"Mortal Kombat: Rebirth": actors, story and release of the third part

"Mortal Kombat: Rebirth": actors, story and release of the third part
"Mortal Kombat: Rebirth": actors, story and release of the third part

Probably, there is no such person who has not played or seen the Mortal Kombat project. Many hours were spent on the game console, and it is difficult to calculate how many people saw the adaptation of the famous fighting game. Although the parents of that generation did not share the hobbies of their children, after all, in a duel on a distant island, there was only cruelty and death.

Start of "Mortal Kombat"

The first mention of "Mortal Kombat" (in the original - Mortal Kombat) can be attributed to the end of the eighties, when the dawn of slot machines began, and many boys spent countless tokens on virtual fights.

It's no surprise that such a popular franchise has come to the attention of director Paul Andersen and New Line Cinema. Of course, when the creators of the first game released the fighting game, they did not expect that the tenth series of the game would come off the shelves in our time.

mortal kombat rebirth movie
mortal kombat rebirth movie

At that time, no one was thinking about films, and the “Battle” itself was conceived as a PR campaign to promote one of the Hollywood actors, andit was Jean-Claude.

Mortal Kombat is a successful franchise that has come a long way from slot machines to television screens. The latest Mortal Kombat X came out in 2015 on all kinds of platforms, even PC.

The history of the film version of the franchise

The first movie came out way back in 1995, when Mortal Kombat became a cultural phenomenon and managed to acquire an impressive fan army. Without a doubt, the project was considered the most successful and had no analogues in the world in terms of box office.

New Line Cinema released a sequel two years later with the sub title "Extermination", but the movie was coldly received by action movie fans. She was no longer able to reach the box office of the first part.

Rumors about new shooting continued until the tenth year, at the end of which a video hint of a trilogy appeared. However, there is no official launch of the third part so far.

The Fate of the Franchise

True, in 2011 the franchise received a controversial second life. The series "Mortal Kombat: Legacy" has appeared, which currently consists of two seasons, which contain short episodes (15 minutes each).

mortal kombat rebirth michael jai white
mortal kombat rebirth michael jai white

The story of the series radically changed the plot of the first two parts. If you look at the online version of "Battle", then "Legacy" is a promotion for the release of the computer game "Mortal Kombat", part 9.

In 2013, there was an official video about the restart of the franchise under the direction of the not-so-famous KevinTancharoen, who has no significant paintings.

Information about the movie is contradictory. Although there are many trailers in Russian, you can't watch the movie itself.

But in the trailer of the film "Mortal Kombat: Rebirth" the actors are known to the Russian audience, which suggests a PR stunt.


It's hard enough to find information about the Mortal Kombat: Rebirth movie. The actors deserve a special mention. The plot of the upcoming film is not yet known, but the video (trailer) on the famous Russian video hosting clearly speaks of the recruitment of one of the famous heroes in order to eliminate all dangerous criminals in the tournament.

mortal kombat revival actors
mortal kombat revival actors

In the Mortal Kombat: Rebirth video, Michael Jai White plays the role of a city cop who is interrogating a suspected serial killer. An interesting move in the trailer is that the name of the policeman is written on the door of his personal office - Jaxon Briggs. Moreover, two letters in the name have been removed, and to be precise, because of this, the viewer is presented with the name of the character from the second part of the "Battle".

It's easy to guess that the cop is Jax with mechanically enhanced arms. True, in a short preview of Mortal Kombat: Rebirth, Michael Jai White is without iron gloves. Naturally, doubts arise about the authenticity of the participant from the death tournament recreated on the screen.

In the final part of the legendary franchise called "Mortal Kombat: Rebirth", the actors were clearly recruited from famous films. CastHollywood star, who was previously an action hero under the name Johnny Cage, will appear Matt Mullins. He is known to the Russian audience for the film "Divergent".

By the way, in a flashback it becomes clear that the American Dream Factory karateka will be killed by Baraka.

Two minutes before the end of the video, Briggs' police partner, also well known to fans of the franchise, Sonya Blade (played by Jeri Ryan) appears. Singer Sonya herself stated that she was participating in the film only at the request of her friends.

Planned restart

Mortal Kombat: Resurgence could be a full-fledged reboot of the series if the American film company Warner Bros. takes on the project. However, it is impossible to refer to a short video as a full-fledged film. Eight minutes is too short for a full-fledged picture of "Mortal Kombat: Rebirth", the actors of which, of course, are recognizable.

mortal kombat phoenix rebirth
mortal kombat phoenix rebirth

A lot of time has passed since the film adaptation of the game, which led to a slight forgetfulness.

Recently released project "Mortal Kombat X" may return interest in this franchise. There is information that "Mortal Kombat: Rebirth" will revive like a phoenix in modern cinema, because the date of the new release has been postponed to 2016.

As a result, it turns out that the scandal created by the chief director finally confused all the fans.
