Am - a chord that everyone knows

Am - a chord that everyone knows
Am - a chord that everyone knows

It's hard to find a person who hasn't picked up a guitar at least once in his life. And among those who took it, it is generally impossible to find someone who would not see what the Am chord looks like.

It is with this chord that, as a rule, the training of a novice guitarist to play the instrument begins. Am is built like this: 1st fret of the 2nd string, 2nd fret of the 3rd string and 3rd fret of the 4th string. When you play all these frets at the same time, you can run your right hand over the strings and play the Am chord. It's easy.

am chord
am chord

Am - the chord is not only easy, but simply necessary for any, even the simplest harmony. If we consider the tablature of popular modern songs, then Am will appear in almost every one.

From the musical point, Am should be called "A minor", so if you hear such a phrase, then don't get lost, it's still the same chord.

The family of minor chords, in addition to Am, includes many other harmonies and seventh chords. Seventh chords on paper can be distinguished by the number 7 in the name.

For those who have a simple acoustic guitar at home, the Am chord can be a kind of finger stretch, because it can be played not only in the normal position, but also with a barre at high frets. Atbeginners, of course, nothing will work without long-term training. But the result, if you invest time and perseverance in the learning process, will be impressive.

Yes, it would be useful to remember that Am is a "criminal" chord, that is, with its help, as well as with Dm and E, you can play, under certain conditions, half of The Beatles' repertoire. Of course, you will have to forget about the original tonality, but your friends will be surprised.

guitar chord
guitar chord

By the way, we completely forgot about choosing a musical instrument. It's one thing if you need to accompany yourself at home or with friends. It will be completely different if you need to speak in public. If for the first case a classical guitar with nylon strings is perfect, the sound of which is quite quiet and rich, then for the second one you definitely need a guitar with a dreadnought body and a narrowed neck. Yes, it is much easier to play barre on "dreadnoughts", however, the simplest Am-chord, with which we started, can turn into absolutely unplayable here, since with a narrow neck the fingers will have to be placed differently, which will make constant control necessary. left hand.

Many, having learned that it is more difficult to play the "dreadnought", immediately quit classes and become bassists, however, this is a mistake, because the more difficult it is at the beginning, the easier it is later. Agree that getting additional acoustic guitar skills is much better from a perspective point of view.

am chord
am chord

Well, we are with youlearned that the Am chord is very easy to play and is popular with almost everyone. If you decide to learn how to play the classical acoustic guitar, you have the cards in your hands, because the result, in the end, depends only on you, or rather on your ability to learn and improve yourself. Owners of expensive guitars do not always become professionals. This quality comes only with time - first you need to at least learn how to play Am and learn the rest of the simple chords, and the technique, like experience, will come with time.
