Soviet film "Uninvented History". Actors and roles

Soviet film "Uninvented History". Actors and roles
Soviet film "Uninvented History". Actors and roles

All fans of the "drama" genre, especially those who like Soviet films, will certainly enjoy the film "Uninvented History". The actors perfectly conveyed the idea of director Vladimir Gerasimov and writer Ilya Zverev, based on the story of which the film was made.

series true story actors
series true story actors


Anatoly Levchukov and his wife Varya just recently got married. The festive mood has vanished, and the first difficulties have appeared.

The film "An Uninvented Story", whose actors played members of a team of fitters working at large construction sites and living a peculiar life of nomads, tells not only about the specifics of this profession, but also about human relations within the team and in the individual Levchukov family. Both spouses were members of this brigade. When the next object was commissioned and it was time to move to another place, Anatoly did not want to experience new difficulties. Varya, on the contrary, could not understand how one could leave her comrades and not go with them. Gradually cozy-furnishedthe life that her husband aspired to began to tire Varya, who increasingly realized that her marriage was a mistake. And when the groundless jealousy of Anatoly was added to everything else, life for Varya became completely unbearable. She took her little son Vasya and left with the installers for the Urals.

Film "Uninvented Story": actors and roles. Zhanna Prokhorenko (role - Varya Levchukova)

A large number of talented Soviet artists played in this picture. Here we see Zhanna Prokhorenko (Varya Levchukova), Georgy Epifantsev (Anatoly Levchukov), Leonid Kuravlev (Kostya Remizov), Vitaly Doronin (Stepan Ivanovich), Valentina Berezutskaya (Shura, wife of Stepan Ivanovich), Radner Muratov (Mikhail), Tatyana Doronina (Klava Baidakova), etc. Indeed, many big names can be seen in the credits of the film "Uninvented History". Actors, regardless of their level of popularity, very sincerely conveyed the images of their characters, endowing each of the characters with their own characteristics.

Actress Zhanna Prokhorenko, who played Varya Levchukova, was born on May 11, 1940 in Poltava. Her stage name is slightly different from her real name. According to the documents, her name was Jeanette. The family moved to Leningrad when their daughter was 10 years old. Leningrad City Palace of Pioneers. Zhdanova was the first place where young Janet began to develop her acting skills. After leaving school, the actress entered the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography, graduating in 1964.

the actors of the movie true story
the actors of the movie true story

FirstProkhorenko played a big role in the cinema while still a student. It was the famous Ballad of a Soldier. After this film, she became recognizable. And in 1963 she was invited to a new role. The actress was to play the main character in the drama "Uninvented Story". The actors, including Zhanna Prokhorenko, coped with their roles perfectly, realistically and colorfully conveying the atmosphere of the life of members of the editing team.

Unfortunately, the artist did not have significant roles anymore. For some reason, then she was invited to play only secondary characters, and even then in passing films. Although the presence of acting talent in Zhanna Prokhorenko is an indisputable fact. In the last years of her life, she starred in episodes and extras.

The artist passed away on August 1, 2011. Death was preceded by a severe long-term illness.

Georgy Epifantsev (the role of Anatoly Levchukov)

Unfortunately, many film artists of those years have already passed away. Georgy Epifantsev, who played the role of Anatoly Levchukov in the film "Uninvented History", is also not alive. The actors and the roles they played will forever remain a good memory of the artists who left us. In 1992, he tragically died after being hit by a train. Epifantsev at that time was 53 years old. And the artist was born on May 31, 1939. Studied at the Moscow Art Theater School, on the course of P. V. Massalsky.

Epifantsev devoted 30 years of his life to work in the theater. The Moscow Art Theater was his second home. The first major film work was the main role in the film "Foma Gordeev" (1959). The actor is known to the audience for such films as "Nine Days of One Year", "Origins", "Fromdon’t part with your loved ones”, etc.

untold story actors
untold story actors

Leonid Kuravlev (the role of Kostya Remizov)

The actors of the movie "Uninvented Story" perfectly embodied the images of their on-screen heroes on the screen, which made viewing the picture very exciting. Undoubtedly, one of the brightest acting jobs in this film is the performance of the role of Kostya Remizov, played by Leonid Kuravlev.

untold story actors and roles
untold story actors and roles

The actor was born on October 8, 1936. Place of birth - Moscow. Studying at school was not very good for the boy. It was especially difficult with the study of the exact sciences. One day, his sister jokingly advised him to enter a theater university: there he definitely didn’t have to take the hated mathematics and physics. Leonidas did just that. But the first attempt to pass the entrance exams was unsuccessful. He was not accepted. He tried his hand at VGIK two years later and successfully entered there in 1955.

The first significant film role was played by Kuravlev in 1960, when he received an invitation to participate in the film "Midshipman Panin". Now the artist has several dozen films on his account. And even though not all roles are the main ones, even in the films where the actor appeared only in episodes, his pronounced charisma filled the film with a special mood and originality.

The TV series "Invented Life"

The film "Invented Life", despite the consonance of names, has nothing to do with the Soviet film, which is discussed in this article. The project "Invented Life" was released in 2015. it10 episode series. The True Story, whose actors belong to a different era, was released in 1963.
