Soviet actress Galina Orlova: short biography and filmography

Soviet actress Galina Orlova: short biography and filmography
Soviet actress Galina Orlova: short biography and filmography

Galina Orlova is an actress who gained recognition and popularity in the 70s. after starring in the films "Hello, I'm your aunt" and "The Circus Lights the Lights." Orlova passed away quite recently - in 2015. Let's remember the films with the participation of the film actress, which will forever perpetuate her name.

Short biography

Orlova Galina Petrovna was born on January 17, 1949. Her historical homeland is Moldova.

galina orlova
galina orlova

Galina's mother was an analytical chemist by profession, she mainly worked in pharmacies. Nothing is known about the girl's father.

When Galya was little, her family moved to Odessa for permanent residence. Soon after the move, the parents divorced, and the father was no longer involved in his daughter's life.

Since Galina Orlova was distinguished by her artistry from childhood, her mother sent her to study at the acting school at the Odessa Film Studio. This sealed the fate of the then very young Galya.

First film appearance

Galina Orlova got her first major role at 15years.

galina orlova actress
galina orlova actress

In 1964, the Odessa film studio was shooting the military-patriotic film "Odessa Holidays". The script for the film was written by Lev Arkadiev, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, the author of screenplays for the movie fairy tale "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" and the melodrama "French W altz". The project was directed by Yuri Petrov.

The main character of the drama is a 15-year-old girl Vika, who in 1941, during the evacuation of civilians from Odessa, escapes from the ship and returns to her hometown to defend it in the ranks of other Komsomol members.

The film was well received by the audience, and the directors noticed the spectacular black-haired girl and began vying to offer her new roles. But Galina Orlova was in no hurry to accept proposals for filming a movie. After leaving school, she successfully entered VGIK and until the 70s. disappeared from the screens, devoting all her time to studying acting.


In 1970, the girl returned to the cinema again, playing an episodic role in the drama of the Riga director Roland Kalninsh "The Queen's Knight". In 1971, Galina was entrusted with the role of Kupava in Yury Tsvetkov's Spring Tale.

A year later, director Olgerd Vorontsov began to create a musical film "The Circus Lights the Fires", the plot of which was based on the operetta of the same name by Yuri Milyutin. Orlova got the main role in the film - the Italian circus performer Gloria, who falls in love with the Soviet artist Andrei Baklanov, performed by Alexander Goloborodko.

Orlova Galina Petrovna
Orlova Galina Petrovna

Finally,in 1975, Galina Petrovna received one of her best roles - the role of the naive and empty-headed Betty in the comedy Hello, I'm Your Aunt. The film, shot by Viktor Titov, brought together prominent and talented Soviet actors: Alexander Kalyagin, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Mikhail Kazakov, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Tamara Nosova, Tatyana Vedeneeva and Valentin Gaft. The image of Betty is the very star role that will keep the memory of the actress even after her departure.

Private life

Despite a successful start, Galina Orlova did not aspire to make a dizzying career. Surely her external and acting data made it possible to play more main roles, to appear on the screens more often. But in the period from 1975 to 1984, the performer starred in only 5 films, and then completely disappeared from the screens.

Most likely, Galina Petrovna preferred a quiet family life with screenwriter Alexander Mindadze to loud fame. In the 70s. Alexander and Galina had two daughters: the eldest Ekaterina later became a film director, and Nina became an artist.

Since Galina grew up in an incomplete family, for her the preservation of the hearth was a matter of paramount importance. And the actress managed to brilliantly fulfill her most important role. The Mindadzes were married all their lives, until 2015, when Orlova passed away.
