Series and films about prison. Choose the most interesting option

Series and films about prison. Choose the most interesting option
Series and films about prison. Choose the most interesting option

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Films about prison have long earned popularity with the viewer. Here and the "Green Mile", and "The Shawshank Redemption" and many others. The list is very impressive. In 2005, the Fox channel presented its viewers with the series “Prison Break” (“Prison Break”), or rather, its first season.


Unlike most Russian films about prison, "Prison Break" opens the viewer to an intricate dramatic plot. Michael Scofield, a smart guy and a successful businessman, wants to get Lincoln Burrows, his older brother, out of the Fox River facility (maximum security prison). The latter is awaiting the death pen alty there, allegedly for the murder of the Vice President of the United States. In fact, Burrows did not do this, he was framed. The only way to freedom is to escape, and without the participation of Michael, this most sophisticated escape in the history of films about the prison and the zone is impossible.

movies about prison
movies about prison

After thinking through everything to the smallest detail, Scofield organizes a fake bank robbery, and for this he is put in Fox River. There he begins to establish contacts with local prisoners and authorities, as well as withprison staff. And gradually he begins to prepare his escape, the plan of which is always with him - it is encrypted in a tattoo that covers the entire torso and arms of the guy. Michael was directly involved in the reconstruction of Fox River, and in the wild he had all the schemes and plans for this facility. Therefore, when Scofield was sent there to serve time, he already knew exactly what to do.


Films about prison often illustrate that prisoners tend to break into gangs. So the prisoners in Fox River are divided into several warring factions. However, Scofield needs the help of people from different gangs, and he has to balance between hostile sides, which causes a lot of trouble and problems. Yes, and getting to the right parts and premises of the prison is quite problematic … However, the life of a brother is at stake, and there is no turning back.

Russian films about prison
Russian films about prison

The series consists of four seasons, and in the second season (2006-2007), the creators have significantly moved away from the prison theme. One blogger wrote: “Prison Break should be titled as a series or film about a prison, and there is no prison in Season 2. I feel cheated. If the rest of the seasons will not be related to the zone, then the creators chose this name in vain.”

However, the directors themselves seemed to understand this, and the third season (2007-2008) confirmed the name of the series again. Although, as rightly noted by Paul Scheuring (director, producer and screenwriter of the series), “Films about prison, such as The Shawshank Redemption, the escape itself takes only a couple of minutes. And it's notprevents them from being the best films in the history of cinema.”

films about prison and zone
films about prison and zone

Russian remake

Realizing that films about a prison and a zone are quite popular in Russia, and American and Russian prisons are completely different concepts, the head of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst, decided to create a remake of the series, adapted to our vast Motherland. The first season of "Escape" was broadcast on Channel One in the fall and winter of 2010. Thanks to the original idea, complex plot and well-known actors, the audience received the series perfectly. The only thing that disappointed them was the ending of the season (because many didn't know they were going to make a sequel). Other Russian films about prison can hardly boast of such success. In 2012, the second season of the series was shown, and the third is currently being filmed. Many viewers are looking forward to the sequel.
