Draw funny faces in several ways

Draw funny faces in several ways
Draw funny faces in several ways

In order to draw funny faces, you will need a simple pencil, a sheet of paper, an eraser and a good mood. To create such a picture, you need to be able to draw an oval or a circle.

funny faces
funny faces

The first thing you need to start making funny faces is to draw a circle with a pencil. It is impossible to draw a perfectly even figure, even artists cannot do this. Therefore, do not be upset if it is a little uneven - it's even better.

Drawing a funny face

So, the circle is already drawn. Inside the figure, we depict subtle auxiliary lines that will allow us to correctly position the eyes, nose and mouth in the future. Draw a circle in the middle of the circle - this will be the nose. Then we depict the eyes and add nostrils on the nose. Then light lines need to circle the circle. Next, draw in more detail the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, cheeks (small ovals) and eyebrows. Since our face is smiling, we draw at the corners of the eyessmall wrinkles - this will give her mood. Then we depict hair or some funny hairstyle. Delete the auxiliary lines, and that's it - the picture is ready.

funny faces in pencil
funny faces in pencil

In order to draw funny faces, do not be afraid to experiment. You can invent your own eyes, mouth, nose, ears, hairstyle. Thus, each face will be special, unique.

Funny faces with paints

We take paints and a sheet of paper. We draw several circles on the sheet with yellow paints - so that there is a distance between them. We dip the brush into the paint and make strokes from the center of the circle and beyond, so that the drawing resembles the sun. We also decorate the rest of the circles, preferably with colored paints. We take a brush thinner and depict faces. They can be sad, funny, ruddy, surprised, freckled, wearing glasses.

how to draw a funny face
how to draw a funny face

Draw with a ruler

Let's try to learn another option on how to draw a funny face. We start the picture with an oval image. Using a ruler, you need to divide the figure into horizontal and vertical lines that intersect in the middle. The vertical must also be divided into 6 segments and draw horizontal lines (the top one will indicate the forehead line). The central line is responsible for the location of the eyes and the bridge of the nose. The next line is the nose, and the bottom line is the mouth. The first thing you need to draw a face from is the eyes in the form of two fish without tails or with them, for the image, for example, of an old man. We measure with a ruler relative to the verticaleye symmetry lines. Draw the nose in the form of a triangle. Two of its corners should be with the inner corners of the eyes on the same vertical, and the third - on the bridge of the nose. Draw eyebrows in the form of two large arcs above the eyes from the bridge of the nose and add two smaller dashes - these are the eyelids, which we depict from the corners of the eyes.

The mouth can be drawn in the form of a minus sign and wider than twice the nose, so that its tips are above the level of the center of the eyes.

Further, draw more clear lines around the eyes, slightly bending their contours, paying special attention to the upper line, which should be slightly darker than the bottom. We do not touch the eyelids. Eyebrows depict an arbitrary shape. The thickest part of the eyebrow should be above the center of the eyes. We round the lower part of the nose and put two points under it to make a "pig". We finish them with rounded lines depicting the nostrils. The mouth and lips are also depicted arbitrarily. They are of different shapes: plump, narrow, and even crooked. To do this, draw a mouth, like eyes, with a fish, draw a line in the middle, and raise its corners so that the face smiles. We draw the ears, where the upper corner is at eye level, and the bottom is on a par with the nose. We erase unnecessary lines - and the funny face is ready.

Drawing a caricature

how to draw a funny face step by step
how to draw a funny face step by step

There is another way to draw a funny face step by step. It's about a cartoon. Before starting work, you need to look carefully at the proportions of the face of the person you want to portray. Determine the distance between the nose, mouth, eyes, ears,eyebrows, hairline, chin, etc. Next, mentally divide the face into equal parts along the lines of proportions. If the face does not have equal proportions, we divide it into equal parts by vertical central lines along the pupils, the corners of the eyes, and also draw them along the edge of the chin, hair growth, the tip of the nose and eyebrows.

If, when creating a caricature, you want to change the proportions of the face, then you need to change not only one element, but everything so as not to disturb the harmony. For example, when reducing the nose, you need to increase the distance between the eyes, expand the face, reduce the size of the head. If you move your mouth higher, almost close to the nose, then you need to completely remove the chin. In case of reducing the nose and "pulling" it to the eyes, you need to increase the mouth and lower part of the face.

In order to make funny faces, you can experiment with face shape variations depending on their size. This will help you quickly understand the basic principle of creating a cartoon.
