2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
In October 2009, the Japanese series (anime) Fairy Tail was released on television. Since that time, the characters of this project have found fans all over the world who follow their adventures with bated breath and even compose their own fanfiction dedicated to their destinies. Let's look at the biography of one of the most popular heroines of Fairy Tail - Lucy Heartfilia. And also learn about her character and magical abilities.
The plot and characters of Fairy Tail
First of all, you should know what is told in the anime "The Tale of Fairy Tail". The action of the animated series takes place in a fictional world similar to the human Middle Ages. But unlike him, there are wizards and all sorts of magical beings in this universe.

Most people with supernatural powers unite in magic guilds. Members of these organizations help each other cope with various difficult life situations, and also give their wizards the opportunity to earn a living by performing various magical tasks.
As the name implies, in the center of allevents of the animated series is the magic guild "Fairy Tail". She differs from others not only in her friendliness, but also in the presence of very strong wizards in her ranks.
Although the number of members of Fairy Tail grows with each new story arc, there are magicians who are required to participate in all events.
- Dragon slayer Natsu Dragneel. Despite the fact that he is one of the most powerful sorcerers, he often behaves like a teenager. However, in a difficult situation, he is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of others.
- Magical creature of the cat family - Happy. Outwardly, he looks like a blue talking cat. This kid is Natsu's true friend, accompanying him in all his troubles.
- Demon slayer and icebender Gray Fullbuster. Due to the peculiarities of his charms, he prefers to go naked, for which he constantly receives scolding from other members of the guild.
- Erza Scarlet - possesses armor magic. She is one of the most powerful sorceresses. She has to constantly keep an eye on Gray and Natsu and give them a thrashing when necessary.
- Sky Dragon Slayer Wendy Marvell. She transferred to Fairy Tail from the Cat House.
- Charlie is Happy's cousin. However, unlike him, Charlie is white and female. She can be considered Wendy's pet.
All of the above members of the Fairy Tail Guild belong to Team Natsu. It is they who, as a rule, find themselves at the center of any adventure in anime. However, in addition to these heroes, this team has one more member. Who is she? Let's find out.
Lucy Heartfilia(Serdabolia)
The seventh member of Team Natsu is a magical girl named Lucy. It is with her appearance in the guild that the animated series begins.

It is worth noting that in the original this heroine's name is Rūshi Hātofiria (Rushi Hatofiriya). However, Russian translators adapted her name to a more familiar rumor - Lucy Heartfilia. It is worth noting that this character sometimes appears with the surname Serdaboliya.
Fun facts about the heroine
Before looking into the description of Lucy Heartfilia in more detail, it is worth knowing a few interesting nuances about her.

- Serdabolia is one of the three most popular anime characters in Japan.
- Interpretation of the name in the anime (from Rushy to Lucy) is made in honor of the Beatles song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.
- Lucy Heartfilia's favorite colors are blue and pink, which is easy to guess from looking at her outfits.
- When not saving the world, this girl loves to read, cook or go shopping. Her cherished dream is to write her own novel about the adventures of her native guild.
- The heroine's favorite food is yogurt.
- Lucy associates herself with a rabbit.
- In the original anime, the date of birth of the girl is not indicated. However, in English translation it is 01.07.
- One of the members of the guild constantly hangs around in Lucy's house. Most often it is Natsu with Happy. To get there, they borrow a spare key to the girl's house from a Fairy Tail sorceress named Mirajane Strauss.
Lucy's appearance, age and character
This Fairy Tail sorceress has not only a kind and noble heart, but also a very spectacular appearance. Lucy Heartfilia is a brown-eyed slender girl with long blond hair. She wears a pink guild mark on her wrist.
This girl is a real piece of clothing - she likes to change outfits and hairstyles often. No matter what dress or costume she wears, this sorceress always carries a belt with her, to which magical Spirit Keys are attached, as well as a whip. The heroine skillfully uses it when necessary. Later, one of the Spirits gave her a magic whip called "Star River", which the girl began to use instead of the old one.
High boots are another essential attribute of this character.
Lucy Heartfilia knows she's pretty, and sometimes shows a bit of vanity about it. This quality is successfully combined with her responsiveness and concern for others.
At the start of the series, Lucy Heartfilia is 17 years old. If you believe the manga (based on which the anime of the same name is filmed), then this heroine weighs 47 kg with a height of 176 cm.
As for the rest of her parameters, different sources give different data: 91-59-88 or 88-53-88 (bust, waist and hips).
What kind of magic does the heroine have
The girl inherited her external beauty from her mother. However, in addition to impressive external data, Lucy inherited from her parent and the magic of the Exorcist of Starry Spirits. Before her death, her mother gave the girl her first StarSpirit - Volodya. It was this strict magical creature that, to a certain extent, replaced the mother of the girl after her death.
In the future, Lucy collected 10 of the 12 golden keys to summon the Zodiac Spirits from their world. The girl took some of them from the defeated wizards, bought some of them, and the Star Spirit Leo himself wanted to become her ward.

