The life and work of Yegor Kozlikin

The life and work of Yegor Kozlikin
The life and work of Yegor Kozlikin

Humor is what saves humanity every day, despite multiple problems on all fronts. Therefore, people who know how to joke qualitatively and funny are, in fact, worth their weight in gold. Igor Chekhov is such a person, better known among his relatives as Yegor Kozlikin.


Igor Chekhov
Igor Chekhov

Igor-Egor comes from Belarus, where he began his creative career. While still a schoolboy, the boy signed up for the KVN team, where he successfully performed for several years. After leaving school, the guy entered the speci alty of a mechanical engineer in the Stavropol Territory, hoping to get a monetary and reliable profession. But the creative nature did not allow Yegor Kozlikin to work in his speci alty for a single day. At the university, the young man became friends with Mikhail Kukota, the same humorous guy who wants more than the usual technical profession. At first, the guys performed together in KVN, and then they began to conquer the world of show business together.

The beginning of Yegor Kozlikin's career

Having barely graduated from the university, the guys founded their duet called "Kukota &Chekhov" and began their creative career. Thanks to the feed, they quicklywere remembered by the public and soon gathered their own, albeit not very large, but already an army of fans. As a rule, young people perform in a genre that cannot be described in words. Without making any sounds, they recreate a funny picture on the stage, thanks to facial expressions, power moves and their own charisma. Having started their creative career from small stages, the guys soon began to take part in notable humorous shows. And already in 2016 they went on tour to the most famous cities of Russia, gathering quite impressive halls.

Private life

Actor biography
Actor biography

In the personal life of actor Yegor Kozlikin, everything is also wonderful. The beloved of the young man is the aspiring actress Yulia Topolnitskaya, who was remembered by everyone thanks to the Exhibit video. In 2016, the couple officially married, having arranged a chic celebration. Many famous and eminent guests were invited to the wedding, who then posted hundreds of stories and photos on their Instagram profiles.

Further career

At the moment, Yegor Kozlikin conquers not only the world of humor, but also the world of cinema. Together with his faithful partner, the young artist continues to gather the halls, delighting the audience with new high-quality jokes. And with his beloved wife, he takes part in various film shootings, comprehending a completely different sphere. Looking at the work of this person, we can say only one thing for sure - a talented person is really talented in everything.
