
  • 2005 presented "Cop Wars-2";
  • in 2006 starred in the films "Illegal", "Crime and Weather", "Communication" and "Opera. Chronicles of the homicide department-2", "Collection";
  • in 2007 the films "Group "Zeta", "Cop Wars-3", "Friend or foe" were released;
  • in the same year - the feature film "Yar", "Mine-2. Gold Rush", "Gangster Petersburg-10. Retribution", "We'll get married. In a pinch, call", "Labyrinths of the mind-2";
  • 2008 - films "Prisoner", "Foundry, 4", "Two from the chest-2";
  • in 2009, films with his participation are released - "And one warrior in the field", "Love under the heading "Top Secret" -2", "Hairpins-2", "Gingerbread" and "I love you alone";
  • 2010 - picture "Retired-2" and series - "State Protection" and "Special Agent", "Marriage Contract", "Golden Trap", "Family Hearth";
  • in 2011 - "My dear man", "Two days", "Foundry" (Season 4), "Mayakovsky. Two days", "Special Agent-2", "Secretscorollary-9";
  • 2012 - films "Serving the Soviet Union", "Investigator", "Fog-2", series "Katerina-3: Family", "Katerina-4: Another Life", "Chief-2";
  • in 2013 - films "Dreams", "Hounds-5", "Sea Devils. Tornado", "Double Blues", "Third World War", "Courier from Paradise", "Probation";
  • 2014 - "Shaman-2", "Battalion", "Letters on glass", "Mentor";
  • 2015 gave "Leningrad-46", "Adult daughters", "Captain Zhuravleva", "Reverberation", "Suitcase".

As already mentioned, the actor's fans are sure that his best role is yet to come. We hope that Sergey Umanov will please us with his works more than once.