It is worth noting that this heroine treats her Spirits very carefully. She calls them only when absolutely necessary. Also, the girl treats them with respect and never hides behind her wards in case of an attack, as other Spirit Casters sometimes do.
In the ability to control magical creatures, Serdoboliya has reached a high level of skill. Evidence of this is her ability to send Spirits to their world even without their desire.
In addition to the Golden Keys, the girl has 5 Silver Keys in her arsenal. The Spirits corresponding to them are weaker than the zodiac ones, but they sometimes help the girl on the battlefield and in everyday life.
It's worth noting that summoning these magical creatures requires the Caster to possess great Magic Power. After all, it is at her expense that the Spirits can stay in the human world. Therefore, when this magical power is depleted, Lucy loses the ability to summon her charges.
The maximum number of Celestial Spirits summoned by a girl per day is 5. However, Heartfilia can only do this by naming their names, while usually it requires using the Keys.
Besides magical weapons, Lucy Heartfilia has some martialarts. However, due to her weak physical strength, she is rarely able to use them. The girl's signature kick is the so-called "Kick Lucy" - a kick.
Also in the heroine's arsenal there is such a magical artifact as Hurricane Reading Points, allowing her to read a thick book in a few minutes.
Lucy and Natsu
Of all the guildmates, this sorceress has the closest relationship with Natsu Dragneel. Over the course of numerous adventures, both heroes risked their lives more than once to save each other.

No wonder most anime fans consider them a couple. At the same time, the creators of the project themselves do not confirm, but do not deny this either. However, throughout the 277 episodes of two seasons, hints of a relationship between them periodically appear in the plot, but they do not go beyond that.
Lucy's most famous sayings
Unlike Natsu, this heroine rarely utters significant ironic phrases. As a rule, typical girlish statements are characteristic of her. To be convinced of this, it is worth considering at least a few quotes from Lucy Heartfilia.
- "Feelings are the connection that transcends time itself and helps you find those you care about."
- “What I want is not money or nice dresses, but a place that recognizes me. Fairy Tail is my other family.”
- “I will live no matter what! I want to keep laughing… crying… playing my part in life to the end!”
At the same time, sometimes this heroine is able to give out suchmeaningful phrase. As in the case when the girl had to sleep between Natsu and Gray: "And how do I sleep between an animal and a pervert?"
The heroine's family
To better understand this sorceress, it is worth learning about Lucy Heartfilia's family. This girl was the only daughter of Leila and Jude Heartfilia. These young people met when they both worked for the Love and Fortune Trade Guild. Later they fell in love and got married.
After the wedding, the newlyweds decided to start their own business and left Love & Lucky. Soon their daughter Lucy was born.

After a while, Layla died after using too much Magic Power to summon spirits. Jude was overwhelmed by this event and distanced himself from his daughter, concentrating on business.
Thus, young Lucy grew up without feeling parental love and care. Perhaps that is why she herself became so sensitive to the problems of others, knowing from her own experience what the indifference of others is.
Lucy's story before joining Fairy Tail
Despite her father's aloofness, young Miss Heartfilia lived in a we althy home and lacked nothing. However, possessing magical abilities, she dreamed of becoming a member of one of the guilds of wizards. She was most interested in Fairy Tail.

One day, the girl accidentally met Natsu and Happy, who, hunting for another villain, helped her avoid falling under the influence of a charming spell.
In the future, Lucy almostmade a slave, but her new friends helped the aspiring sorceress escape, and at the same time invited her to join Fairy Tail.
The fate of Lucy in Season I
Becoming an official member of the guild, the girl leaves her father and rents a separate dwelling for herself. In order to earn a living, the girl, along with Natsu and Happy, forms "Team Natsu". In the future, Gray, Elsa, Wendy and Charlie join them.
For 175 episodes (15 story arcs) of Season I, this heroine acquires her main keys, and also hones her skills as a sorceress.
After getting into the parallel dimension of Edolas with other colleagues, the sorceress meets here her opposite - Lucy Ashley. Outwardly, these girls are indistinguishable, but their characters are different. So, the new heroine comes from a poor family and is not such a bookworm as her earthly version. At the same time, Ashley loves her native dark guild (which is Fairy Tail in Edolas) just as devotedly as Lucy.

In this world, all wizards have long lost their magic power, so they have to use only their human skills. The main strong point of the local Lucy, in addition to owning a whip, is the ability to use torture, of which she knows 48 types.
In the future, both girls find a common language and become friends. And to avoid confusion, Ashley cuts her hair short.
Lucy in Season II
The action of the new season begins after the Grand Magic Games. Of course, the Fairy Tail Guild was the winner. Howeverthere is no time for the heroes to celebrate, as Lucy from the future comes to them.
She says that dragons are attacking them and most of the world's population has died because of them. To save herself, the girl went into the past, intending to stop the coming of winged creatures. In the end, she manages to achieve what she wants, but the guest from the future herself dies. And the real Lucy is actively involved in the fight against dragons.
At the end of the season, the head of Fairy Tail closes this organization. But after some time, Natsu, who returned from his wanderings, finds Lucy and decides to restore his native guild with her help. Will they succeed and how the fate of Heartfilia will develop further will become known in the third season.
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