Tom Baker: biography and filmography

Tom Baker: biography and filmography
Tom Baker: biography and filmography

Tom Baker has gone down in television history as one of the most beloved leading men in the sci-fi series Doctor Who. In addition, he has more than forty other paintings to his credit, as well as numerous theatrical productions. He began his acting career at a relatively mature age, but this did not prevent him from becoming famous not only in his homeland, but throughout the world.

Tom Baker
Tom Baker

Early years

Back in 1934 in Liverpool, one amazing and fascinating biography began in world history. Tom Baker grew up in the family of navigator John Stewart Baker and a strict Catholic canteen, Mary Jane Baker. The father rarely appeared at home, so the mother was mainly engaged in raising children, of course, with a large share of religiosity. Perhaps that is why at the age of 15 the boy decided to leave school and take monastic vows, which caused the sincere approval of the family. In the midst of the war, Tom Baker went to be trained inmonastery, but after 6 years he changed his mind about his future due to the fact that he did not find enough strength in himself for such an ascetic life. Therefore, in 1955, he became an employee of the Royal Army Medical Corps, where he remained until 1957. It was there that he first became interested in acting, playing in local amateur productions.

Career start

After leaving national service, he begins studying drama at Rose Bruford. There he makes rapid progress and very soon begins to perform on various stages throughout England. He made his film debut in 1968 in The Winter's Tale, in which he plays a very minor role. However, 3 years later, the whole world will know who Tom Baker is, whose filmography is replenished with the role of Rasputin in the famous film "Nikolai and Alexandra". Thanks to this, in 1971 he was honored with two nominations for the Golden Globe at once, which, unfortunately, did not bring victories, but nevertheless his figure is now becoming public.

Biography Tom Baker
Biography Tom Baker

Featured roles

Thanks to this triumph, his next film work was Pier Paolo Pazzolini's Canterbury Tales. In 1973, he starred in such films as The Crypt of Terror, Frankenstein: The True Story and The Golden Voyage of Sinbad. Before becoming part of the longest-running sci-fi series in history, he also appeared in The Freak Maker in 1974. The same year, he was chosen to play the Fourth Doctor, in which he remained for seven years. After that TomBaker also continued to act and work in the theater at the same time, but his subsequent projects did not bring such wide popularity. Among them are such as "The Hound of the Baskervilles", "Dungeon of Dragons", "Medics", "Canterbury Tales" and one of the parts of the famous saga "The Chronicles of Narnia" in 1990. In addition, the actor has a unique voice, thanks to which he took part in multiple radio shows, and also voiced characters in the cartoons "Magic Adventure" and "The Secret Show".

Tom Baker filmography
Tom Baker filmography

Doctor Who

It is for the role in this series that viewers will forever remember the actor Tom Baker, whose biography, career and roles seemed to lead him to this moment all his life. Over the years of filming, he managed to set a record for viewing the episode by the audience, and also earn the title of one of the most beloved performers of this role in history. He instantly gained popularity and seemed to resurrect the series after the change of Tom Pertwee as Doctor. His hero was distinguished by a unique style, as well as his originality in almost everything. Most recognize him by the long, multi-colored scarf that he hasn't taken off in all seasons. Due to his simplicity, clumsiness and huge smile, opponents often underestimated him, but at the right time he showed undeniable dexterity and exorbitant strength. None of the previous and subsequent actors played the Doctor for as long as Tom, for seven whole years. After the transfer of power to Peter Davison, he made several other appearances in other episodes, such as"Dimensions in Time", "The Name of the Doctor" and the anniversary issue of "The Day of the Doctor". And his famous scarf even has his own website.

tom baker biography career
tom baker biography career

Private life

Tom Baker has been married three times. The first time his chosen one was Anna Wetcroft in 1961, from whom the actor had two sons: Daniel and Pierce. After 5 years they divorced, and for 14 years Tom remained single. However, thanks to the series "Doctor Who" in 1980, he marries again, this time to his colleague Lalla Ward, who played his companion - Romana. But, unfortunately, the couple did not live together for a year and a half. Baker did not remain a bachelor for long. In 1986, he again proposes marriage to colleague Sue Gerrard, who worked as a script editor for the series. For four years they lived in France, but still decided to return to their native England, where their marriage continues to this day. He never had children again, but we can say with confidence that his legacy will live on forever, because Doctor Who is one of the most successful and iconic TV shows in history, and Baker's image has become the brightest and will forever remain in the hearts of millions of fans.
