Drama Theater (Bryansk): theater history, repertoire, troupe

Drama Theater (Bryansk): theater history, repertoire, troupe
Drama Theater (Bryansk): theater history, repertoire, troupe

The drama theater in Bryansk has existed since the beginning of the 20th century. His repertoire is wide and designed for audiences from young to old. The troupe actively tours, takes part in festivals.

History of the theater

The Drama Theater (Bryansk) named after A. K. Tolstoy was opened in 1926. It was located in the newly built complex of the House of Soviets and the House of Congresses. The project was developed by a constructivist architect from Moscow A. Z. Grinberg. The Presidium of the Executive Committee decided that during the periods between congresses the building should be used to demonstrate theatrical performances to the population. The first performance took place on November 7, then this day was considered the most important holiday in the country. The audience was shown the play "Nicholas I and the Decembrists" by N. N. Lerner.

drama theater in bryansk
drama theater in bryansk

The building where the performances were held was ideal for a theater. The auditorium accommodated 1200 visitors, the stage was very large.

Initially there was no troupe in the theater. Moscow artists were invited to participate in productions. The line-up changed every year. The first temporary troupe consisted of 25 artists. In the first theatrical season, 46 performances were staged. In the repertoirethere were such plays as: "Cunning and Love", "Thunderstorm", "Inspector", "Woe from Wit", "Tartuffe" and so on. Since 1928, there were two troupes in the theater: one worked permanently, and the second was mobile - the artists took performances to worker and rural areas. In 1935, director V. P. Malakhov became the head of the theater. Thanks to him, a relatively permanent troupe appeared. The repertoire was replenished with modern pieces for that period.

bryansk drama theater im a k tolstoy
bryansk drama theater im a k tolstoy

The war caught the theater on tour in Belarus, where 70 employees of the Bryansk drama left - actors, orchestra, administration. Only 11 of them managed to return back. Someone was shot by the Nazis, someone fell to the lot of being in a German concentration camp, and the rest worked in the "front-line brigades" - went to the front line and spoke to the defenders of the Motherland. During the years of the occupation of Bryansk by the Nazis, the theater gave performances for the Aryans. When the Germans left the city, they blew up the building. The theater suffered huge losses. In addition to the premises itself, equipment, costumes, decorations, furniture, props, and musical instruments were destroyed. In 1944, the regional executive committee decided to organize the Bryansk Regional Drama Theater. There was a permanent troupe. The reconstruction of the building has begun. The Drama Theater (Bryansk) was restored in the autumn of 1949, it opened its new season.


A poster (Bryansk) offers a rich selection of performances for every taste and age. The Drama Theater currently shows the following productions:

  • "Cupids in the snow".
  • "Waiting for the seventhmoon.”
  • "And tomorrow there was a war."
  • "Savage".
  • Lethal Murder.
  • "Mowgli".
  • Widow's Steamboat.
  • "Memorial Prayer".
  • Dinner of Fools.
  • "Emelino happiness".
  • "Don't leave me."
  • "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".
  • "Those free butterflies."
  • "Two angels, four people."
  • "Bachelorette Party".
  • "Marriage".
  • The Bremen Town Musicians.
  • "Vasily Terkin".
  • Wedding March.
  • "Day of rest".
  • Business Room.
  • "The Enchanted Prince".
  • "Which".
  • "Leopold the Cat's Birthday".


The Drama Theater (Bryansk) is famous for its actors. Talented and in love with their profession creative people work here. In total, 38 actors serve in the theater. Two of them have the title of People's Artist of Russia. These are Iosif Kamyshev and Marina Gavrilova. The title of Honored Artist was awarded to nine actors of the troupe of the Bryansk Drama Theater.

playbill bryansk drama theater
playbill bryansk drama theater

Slavic meetings

The Drama Theater (Bryansk) not only takes an active part in various professional competitions. He is the organizer of the annual international festival called "Slavic Theater Meetings". This is a long-lived festival, of which there are not many in our country. In 2012, he celebrated his 20th birthday. Theater groups from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine take part in the Slavic Meetings. Thanks to this festival, the country has learned many new names. bigthe number of talented actors and directors received awards and titles.

drama theater bryansk
drama theater bryansk

“Slavic Meetings” is not only a competition. Here famous directors give master classes. All festival participants have the opportunity to show themselves and look at their colleagues from other cities and countries. Each year the jury of the project is headed by leading Moscow critics. During the time that this festival exists, 67 theater troupes visited the city of Bryansk, and the audience got the opportunity to see 183 unique performances - these are the best productions from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.


Famous actors all over the country often come with performances to the city of Bryansk. Drama Theatre. A. K. Tolstoy cordially receives them on his stage. In June 2015, the famous St. Petersburg Theater named after G. A. Tovstonogov visited here. He offered the Bryansk audience three performances based on classical plays, one of them was The House of Bernard Alba. The People's Artist of Russia, Nina Usatova, came to the city with the theater. Residents of Bryansk got a unique opportunity to see the famous and brilliant actress on stage.

drama theater bryansk
drama theater bryansk

Reviews about the theater

The Drama Theater (Bryansk) is loved by its audience. On his website you can read a large number of public reviews about his productions and the artists involved in them. Spectators write that they cry from the heart and laugh to tears when they watch the performances of the Bryansk Drama Theater. Actors do not play here, they live the lives of their characters on stage, conveying to the public everythingtheir emotions. According to the audience, the performances are interesting not only in their meaning, but also in terms of staging.
