Analysis of Brodsky's poem "Don't leave the room, don't make a mistake". Creativity Brodsky
Analysis of Brodsky's poem "Don't leave the room, don't make a mistake". Creativity Brodsky

Video: Analysis of Brodsky's poem "Don't leave the room, don't make a mistake". Creativity Brodsky

Video: Analysis of Brodsky's poem
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Joseph Brodsky is one of the favorite poets of our time. The most famous poems are known to all educated youth. Quotes from his works and letters are scattered on social networks. I. Brodsky left Russia a huge number of masterpiece poems.

Brodsky's poem analysis
Brodsky's poem analysis

The life path of I. Brodsky

Born Joseph Brodsky in Leningrad, in 1940. From childhood, he bowed before the mystical atmosphere of St. Petersburg: wet streets, museums… All this left its mark on the work and character of I. Brodsky.

His name (and they named Brodsky in honor of Stalin) served as a kind of vital irony, since the poet did not accept Soviet power (this is easy to see if you make an analysis of Brodsky's poem). Already at the age of 15, Joseph proved himself to be the most obstinate child. Due to the constant propaganda of ideology, he left school after the 8th grade and started working.

I. Brodsky constantly read. He wanted to absorb everything that is in the world. He studied languagesparticularly English and Polish.

Joseph Brodsky analysis of the poem
Joseph Brodsky analysis of the poem

I. Brodsky himself said that he began to write poetry at the age of 18, but lovers of his work suspect that it began earlier. He himself was very fond of poetry and considered it necessary to periodically show respect for the work of Tsvetaeva and Rilke.

Court and exile

February, 1964 Joseph Brodsky is suddenly arrested, but for what? For parasitism, that is, for living at someone else's expense. It may seem strange to us now, but in Soviet times it was indeed a criminal offense. The poet is exiled to a small village in the Arkhangelsk region to work on the Danilevsky collective farm. At first, Brodsky was an ordinary auxiliary worker and did the hardest work. But later, for he alth reasons, he becomes a photographer.

Brodsky don't leave the room analysis of the poem
Brodsky don't leave the room analysis of the poem

I. Brodsky is released from exile ahead of schedule, he returns to Leningrad and tries to start writing poetry again. However, censorship does not allow them to print. During this time, I. Brodsky, already a well-known person in literary circles, managed to print only 4 poems.

In 1972, the poet was forced to leave Russia and go to live in America. There he receives the Nobel Prize in Literature, publishes collections of his poems. He dies in New York.

Creativity of I. Brodsky

1972 marks a new stage in the work and life of I. Brodsky. As mentioned above, in 1986 he received the Nobel Prize in Literature for a collection of essays."Less than one". This is not Brodsky's only collection of essays. Around the same time, another one came out - "Embankment of the Incurable". In addition to essays, the work of I. Brodsky are numerous translations and plays.

In 1972, the collections "The End of a Beautiful Era" and "Part of Speech" were published, and in 1987 - "Urania" and "In the vicinity of Atlantis: new poems".

Analysis of Brodsky's poem "Don't leave the room"

This is one of the most famous poems of the poet. It is permeated with the theme of Soviet power. Key Idea: It is best to bury yourself within the walls of a room than to succumb to the temptations of the outside world. And this does not apply to everyone. The poem was written for two-faced people who at night carry on anti-government conversations, keep mistresses, and during the day go out and shout about their love for the power of the Soviet Union, and also inform on others. The poem is also addressed to those who want to be free but cannot afford it.

analysis of Brodsky's poem love
analysis of Brodsky's poem love

I. Brodsky in verse recommends that everyone who likes to talk about freedom, about the position of the individual in the modern world, give up small joys. This is the main thing to pay attention to if you are analyzing Brodsky's poem. Let them try to drive out the "living milk", that is, the girl who came to visit. After all, how can you accept her in the house if she is not a legal wife? "Do not call a motor", i.e. a taxi, because the average citizen of the USSR cannot imagine thisallow.

"On the street, tea, not France" - ironically notices Brodsky ("Don't leave the room"). An analysis of the poem given by us reveals the main positions of the poet and his worldview.

