The third part of the film "Jeepers Creepers": reviews and reviews

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The third part of the film "Jeepers Creepers": reviews and reviews
The third part of the film "Jeepers Creepers": reviews and reviews

Video: The third part of the film "Jeepers Creepers": reviews and reviews

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The American horror film "Jeepers Creepers" is a prime example of a simple horror film with a simple plot and a limited budget, which managed to attract the attention of the audience and bring big profits to its creators. The name is taken from the old jazz composition that sounds in the picture. An interesting fact is that the cult Hollywood director Francis Ford Coppola became the executive producer of the first part of a terrible story about a demonic creature that hunts people. Later there were two sequels to this picture. Critical reviews for Jeepers Creepers and its sequels were mixed, but the box office remained stable.


The horror movie premiered in 2001. Director and screenwriter Victor Salva for a long time could not find sources of funding to implement his idea. Film companies did not believe that such a simple horror film could be commercially successful.

Take serious risks by investingmoney in the creation of this picture, only the American Zoetrope studio, founded by Coppola, decided. The intuition did not fail the legendary director: the box office of the film was a record. Positive feedback about Jeepers Creepers from the audience indicated that the audience was attracted by the familiar atmosphere of a traditional horror filmed in accordance with all the laws of the genre.

A couple of years after the premiere of the first film, a sequel was released, created by the same team of producers and directors. In 2017, the third part of Jeepers Creepers was filmed. While the sequels are not as enthusiastic as they are from professional critics, they are on par with the first film in terms of the number of tickets sold in theaters.

jeepers creepers reviews
jeepers creepers reviews


The main character of this story is a supernatural winged monster that has existed in the world since time immemorial. Every 23 years, he wakes up from sleep in order to start hunting people. Eating certain human organs makes the monster invulnerable and incredibly strong. He tries to hide his terrible appearance under a cloak and hat. Many reviewers of "Jeepers Creepers" note that the basis of the plot is not new and is clearly borrowed from the works of the honored master of horror Stephen King.

The beginning of the story

In the first film, two college students, brother and sister, find themselves in a remote countryside on their way home in an unequal fight with a monster. They become victims of their owncuriosity, deciding to find out what the strange man is doing near the old abandoned church. Attracting his attention, the brother and sister turn into prey, which the monster begins to relentlessly pursue.

jeepers creepers movie reviews
jeepers creepers movie reviews


In the second movie, a demonic creature attacks a farmer's family and kidnaps his youngest son. Then the monster lies in wait for the school basketball team on a deserted road and disables the bus carrying it. A winged monster flies over the wilderness, hunting for fleeing young athletes, while a farmer armed with an automatic harpoon tries to hunt down and kill him.

The third part is an interquel (tells about the events that took place between the first and second films). In this series, police officers and people who witnessed the previous awakening of a bloodthirsty demon fight with absolute evil. In terms of the number of corpses and severed limbs, the third film does not lag behind the first and second.

Jeepers Creepers 3 movie review
Jeepers Creepers 3 movie review


The start of work on the last part was delayed for 14 years. The reason was that the film studios doubted the possibility of repeating the success. Myriad Pictures agreed to finance the film, but a new obstacle arose: the planned start of filming in Canada did not take place due to a scandal related to the criminal past of director Victor Salva. To the delight of fans of this horror, the producers did not lose their determinationfinish the job and moved the film to Louisiana. In April 2017, Victor Salva wrapped up filming Jeepers Creepers. Feedback from the director and actors about the process of creating the picture was very positive. They promised that fans of the film will be treated to an exciting spectacle.

jeepers creepers 3 reviews and rating
jeepers creepers 3 reviews and rating


The beginning of the rental of the third part of the famous franchise was organized in a rather unusual way. Cinemas officially announced in advance that the picture will be shown on September 26 for only one day. As a bonus, the audience was shown scenes that were not included in the final version of the film, and an interview with actor Jonathan Breck, who played the role of the monster in all three parts. Another one-day screening of the film took place on October 4.

movie Jeepers Creepers 3 reviews from critics
movie Jeepers Creepers 3 reviews from critics

Reviews of critics about the movie "Jeepers Creepers 3"

The third part of the horror made a mixed impression on movie connoisseurs. Most critics believe that it is better than the second, but inferior in quality to the first. The authors of reviews of the film "Jeepers Creepers 3" agree that the creators of the picture sincerely tried to meet the expectations of fans. It seemed to some critics that the director and actors failed to reproduce the atmosphere of fear that reigned in the first part. Due to its limited release, the film was watched by a small number of viewers, which makes it difficult to obtain an objective rating for Jeepers Creepers 3 and reviews about it. longtime fansof this horror are generally satisfied and hope that the third part will not be the last.
