Andrey Moguchy: family, biography, parents, photos

Andrey Moguchy: family, biography, parents, photos
Andrey Moguchy: family, biography, parents, photos

Andrey Moguchiy is a well-known Russian cultural figure, director. Since 2013, he has been the head of the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater (BDT). The creative asset of the director includes about forty performances. He has theatrical and state awards, including the Golden Mask and the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.

Biography of A. Mighty

Andrey Moguchy, whose biography began on November 23, 1961, was born in Leningrad.

After school, he entered the Leningrad Institute of Aircraft Instrumentation and Radar Systems, graduating in 1984. However, the young man did not like the fate of an aviation instrument design engineer, and he entered the Krupskaya Leningrad Institute of Culture at the department of directing and acting.

Andrey Mighty
Andrey Mighty

In 1989, after graduating from the Institute of Culture, Moguchy founded the independent group "Formal Theatre", whose work was talked about after the appearance of its first performances. In 2004, the talented director collaborated with the Alexandrinsky Theater, where he staged suchproductions such as "Gardeners", "Petersburg", "Izotov", "Ivans". Since the spring of 2013, Mighty has headed the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater.

Formal Theater by Mighty in the 90s

By its nature, the "Formal Theatre" was positioned by the director as an independent theatrical group. As a result, Andrei Moguchy received the status of the main theatrical avant-garde artist of the northern capital.

An extraordinary understanding of the text, playing with the available space, always bold and unexpected for the viewer, distinguished the team. The radicalness in the text played a cruel joke on the Formal Theatre: the group was not recognized in Russia and had no roof over its head, performances were staged in the open air. The ability to choose and optimally use the space surrounding the stage caused delight and surprise of the audience (most often in Western Europe).

Andrey Mighty photo
Andrey Mighty photo

In the 90s, the performances of "Two Sisters", "Petersburg", "The Bald Singer" took place on the stages of the "Formal Theater", and the whole of Europe saw the performance of Orlando Furioso, based on the work of Ludovico Ariosto. Andrei Moguchiy, whose photo became recognizable to Western viewers, became a personality that could no longer be ignored. The most significant work was School for Fools, staged by Mighty together with German and Polish representatives of theatrical art in 1998 in Potsdam.

Andrey Moguchy's creativity in the 2000s

In the 2000s, Andrey Moguchiy, a director who by that time was already known all over Europe, found recognition in Russia too: the Formal Theater received itsdisposal of the premises, his performances have become fashionable at home. In 2001, at the B altic House Theater, Moguchiy, together with Yevgeny Grishkovets, staged "The Play That Doesn't Exist". In 2003, as part of a Mariinsky Theater project, the avant-garde master staged Mussorgsky's Boris Godunov on Cathedral Square in the Kremlin. The same performance was shown in 2008 at the Warsaw theater.

Andrey Mighty family
Andrey Mighty family

In the theater "Shelter of the Comedian" this period was marked by productions of "Pro Turandot", "Not Hamlet". With the arrival of the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater, Andrey Moguchiy is staging Alice based on the fairy tale Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Carroll, What to Do based on the novel by N. Chernyshevsky and Drunks based on Vyrypaev's play.

Mighty about theater

According to Andrei Anatolyevich, the theater involves the participation of many professions in its work, and all of them should be aimed at one thing - the creation of a performance. This means that all theater workers are one team, and all professions are interpenetrating. Moguchy believes that the modern theater lacks effective managers. The current manager should deal not only with the distribution of tickets, but also with the promotion of performances, as well as work with the audience. The director sees similar problems in the professionalism of sound engineers, lighting designers, and assistants. The quality of training of these specialists affects.

According to Andrey the Mighty,Russian theater has lagged behind modern trends in art, and this needs to be eliminated, to catch up with other countries, since the trends that are fashionable in Russia today ended in Europe back in the 90s. But at the same time, one should not recklessly follow European art.

Andrey Mighty director
Andrey Mighty director

If we talk about the BDT, here the avant-garde artistic director believes that it is necessary to return the fashion to Tovstonogov, to his name. To do this, today the theater team is focused on researching the work of the BDT since 1956 and later, since during this period Tovstonogov staged the best performances. According to Moguchiy, Tovstonogov's methods are still relevant today, and they should be followed, in particular in matters of staging classics in the form of a modern work.

About the performances of the Mighty

The repertoire of the Andrei Moguchiy Theater has always been built not only on the coincidence of a high-quality modern production with the theater's strategy, but also on attracting the audience, that is, on combining quality and quantity. An example of such a production was the play "Drunk", which became the main theatrical event of the past year.

The title of the play should not be taken literally - it's just a metaphor. All the action takes place during the night, and during this time the viewer begins to understand that every person always has a chance to change his life for the better. Until recently, the performances did not have a pure classical character, and this year the Mighty One intends to move on to the classic "Thunderstorm", "Dead Souls".

Andrey Mighty parents
Andrey Mighty parents

If we talk about "Happiness", then AndreyMighty, whose family has three sons and a daughter, believes that only children are able to find answers to the questions posed by the performance. And “Happiness” is addressed to children. Therefore, according to Andrei Moguchiy, parents who came to the performance themselves and brought their children with them are the driving force of the theater. This factor is necessarily taken into account by the master of the avant-garde. It should be noted that almost all of his performances contain elements of postmodernism: performances, installations, etc.

Social activities of A. A. Mighty

Andrey Moguchy almost immediately after receiving a diploma from the Institute of Culture participates in the work of theatrical festivals B altic House, B altscandal-94, Theater Sensations, etc.

He is seen at international theater festivals held in Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Denmark, Estonia. This man was awarded four times the highest theater award of St. Petersburg "Golden Soffit" for his performances: "School for Fools", "Pro Turandot", "Izotov" and "Alice". Three times he receives the national theater award of the All-Russian Theater Festival "Golden Mask". As he matures, he begins to give master classes.

A little personal

Childhood Mighty passed in Cuba and Mongolia. This was facilitated by the profession of parents (father is a microbiologist, mother is a lawyer). His father worked for the UN during the Soviet Union. After the birth of Andrey, his mother left her profession and later devoted her life to children.

Andrei Mighty biography
Andrei Mighty biography

The roots of the family treeMighty go to Poland, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, but the parents were born in St. Petersburg.

The director is married with four children. As Andrei Moguchiy says, family, its values are the main priority in his life. For him, this is the most important thing, and nothing can compare with the family.

In conclusion

Andrey Anatolyevich Moguchy is undoubtedly a bright personality in theatrical art. He is characterized by a craving for experimental theater, where there is an opportunity to "play" with the form of the performance, add expression and sound it with irrational music. His work contains different genres: it includes dramaturgy, comedy, and circus. All together attracts and pleases the modern viewer.
