Drama Theater (Mogilev): history, troupe, repertoire

Drama Theater (Mogilev): history, troupe, repertoire
Drama Theater (Mogilev): history, troupe, repertoire

Drama theater (Mogilev) has been loved by the audience for more than a century. Today, his repertoire includes performances of various genres. There are also performances for children.

History of the theater

The Drama Theater (Mogilev) has existed for more than a hundred years. Its history goes back to the 17th century, when amateur artists performed skits in the squares. The first professional performances in Mogilev were shown in May 1780 by an Italian troupe on the occasion of the arrival of Empress Catherine II in the city. An elegant wooden building was built especially for this. Three operas were shown for the Empress: Imaginary Philosophers, Frascatana and Imaginary Beloved.

In 1781, Count ZG Chernyshev organized the leisure time of young Paul I, who was passing through here, in Mogilev. The heir to the throne was shown the comic opera The New Family and the French comedy Anglomania.

In the last years of the 18th century, Archbishop Bogush Sestrentsevich organized a private theater. His most successful production was the drama "Gitsia in Tauris". Bogush Sestrentsevich was a unique personality. He graduated from several European universities. He was a teacher of the Radziwills, an officer, a playwright, a Catholic priest.

Mogilev Drama Theater
Mogilev Drama Theater

The nobility also arranged performances. Their performances were attended not only by serfs, but also by amateur actors from high society, as well as invited visiting professionals. But such theaters did not go beyond home entertainment.

Professional Russian actors did not come to Belarus often. Polish troupes were regular guests here. The audience of Mogilev was drawn to theatrical art. There was a growing need for performances. Performances gradually became an integral part of life.

Initially, the Drama Theater (Mogilev) was located in a wooden building, which was built for the arrival of Catherine II. The author of the project was Brigonzi. Visiting guest performers also performed here. Soon the premises fell into disrepair, and the theater moved to an old stone building on Vetrenaya Street. 22 thousand rubles were spent on its repair and alteration. The theater occupied the second floor, and the shopping arcade was located on the first floor.

In 1852, this building burned down. The theater began to play performances in private houses, which were more or less suitable for this. But the troupe did not have its own building, as well as scenery, costumes, props. Artists had to carry something with them, buy some things locally or hastily produce them.

At the end of the 19th century, the theater was located in a private house that belonged to Fainitsky. Here he played several seasons. In 1882, the theater moved to the house of J. Lurie (a tradesman). Entreprises E. I. Nelyusko, A. A. Cherepanova and N. A. Borisov performed here.

Today the theater remains true to itstraditions. His repertoire is expanding, it includes productions of modern genres.


The theater offers the following performances for adults:

  • "Elegant wedding".
  • "Fall in love without looking".
  • "Boeing-Boeing".
  • "Odnoklassniki".
  • "It's time to get on the bright side of life."
  • "Brothers and Lisa".
  • "The Colonel and the Birds".
  • "Two arrows".
  • "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
  • "Don't joke with love".
  • "These free butterflies".
  • "Kreutzer Sonata".
  • "A man for the holiday".
  • "Roaring sparrow. Edith Piaf".
  • "Crazy Jourdain".
  • "In a small estate".
  • "Miss Julie".
  • "The Rosenkavalier".
  • "Date in the suburbs".
  • "Krapp's last tape".
  • "Complaints of lovers".
  • "My grandson Benjamin".
  • "Second Hand".
  • "Incomparable".
  • "Only He has the right to wake me up."
  • "The Tale of the Lost Conscience".
  • "Nord-Ost".

And other interesting productions.

drama theater mogilev ticket office opening hours
drama theater mogilev ticket office opening hours

On the official website you can book tickets for performances at the Drama Theater (Mogilev). The cash desk, which is open on weekdays from 8:00 am to 20:00 pm, is open on weekends from 10:00 amuntil 16:00 hours. Booked tickets can be redeemed no later than 30 minutes before the start of the performance.

Repertoire for children

Drama theater (Mogilev) did not leave young spectators without attention. There are performances here for them:

  • "Disappearance of the Princess".
  • "The Nutcracker".
  • "Scraps in back streets".
  • "Ivan Tsarevich".
  • "Cat House".
  • "Tales for kind children";
  • "Little Red Riding Hood".
  • "All mice love cheese".
  • "Pippi Longstocking".
  • "Frost".
Mogilev Drama Theater actors
Mogilev Drama Theater actors


The Drama Theater (Mogilev) gathered a wonderful troupe on its stage. Actors are able to perfectly play any role, reveal any image. This is:

  • E. Belotserkovskaya.
  • Yu. Ladik.
  • B. Artimenia.
  • G. Ugnacheva.
  • S. Vasilenko.
  • Oh. Matyushko.
  • B. Petrovich.
  • B. Jurgelas.
  • B. Galets.
  • R. Kushner.
  • N. Milovanova.
  • L. Gurina.
  • N. Romanovsky.
  • B. Smooth.
  • L. Zhuravlev.
  • I. Coward.
  • M. Rudakova.
  • D. Samknulov;
  • A. Ivanenko.
  • L. Bareisha and others.


The Drama Theater (Mogilev) annually organizes the International Forum for Youth "M@rt-contact". This season it is scheduled from 21 to 27 March. The forum hosts meetings of people devoted to theatrical art. This is a festival, participantsand the audience of which is the youth.

drama theater Mogilev history
drama theater Mogilev history

Talents from the countries of the Near and Far Abroad come to him. The program of the forum includes performances and sketches of various genres, master classes in acting techniques, stage performances and public speaking, concerts, press conferences, exhibitions, workshops, meetings, discussions.
