Nadezhda Karataeva: biography and career

Nadezhda Karataeva: biography and career
Nadezhda Karataeva: biography and career

Nadezhda Karataeva is the wife of the famous Anatoly Papanov. She herself is a famous theater and film actress since Soviet times. Back in 1981, Nadezhda was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.


Nadezhda Karataeva is an actress who managed to become famous in two eras: under the Soviet Union and already in the new Russia. She was born in Moscow on January 25, 1924. Acting in her case is not a continuation of tribal skill - her family had nothing to do with the world of art. Nadezhda's father was a military man, and his mother worked at a research institute. But Karataeva from childhood gravitated towards the theater and even in her school years went to the drama club.

Nadezhda has a daughter, Elena, who was born in 1954. She followed in the footsteps of her parents and became a famous actress of the Moscow Drama Theater. Yermolova.


Nadezhda, like many others, graduated from a regular high school. But then she nevertheless realized her passion for the theater and entered GITIS at the acting department. The Great Patriotic War changed many lives and plans of an incredible number of people. Nadezhda Karataeva, whose biography includes front-line years, also fell under her influence. About further studiesI had to forget for a while. Nadezhda went to the front as a nurse and worked for some time in hospitals.

Nadezhda Karataeva
Nadezhda Karataeva

As mentioned above, she didn't study much. Only in 1946, Nadezhda was finally able to graduate from the institute. Then her theatrical career began.

Front years

As soon as the war began, Nadezhda Karataeva left with her mother for Novosibirsk, and her father went to the front. In Novosibirsk, Nadezhda enrolled in nurses' courses and after completing them asked to go to the front. She worked in military hospitals, and then on an ambulance train that ran between Moscow and Chita. On these trains, the wounded were taken to the rear. Nadezhda not only delivered food, but also looked after the fighters. She gave injections and dressings, read poems and leaflets to the wounded, helped to strengthen morale.

Fateful Acquaintance

Toward the end of the war, classes at GITIS were finally resumed, and Nadezhda returned to the institute to finish her studies. She was commissioned, and she again found herself in the world that she had been striving for since childhood. It was at the institute that she met Anatoly Papanov, who later became her husband. He came to the university from the front line, from where he was commissioned for he alth reasons.

Nadezhda Karataeva biography
Nadezhda Karataeva biography

Papanov was offered to start his studies right from the second year. There were not enough men, and the girls needed to play etudes with partners. Thus, he ended up in the same group with Nadezhda. They married Papanov on May 20, 1945.

At first Papanov walked with a stick,since his heel was crushed and two fingers were torn off by a German grenade on his leg. But for Nadezhda, the main thing was the soul, not the appearance. Their romance spun when they went to the same tram stop, talked and got to know each other better. They were united not only by art, but also by the fact that Nadezhda Karataeva, like her husband, was at the front. Many of her classmates did not have such life experience.

Nadezhda Karataeva, whose photo is in this article, was a very beautiful girl in her youth. She was looked after by many guys. One of the contenders for her hand was Voroshilov's nephew himself. But Nadezhda preferred Papanov to everyone. She introduced her future husband to her mother, who did not approve of his candidacy and complained that he was ugly. Nadezhda ardently interceded for her beloved, saying that he was a wonderful artist and beautiful in soul. This ended the dispute.

Nadezhda Karataeva photo
Nadezhda Karataeva photo

They have been together for 43 years. There were also hungry post-war times. The parents of Nadezhda helped the young. Nadezhda immediately decided to give leadership in the family to Papanov and devoted a lot of time to the family, always putting it in the first place. Nevertheless, the woman always found time for her career. All forty-three years of their life together they were interested in each other. The love of Nadezhda and Anatoly was so strong that they were able to go through all the hardships of life and maintain a happy marriage for many years.


After graduating from GITIS, Nadezhda began working with other actors at the Russian Drama Theater,located in the Lithuanian SSR, in the city of Klaipeda. The first time she worked there with her husband. But Papanov returned to Moscow in 1948 at the invitation of the director Goncharov. Nadezhda Karataeva came to her husband a little later.

Since 1950, Nadezhda has been an honored actress of the Moscow Academy of Satire. Her husband also worked there until his death.

Nadezhda Karataeva actress
Nadezhda Karataeva actress

The creative path of Nadezhda Karataeva consists not only of a couple of roles. Even on the stage, she played in many performances:

  • "None of your business";
  • "Girlfriends";
  • "Old Maid";
  • "My dear";
  • "Capercaillie Nest", etc.

But Nadezhda has played a lot of roles in the cinema - more than twenty films on her account! Some of them came out as films-performances. For example, "Officer of the Fleet", where Nadezhda played the watchman, or "Nest of the Capercaillie" (the role of Sudakov's wife) and many others. There were other interesting pictures in the filmography of Nadezhda. For example, "Under the sky of Verona", "Time to collect stones" and many others.
