Jennifer Love Hewitt: biography, filmography, family

Jennifer Love Hewitt: biography, filmography, family
Jennifer Love Hewitt: biography, filmography, family
jennifer love hewitt
jennifer love hewitt

Jennifer Love Hewitt - actress, Hollywood star, singer and director - was born on February 21, 1979 in Waco, Texas. From early childhood, Jennifer loved music, sat for hours at the TV, carefully listening to familiar melodies. When the girl was two years old, her parents hired a teacher to develop her musical abilities. The little singer made dizzying progress, her thin voice rang in the house from morning to evening.

Success little Jennifer

And one day a miracle happened. When Jennifer was with her parents at the holiday agricultural fair, she boldly approached the musicians who accompanied the exhibition, took the microphone and sang Whitney Houston's hit song The Greatest Love of All. She was only three years old at the time. A little later, Jennifer surprised the visitors of a large restaurant combined with a dance hall: the girl sang a folk ballad from the repertoire of Kris Kristofferson. And when little Hewitt was five years old, she had a new hobby- dancing.

Los Angeles

At the age of nine, Jennifer began to perform on the professional stage as part of the Texans show group. A year later, her mother was strongly recommended to go with her daughter to Los Angeles to continue the musical career of the growing Love. So Jennifer ended up in the main city of cinema. Agents of film studios immediately seized on a talented child. Young Hewitt began acting in TV projects of advertising companies - more than twenty commercials came out with her participation. The directors appreciated the girl for her natural charm, but they especially liked the weight of Jennifer Love Hewitt, or rather, its complete absence. And later, as an adult, the actress weighed no more than 58 kg.

TV series

Filmography of Jennifer Love Hewitt
Filmography of Jennifer Love Hewitt

Soon, Jennifer was invited to the children's television show Kids Incorporated, which aired twice a week on the daytime channel. The program ran until the end of 1991. Young Love has gained invaluable experience during this time. Then she, already as a professional actress, was invited to the television series Running Wilde, which starred the popular actor Pierce Brosnan. Jennifer was to play the daughter of Brosnan's character, an adventurer. The directors were a little embarrassed by the height of Jennifer Love Hewitt, who was only 157 cm, but everything worked out (the right shoes were chosen). Then, after a few mid-range television series, Hewitt landed her first starring role. It was Sarah Reeves from The Five of Us on Fox. The show ran from 1995 to 1999, and in 1996 the seriesreceived the Golden Globe. Thanks to this youth drama, the girl's career went uphill. Since then, films with Jennifer Love Hewitt have become popular.

First roles in big movies

In 1999, the series "Five of Us" smoothly continued with a project called "The Time of Your Life". Sarah Reeves Merrin became the main character in the new series, respectively, Jennifer - the lead actress. In addition, upon reaching the age of majority, Hewitt received the right to become one of the producers of the project. Oh, she used that right.

Jennifer's popularity as a big movie actress came to her thanks to the film "I Know What You Did Last Summer" directed by Jim Gillespie (the picture was released in 1997). It was a classic horror film in the best traditions of Hollywood. Love played Julie James, the main character. With a relatively small budget of $17 million, the film grossed $125 million at the box office. The following year, "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" was made, with continued horror and a somewhat chaotic storyline.

jennifer love hewitt movies
jennifer love hewitt movies

Audrey Hepburn

The whole year 2000 passed for Hewitt under the sign of creating a film about the life of Hollywood megastar Audrey Hepburn, who untimely passed away into another world and left behind a number of film masterpieces. Jennifer, who was approved by director Steven Robman for the main role, had a daunting task - to embody the image of a great actress. Something Hewitt succeeded, something - no,criticism was mixed. For example, Jennifer failed to convey magnetism to Audrey Hepburn, there was simply nowhere to take it from. The same with the grace that Audrey possessed by nature, and which is simply impossible to play. However, overall the film did well.

Albums of singer Hewitt

In addition to film projects, Jennifer Love Hewitt is actively involved in releasing her solo albums. The singer has already presented four discs, but their popularity, and even more so sales, do not make an impression. Jennifer's songs are more successful in European countries and Japan. Japanese admirers of the singer's work consider her a pop star of the first magnitude and invite her to visit. Love Hewitt is considering this proposal. The actress and singer should also think about some of the offers of the super popular magazine Maxim. In the meantime, Jennifer was placed in the gallery "Girls of Maxim", which is part of the magazine. This happened back in 2005, and it's time for the actress to reconsider her positions. To date, she is on the list of the sexiest famous ladies at number 29 (Hot 100 rating). Time does not stand still, but the young actress becomes more beautiful every year and with each new role. Magazines sometimes don't have time to keep up with the transformations of public beauties, but let's hope that Jennifer Love Hewitt will soon take her rightful place in the rankings.

jennifer love hewitt weight
jennifer love hewitt weight


The filmography of Jennifer Love Hewitt is quite extensive. The actress is filming to this day, she took a short break only in connection with the birthchild. The list contains paintings with Hewitt since 1997:

  • height jennifer love hewitt
    height jennifer love hewitt

    Year 1997 - "Trojan Thing" directed by George Huang / Lea Jones.

  • Year 1998 - "Can't Wait" directed by Harry Elfont / Amanda Beckett.
  • Year 1999 - "Kings of Rock" directed by Donald Lardner Ward / Kate.
  • Year 2000 - "The Audrey Hepburn Story" directed by Steven Robman / Audrey Hepburn.
  • Year 2001 - "Heartbreakers" directed by David Mirkin / Paige Conners.
  • Year 2002 - "The Tuxedo", directed by Kevin Donovan / Del Blaine.
  • Year 2003 - "The Devil and Daniel Webster" directed by Alec Baldwin / The Devil.
  • Year 2004 - "If Only" directed by Gil Junger / Samantha Andrews.
  • Year 2005 - "Diary of a Careerist", directed by Dana Lustig / Katya Livingston.
  • Year 2006 - "Garfield" directed by Tim Hill / Liz.
  • Year 2007 - "Delgo" directed by Jason Morer / Princess Kayla.
  • Year 2008 - "The Truth About Love" directed by John Hay / Alice Holbrook.
  • Year 2009 - "Cafe" directed by Mark Erlbaum / Claire.
  • Year 2010 - "Client List" directed by Eric Laneville / Samantha Horton.
  • Year 2012 - "Law &Order" directed by Dick Wolf / Vicki Suarez.
  • Year 2013 - "Lost Valentine" directed by Darnell Martin / Susan Ellison.

Private life

Jennifer Love Hewitt is expecting a baby
Jennifer Love Hewitt is expecting a baby

The personal life of Jennifer Love Hewitt is kept at the level of most Hollywood stars - a minimum of marriages, one or two divorces. In 2005, Love met Ross McCall, an actor of Scottish descent, the star of the series for housewives. In November 2007, the engagement of lovers took place; to announce it, they traveled to the Hawaiian Islands. However, the wedding did not take place: in December 2008, Jennifer and Ross broke up.

The next engagement was announced on June 3, 2013. The public was introduced to Brian Hallisay, an American actor. This time, the young did not let each other down and got married without putting things off indefinitely. We had to hurry, because the daughter, the lovely Autumn James Hallisay, was born on November 26, 2013. And before that, in October, it was announced in the newspapers that Jennifer Love Hewitt was expecting a baby, although this could not have been announced: the actress wore fairly tight dresses.