Analysis of the poem "Love"

Let's analyze Brodsky's poem "Love". It becomes obvious that it is dedicated to a woman. This woman is Marina Basmanova, the daughter of a famous artist. According to contemporaries, I. Brodsky even considered her his bride. It is not surprising that the lines of the poem say: "I dreamed you were pregnant…"

vnaliz Brodsky's poems loneliness
vnaliz Brodsky's poems loneliness

The poem begins with the hero waking up, going to the window and remembering his dream. The woman dreamed of her pregnant, and the poet has a strange feeling. On the one hand, seeing her pregnant in a dream, he feels guilty for not being able to maintain this love relationship between them. On the other hand, he says that "children are just an excuse for our nakedness." And one day, seeing them in a dream, the poet decides to stay with them there, in the world of shadows. This is the main idea, as analysis shows, of Brodsky's poem dedicated to love.

Analysis of the poem "Loneliness"

Every person in life has a period when he feels completely alone. And before we make an analysis of Brodsky's poem "Loneliness", let's turn to the history of its creation. So, the poet is 19 years old, and literary magazines refuse him because of non-standardviews. I. Brodsky perceived these refusals with unthinkable pain, because he really turned out to be very lonely. “It is better to worship the given,” he concludes. It is better to forget about your dreams, illusions. To come to terms with the "wretched standards" of modernity, which in the future will become "railings … keeping your lame truths in balance …", that is, support. With these lines Joseph Brodsky expresses his emotions.

analysis of Brodsky's poem I embraced
analysis of Brodsky's poem I embraced

Analysis of the poem "I hugged these shoulders and looked…"

In this poem, Marina Basmanova mentioned above pops up again. And if you make an analysis of Brodsky's poem "I hugged", then it becomes clear how important this woman occupied in the life of the poet. Their romance with I. Brodsky ended because she left for another man. One can imagine what feelings the poet experienced in his time.

The poem was written at the beginning of the relationship between Brodsky and Basmanova, in 1962. The poem is structured as follows: the hero hugs his beloved and notices everything that happens behind her back. This is a wall, an extended chair, a dark stove, a high-intensity light bulb, a sideboard … The most vivid image that flickers before the hero's eyes is a moth. He brings the hero out of his daze.

The image of a woman in this poem is mysterious. The hero hugs her, but… in the future, her image is erased. It's like he doesn't exist. Surprisingly, because the poet describes the interior in more than detail, and the hugs of the woman he loves do not seem to evoke in himnothing.

The hero of the poem seems to be on the threshold. "And if a ghost once lived here, then he left this house. Left." These lines end the poem. It seems that the hero, speaking of a ghost, means himself and is going to leave the house with this silent woman.

Analysis of the poem "The Christmas Star"

Before analyzing Brodsky's poem "The Christmas Star", one should remember at what time the poet lived. Yes, Soviet power reigned on the street, was it possible to publish works of religious themes? Therefore, it is obvious that this poem was written after Brodsky emigrated to America.

It was written based on biblical themes and dedicated to the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. "The baby was born in a cave to save the world," the poet writes. Perhaps he already then foresaw that the life of his homeland was on the verge of a catastrophe, and soon economic, political, and religious changes awaited her. And only someone special can save her.

analysis of Brodsky's poem Christmas star
analysis of Brodsky's poem Christmas star

"The star looked into the cave. And it was the eyes of the Father" - the last lines of the poem. Here the author emphasizes that everything earthly is under the supervision of God, that everything that mankind creates fixes his gaze.

Shortly before I. Brodsky wrote this poem (and it was written abroad), the poet received a letter that his father had died. And possibly until his deaththe poet did not consider his father to be someone significant. However, there is a hint in the poem that the father is a person who can provide irreplaceable support. While Jesus is a baby, the Father watches over him, protects him.


So, we analyzed the work of I. Brodsky in general, in particular, we examined some works, made their analysis. Brodsky's poems are not just a few collections. This is an entire era. While many poets were afraid to argue with the Soviet authorities, I. Brodsky looked her straight in the eye. When he was not allowed to publish his poems in his homeland, he went to America and achieved freedom of speech there.

The works analyzed above are not even half of the poems left by Brodsky. If you delve into their study, it is clear that in most cases the heroes of the poems are leaders, emperors. A certain place is occupied by verses about Christianity.

Joseph Brodsky is now considered not only a Russian, but also an American poet.
