My favorite genre is comedy. Best films of 2013

My favorite genre is comedy. Best films of 2013
My favorite genre is comedy. Best films of 2013

The past year has repeatedly pleased the audience with good premieres. It is especially pleasant that among the films of 2013, the best comedy films of the past year occupy the last place.


"Love in the City-3" is a wonderful comedy. The best parts (first and second) decided to continue. The new film tells about the adventures of unlucky dads and a wizard with a specific sense of humor. If earlier three friends had to solve their love problems, now their old friend Valentine needs help. And if they don't help him, they'll be in big trouble themselves. Best friends will once again let their wives down, but this time their children will also be drawn into the story with the wizard.

Ghost Patrol

The best comedies of 2013 are very diverse and even ambiguous. For example, the film "Ghost Patrol", which tells about the difficult fate of the police, who, even after death, have to do the same job of maintaining the rule of law and searching for dangerous criminals. The film is a mixture of comedy genres with fantasy and horror elements. A good honest policeman, after his death, again finds himself in the service of the law (only the afterlife) and becomes a partneran experienced pest control specialist. Further - everything is like in life: shooting, chases and the need to save the world from the threat of invasion. The best policemen in the ranks and after death!

comedy best
comedy best


Another expected premiere of 2013 is Yolki-3, also a comedy. The best debut series were very successful. The sequel, as expected, came out almost on New Year's Eve. Another fairy tale story that tells that at a difficult moment there will always be help, that one must never stop hoping that parted lovers will definitely be together. In the film, the idea of returned good goes through several of the stories told - by helping others, the characters also receive good in return. And one of the main characters of the comedy - a charming couple of dogs - will not leave anyone indifferent. The New Year's comedy Yolki-3 is a worthy replacement for the already rather boring Irony of Fate.

Bachelor Party 3

best comedy movies
best comedy movies

This is a crime picture with elements of humor. In a word, a funny comedy. Best friends meet often. And where these meetings take place, adventures begin. The company taking Alan to the hospital falls into the hands of a mobster who is looking for their mutual friend. They have 3 days to search, otherwise their friend, taken hostage by bandits, will be killed. In the company of inadequate Alan, friends set off in search of an escaped prisoner who stole 40 million dollars.

We are the Millers

best comedies of 2013
best comedies of 2013

Another crime comedy. The best jokes andthe features of this film are not for family viewing due to the abundance of "adult" humor. A very good cast and the presence of Jennifer Aniston from the very beginning guaranteed this comedy a good success. We're the Millers tells the story of a small-time drug dealer with principles. He fundamentally does not sell drugs to children, so he considers himself a good person. Always acts very carefully, prudently, without risk. One day, as a result of a robbery, he finds himself heavily in debt to a dangerous drug dealer. To pay him off, you will have to take a big risk.
