Interesting films about skins and hooligans

Interesting films about skins and hooligans
Interesting films about skins and hooligans

The skinhead movement is not as relevant today as it was a few years ago. You no longer meet skinhead guys on the street who wholeheartedly believe in the idea of National Socialism. Films about skins, which tell about the difficult life of ambiguous characters, deserve special attention. There are quite a lot of pictures on this subject, but not every director has managed to create characters that you want not only to hate, but also to empathize with. Films about skinheads, or, as they are also called, "skinheads", as a rule, are shot in the genre of social drama, which examines many of the vices of modern society. Of course, many works are remembered not only by the plot, but also by bright characters. It is the films about skins, the list of which we will give here, that became the main topic of this article.

"Skins" (Romper Stomper, 1992)

movies about skins
movies about skins

One of the first pictures that told about the difficult fate of a group of ultra-right teenagers. Many modern films about skins are equal to the work of Jeffrey Wright. The main role was played by the notorious Russell Crowe.

The action takes place in one of the poor areas of Melbourne. Here, Asians and neo-Nazis have to get along with each other, who believe that this is their land. A businessman acquires a club whereAsian youth have fun. Of course, tattooed shaven-headed guys don't really like this alignment. They believe that Asians are not only unable to buy buildings here, but also to live. Teenagers, led by a radical ideology, are sent to create order. However, no one could have thought that the Asians would not be afraid of the white guys and give a serious rebuff.

Almost all films about skins and hooligans are filled with violence, and Romper Stomper was no exception. Hatred for another nation, blood and black humor. However, there was also a place for human feelings. Among the robbery, a love line is cut through, which separates two friends on opposite sides.

Films about skins are quite violent, so it is not recommended for children to watch them. In addition, in these pictures, a rather difficult to understand storyline is brought to the fore. But for the older generation, the film can give answers to many questions about this subculture.

"American History X" (1998)

skins movies list
skins movies list

The best films about skins are hard to imagine without this work. "American History X" has become a true symbol of neo-Nazi films, telling the story of two brothers who adhere to the far right ideology.

Derek Vinyard is the leader of a local skinhead gang. He is cruel and unprincipled, and especially does not like people with a different skin color. He is convinced of his ideology, without regret cracking down on all those who disagree. Danny is the hero's younger brother. He has great respect for his brother for his determination. Danny already knows which way to go. Derek brutally cracks down on two African Americans, for which he is waiting for a prison sentence. The paths of the brothers will part, only to converge again in a few years.

"American History X" is a social drama with an excellent cast and plot. The film tells about the subculture of skins, their views, relationships. Definitely recommended for viewers who are interested in this movement.


Ambiguous film about skin-Jew. The director managed to surprise the audience with an extraordinary approach to filming a film about skinheads. Seasoned with good acting and musical accompaniment, it has become one of the most popular films about the subculture.

Danny Balint is a 22 year old Jew. From an early age, he was distinguished among his peers by freethinking, for which he was expelled from the seminary. Growing up, Danny shaves off his hair and gathers a team of like-minded people who sincerely believe in the ideas of neo-Nazism. The group obeys its leader and is ready to go to kill those who are objectionable to him. However, Danny begins to be torn apart by doubts - in his heart he is still a Jew, and among his friends he is an inveterate skinhead. The life of a young man is now divided into two parts. At night he reads books in Hebrew, and during the day he mistreats Jews. Sooner or later he will have to make a choice. One question remains: which one?

The picture turned out to be quite interesting and clearly deserves the attention of the viewer, even far from the subject of the skinhead movement. Definitely, Fanatic is a great film about skins.

Russia 88

film about skins russia
film about skins russia

Can't get around andRussian works about ultra-right groups. Perhaps the most famous painting is Russia 88. The film caused a flurry of various reviews and reviews. Some critics called it cruel and inciting hatred, others called it an excellent project that accurately described the life of Russian skins.

"Russia 88" is a gang of skinheads who shoot propaganda videos to attract new members to their ranks. In addition, the everyday life of adherents of neo-Nazism gets into the camera lens. We all have families, loving parents, friends. But the leader of the gang, nicknamed "Bayonet", has a sister who meets with a Caucasian. The camera accompanies the brother, who is not happy with the relationship of his beloved sister, until the very end. Romance quickly turns into tragedy.

"Made in Britain" (1982)

films about skins and hooligans
films about skins and hooligans

The film became not only a story about the life of a skinhead, but also a ticket to a big movie for Tim Roth, who played the main role.

Trevor is a skinhead from England. However, the rules of any subculture are alien to him. He knows only about the worst aspects of neo-Nazism. He robs ordinary citizens, steals, uses drugs. It is clear that such a way of life leads the young man to the dock. Everyone considers him a scoundrel, who should be in prison. One of the social workers is called to correct the position of the young man. Will rehabilitation help the young man, or will he continue to slide to the very bottom?

"Hooligans" (2004)

film about the skin of a Jew
film about the skin of a Jew

A cult film about football fans that has already become a classic.

Matt Buckner was still a student of journalism, but he was accused of a crime and expelled. His whole future life is in question, there is no education and work. In search of a better life, he travels to the UK, where his sister lives. Here he meets Pete, who shows him the interesting world of street fans. With a new friend, Matt creates his own company, which includes the most crazy.

"Haircut" (2010)

Despite the small budget, the director managed to create a good film about skins. Here the viewer will not see famous actors and dynamic scenes, but will get acquainted with the life of neo-Nazis.

The story tells about a young man who shows great promise, but falls under the influence of a skinhead group. Now he is a fan of the football club "Radnik" and an ardent supporter of the radical ideology. Together with new friends, he is ready to defend his ideals. But will he go all the way?

"Haircut", despite the rather expected denouement, captures the viewer and keeps in suspense until the final credits. Well-developed characters make you feel for them, despite the terrible actions.

This is England

best movies about skins
best movies about skins

Crime drama starring young actor Tomas Turgus. Able to surprise the viewer by telling a story about traditional skinheads, for whom it is important not so much to rise above other nations, but to have fun.

Sean is a 12 year old student. He lives in a coastal town, recently lost his father in the war. The boy was tired of everyday life and the constant nagging of classmates. But one day everything changes. Sean meets a group of skinhead teenagers who are just having fun. The guys take a sad boy into their company and show him all the delights of the subculture. He is waiting for fun and fashionable clothes, as well as love relationships. The idyll is broken by Kombo - the leader of the group, who just got out of prison. He differs from teenagers in that he holds more radical views, which he imposes on Sean.
