Abstract drawing - how and with what can you draw it?

Abstract drawing - how and with what can you draw it?
Abstract drawing - how and with what can you draw it?
Abstract pencil drawings
Abstract pencil drawings

In order to realistically depict a complex still life or landscape on paper or canvas, you need to be able to draw. To make an elementary abstract drawing on the shoulder even for those who have never felt artistic talents in themselves. Don't believe? Take a sheet of paper and try to create some kind of composition using ordinary geometric shapes. Well, for example, such as in the picture on the right.

You can use a compass and a ruler for convenience. Well, how did it work? Congratulations, you've drawn your first abstract! As you can see, anyone can do abstract pencil drawings. It is unlikely that such a picture can claim the high title of a work of art, but the worst of trouble is the beginning!

What is abstraction and abstractionism?

Abstract drawing
Abstract drawing

In the beginning there was a word and the word it was - abstractio, which in Latin means distraction or removal. Abstractionist artists refuse a realistic depiction of the environmentpeace. Instead, they operate with various geometric shapes and color spots, trying to achieve harmony and evoke a vivid associative range in the audience.

The founder of abstractionism is considered to be the Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky. No less famous is another artist who is at the forefront of abstract painting - Kazimir Malevich. Probably everyone remembers his famous abstract drawing "Black Square". Great masters worked in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Another big name is Pablo Picasso, who left a whole gallery of wonderful pieces of abstract art.

How to draw an abstract painting?

Nothing can stop a person from drawing if he wants to. In order to create an abstract drawing or a full-fledged picture, you just need to give yourself the opportunity to be liberated and not be afraid of anything. Painting and drawing is an opportunity for self-expression. With the help of symbols, geometric shapes or color spots, you can express your mood, give vent to the subconscious.

You can start with simple lines, smooth or, conversely, angular - it all depends on your imagination. When the graphic drawing is finished, you can start filling it with color. There are no special rules here. Just turn off your mind and freely draw the way children do - with your soul.

Which paints and materials are suitable for abstract painting?

Abstract drawing can be done with any paint, pastel, wax crayons or colored pencils. For beginners, acrylic paints are very suitable - theybright and dry very quickly. Even if you make a mistake and you want to correct it, it is not difficult to do this with acrylic paints. In addition, they can write both on canvas and on paper.

You can choose any brushes, but bristle or core brushes are best suited for acrylic paints. You can use synthetic brushes. If you want to work only with color, then you can completely abandon the brushes and pick up a sponge or pieces of foam rubber. They are great for applying paint to wood, canvas or paper substrates.

How to draw an abstraction on a computer?

Another way to create original abstractions is to learn how to draw them on a computer. To do this, you can use the programs "Photoshop", "Illustrator" or CorelDraw. True, there will already have to spend a lot of effort in order to tame these monsters of computer graphics. There are special programs in which you can generate abstract fractal ornaments. Perhaps you will become a real digital artist and create beautiful abstract drawings of flowers - fractals.

Abstract drawings of flowers
Abstract drawings of flowers

Currently, there are a lot of good lessons on working in graphic editors on the Internet, so there are no obstacles in striving to master computer graphics.
