How to draw with ink and pen on paper?

How to draw with ink and pen on paper?
How to draw with ink and pen on paper?

Ink drawing methods are among the oldest technologies for creating drawings. How to draw with ink, they knew before, the difference lies only in the tools used. They are much simpler than felt-tip pens and ballpoint pens used today. To apply the ink, the masters used feathers of geese and swans, as well as reed sticks. Only closer to the nineteenth century did the ink tool take on a familiar look and began to be made in the form of a metal pen.

How to draw with ink
How to draw with ink

General points

About twenty existing techniques tell about how to draw with ink. All of them have differences and apply to specific cases.

For classical technique, a pen is used, which is inserted into a wooden handle. But some, not knowing how to draw with ink and pen, use ordinary ballpoint pens. With their help, it is easy to apply even lines and not be afraid that the mascara will lie unevenly.

Although pens and felt-tip pens have a number of advantages, classical techniques provide more opportunities. You can, for example, draw with ink, dipping a pen in inkor apply the finest lines or rich strokes with a cane stick.

A drawing made with a pen usually has simple strokes and contrasts by alternating filled dark areas with empty white areas.

Using a pen paired with ink requires good preparation and a lot of patience, but allows you to draw details clearly.

Tools you may need

Before you draw with ink, you need not only to decide on the technique in which the drawing will be made, but also to prepare everything you need. Depending on your choice, you may need:

How to draw ink for beginners
How to draw ink for beginners
  • Cartographic pen and pen for it.
  • Feathers of different density.
  • Handles made of wood.
  • Brush 6 (columns).
  • Scraper, in the event that coated paper is taken for work.
  • Felt pen, preferably thin.
  • Filled pens, such as liners or ink pens.
  • Handle with piston.
  • Reeds shaped like a wedge.
  • Same cane.
  • Marker.
  • Sharpened bamboo stick.

Varieties of pen hatching and lines

How to draw with ink? For beginners, it is important that learning takes place gradually, so they should first master the basic types of strokes and lines.

Contour lines. The name itself says that they are used to draw all the curves of the depicted object. Regardless of whether long or short contour lines are used, they are located very close to each other.friend, so that they create the effect of flowing around the object

How to draw with pen and ink on paper
How to draw with pen and ink on paper
  • Parallel hatching. The lines of which it consists are even and straight. Thus, it is convenient to depict flat objects or natural phenomena. For example, rain.
  • Cross lines. In this case, parallel hatching of different directions is superimposed on each other. In this way, you can achieve a deeper tone and give the surface of the depicted objects a roughness.
  • Tangled lines. They can be of various lengths and go in any direction. As a rule, sketches are made in this way, for easier adjustments. This method is also used to draw bushes and trees.
  • Waves. Curved lines are drawn very close together to create a wavy surface. This helps convey the texture of trees, feathers or veins on leaves.
  • Contacting lines. Combine the properties of contour and cross. They can be located in any direction and intersect with each other. These lines don't have to be straight at all, so they're perfect for drawing grass or fur.
How to draw with ink brush
How to draw with ink brush

After the basic hatching techniques are learned and tried out, you can learn how to draw with pen and ink on paper using dot hatching. It requires accuracy, patience and perseverance. Dot hatching is used for small components of the object (grains of sand, water droplets).

Tone relations and contrast

There are rules without which it will not be possible to create a good ink drawing. Given that only white and black are used in the work, it is very important to be able to create different shades.

With the help of lines and dots you can create a gray tone, and the more often they are located, the darker the shade will turn out. You can't paint with ink without knowing how to create different tones. And vice versa, skillfully playing with tones, you can not draw the contours of objects separately. A dark object placed on a light background will have a completely natural border.

Another key to a perfect drawing is contrast. It is created both by changing the color and by changing the direction of the strokes.

Ink and brush

The technique of how to draw with ink with a brush is widely used among illustrators and animators. Unlike a regular pen, using a brush allows you to perform more elements. The abilities of this tool directly depend on its quality and form. So, round brushes made of sable, squirrel or synthetic hairs can create not only a wide stripe, but also a very thin line.

How to draw with ink and pen
How to draw with ink and pen

The brush gives you control over how much paint stays on the paper. It will depend on the force of pressing on it.

In some cases, the dry brush technique is used. The essence of the method is that the initial saturated black color of the ink, as the brush is brushed over the paper, turns into shades of gray, which gradually lighten and completely disappear after the paint runs out. With the right use of this technique, certain effects can be created.

Advice for beginners

Those who choose this technique for their work will have to be patient, because you never know how the shade will turn out when the brush dries. In order to have at least a slight idea of the result, you can conduct a test on a clean slate. The main thing is that the paper should be of the same quality as that used for the drawing. Sometimes you even need to dry the brush a little with a dry cloth to get a specific shade.

How to choose a pen

Feathers can be made from various materials. As a pen, craftsmen use both the tips of bird feathers and sharpened reed, bamboo or any wood sticks.

Many artists prefer to create their own tool, but for beginners, store-bought ones are better. Moreover, there will be no problems with this, because today feathers of various sizes are sold at affordable prices.

When choosing pens, you need to be guided by the technique in which the drawing will be performed, and by what effects will be used to create the image. For example, thin nibs made from fiberglass will allow you to work quickly because the ink bleeds through them evenly. It's also a great option for those who can't carry mascara all the time.

ink drawing tool
ink drawing tool

Linear drawing is best done with classic nibs with wooden holders. The use of such a tool slows down the work, as the penyou constantly need to dip in mascara, but it is he who helps to achieve the necessary lines.

How to choose ink

The ink is also different. You can use simple, polymer-based, or acrylic. They are based on water, so they can be diluted to the desired consistency.

In general, the selection of tools and materials will depend on the depicted object, the technique of execution and the place of drawing (indoor or street).
