Nadezhda Fedosova is an outstanding Russian actress

Nadezhda Fedosova is an outstanding Russian actress
Nadezhda Fedosova is an outstanding Russian actress

In 1964, at the International Film Festival in San Francisco, the USSR presented the feature film "At Your Doorstep", directed by V. Ordynsky. Russian actress Nadezhda Fedosova was announced as the winner in the Best Supporting Actress nomination. However, an official from Goskino came out to receive the award, since neither the film crew nor Fedosova herself were allowed to enter the festival. Not a single line was written about the success of the actress in the press.

Biography of Nadezhda Fedosova

The famous theater and film actress Nadezhda Kapitonovna Fedosova was born in April 1911. Her father served as a senior janitor for the Golitsyn princes. A mother who died early left 9 children as orphans. The family lived in eternal need. From the age of 15, she began working at the factory school "Red Textile Worker" and performed there as an amateur. Then she was a mass entertainer in the park of culture and recreation. A talented girl drewattracted the attention of theater teachers, who offered her to study as an actress.

Fedosova Nadezhda
Fedosova Nadezhda

In 1938, after graduating from the theater school at the Central Theater of the Red Army, she began performing on the stage of the Theater of Working Youth. During the war years, she played in the Second Front Theater. She devoted the next twenty years of her life to the Moscow Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater. In 1958 she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

From 1961 to 1988 he acted in films. Over the years, she has played many roles that are included in the golden fund of national cinema.

In 1966, Nadezhda Fedosova decides to leave the theater forever. She never changed her mind.

Outstanding actress Fedosova Nadezhda Kapitonovna passed away in December 2000, a few months before her ninetieth birthday.

Actress's personal life

Nadezhda Fedosova never advertised her personal life, as she was a very modest person. The family of the actress became known after the series of documentaries "Kings of the Episode" was filmed in 2015, in which her grandson Andrey Azovsky, professor, doctor of biological sciences, tells about her beloved grandmother.

Nadezhda Fedosova personal life
Nadezhda Fedosova personal life

The first time Nadezhda got married at the age of 19. Her husband, Aleksey Kuvshinov, a regular military man, went missing in October 1941. Veronica was born from him, Nadezhda Fedosova had no more children. The second husband was David Anapolsky, they lived together happily for 38 years. In 1979year the actress was widowed.

Her only daughter Veronika Azovskaya (by her husband) connected her life with science, as her mother categorically forbade following in her footsteps. The last years of her life, the actress put her whole soul into raising her little great-granddaughter. The actress died at home. Until the very last minute of her life, Andrei was next to her. The grandson carefully keeps all the relics associated with the name of the famous grandmother.

Work in the theater

Most of her life, Nadezhda Kapitonovna worked in the theater, there were several of them: the Theater of the Red Army, the Theater of Working Youth, the Second Front Theater, the Moscow Regional Drama and Comedy Theater, the Moscow Drama and Comedy Theater on Taganka. For many years she shone on the stage in a variety of images: a woman commissar in the Optimistic Comedy, Marisha in Kashira Antiquity, Solokha in Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, Estrella in Star of Seville.

I felt especially good on the stage of the Taganka Theatre, where I worked from 1946 to 1966. The director of the theater until 1963 was A. K. Plotnikov, who, having highly appreciated the talent of Nadezhda Fedosova, made her the leading actress. She could play any role in Shakespearean comedy and revolutionary drama.

biography of Nadezhda Fedosova
biography of Nadezhda Fedosova

In 1964, Lyubimov became the main director, who brought a whole galaxy of young actors to the theater. At first, she enthusiastically participates in the theatrical experiments of the new director, but after two years she decides to leave the stage forever.

Roles inmovie

Nadezhda Fedotova starts acting in films at the age of fifty. She played many roles, starred in various directors. But work in the cinema brought disappointment. What was the reason for this? The actress, with her characteristic frankness, spoke about this in an interview given for the magazine Art of Cinema (1974). First of all, the same type of roles: "I play the same thing in a row … For me, mortal longing is repeated from picture to picture…"

Another problem that hurt Fedosova painfully was the indifference of directors towards actors. Of all the directors with whom she had a chance to work, she fondly remembered only Gerasimov and Raizman.

The actress starred in 34 films, there were main and episodic roles, but everywhere she played with full dedication, not just played, but lived the life of her heroines, simple Russian women with a difficult fate, strict, sometimes rude, but so understandable and recognizable.

children of Nadezhda Fedosova
children of Nadezhda Fedosova

Best Feature Film Actress

Every role played by Nadezhda Fedosova is a masterpiece. I would like to pay special attention to 3 films in which the actress starred.

In the movie "What if it's love?" (1961) she played the role of Tatyana Zavyalova, the mother of the main character. A woman works all day as a dishwasher in the dining room to feed her mother and two daughters, whom she raises alone. She loves her daughter, but keeps her strict, afraid of gossip, afraid of repeating her difficult fate.

In 1965, the picture "Women" came out, and again the image of the mother - aunt Glasha,who, having become a widow, is raising her daughter Alka alone. The heroine is womanly wise: having learned about her daughter's pregnancy, she is ready to help, support her. She transfers all her unspent tenderness to her grandson Slavik.

Fedosova Nadezhda Kapitonovna
Fedosova Nadezhda Kapitonovna

In the role of Anfisa Vasilievna, the mother of Shura Olivantseva, Fedosova starred in the film "Stepmother", released in cinemas in 1973. Before us is the image of a mother who teaches life to her adult daughter. It is clear that she wants to protect Shura, dissuade her from taking responsibility for someone else's child, but she does it rudely and harshly, if not cruelly.

Three mothers, three women of the same generation, but how differently played, how talented and convincing! Only a great actress could play like that. And it's a shame that Nadezhda Fedosova did not receive a single award from the domestic cinema.

A few words in conclusion

According to the reviews of people who knew Fedosova closely, she did not at all resemble the heroines of her roles. Cheerful, cheerful, reliable, modest, fair. It was this actress that remained in the memory of colleagues in the theater and cinema, family members, friends.
