The series "The Disappeared". Actors and roles

The series "The Disappeared". Actors and roles
The series "The Disappeared". Actors and roles

The series "Disappeared" (2009), the actors and roles of which are presented in this article, is a military drama based on the story "There is no way back" by Igor Bolgarin and Viktor Smirnov. The film is a remake of the 1970 Soviet film of the same name.


disappeared actors
disappeared actors

The events of the film take place in 1942. Major Toporkov is the protagonist of the series "The Disappeared". The actor who played a Soviet military man who escaped from a German concentration camp is known for his numerous film roles. He has received numerous film awards and has the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

After Toporkov manages to escape from captivity, he finds himself in a partisan camp. At the request of the major, the commander with several partisans goes towards the concentration camp, where an uprising of prisoners will soon take place. Toporkov and his assistants must help the rebels. The task is not easy. In addition, the commander warns the major that there is a traitor in the squad.

Among the volunteers there is a young partisan Moshkin, whose father, as it turns out later, served at the beginningpolice wars. Other characters of the film: Andreev, Gonta, Levushkin, foreman Shirokov, Berkovich, sapper Bertolet.


Later, Toporkov becomes aware of the facts from the biography of each of the members of the partisan detachment. Andreev from the dispossessed. In 1941, he went over to the side of the Germans and, believing that the invaders would be able to establish justice in his native land, went over to their side. But Andreev quickly realized his mistake and went to the partisans. This is perhaps the most interesting character in the series "The Disappeared".

The actor, who portrayed on the screen a wise and prudent person who embarked on the warpath in very advanced years, became famous throughout the country in the late eighties, when the best film adaptation of Bulgakov's work was released.

film missing actors
film missing actors

Gonta is a partisan who gives the impression of a brave, determined person. However, overly categorical. He often comes into conflict with other partisans, rarely agrees with the opinion of Major Toporkov, the protagonist of the film "The Disappeared". The actor who played Gonta made his film debut in 1995, in the film, in which he played his first role and the actor who embodied the image of a major, the commander of a partisan detachment.

Bertholet is a partisan who is called "Frenchman" by his comrades because of his foreign surname. Berkovich worked as a hairdresser before the start of the war. It was he who, at the very beginning of this story, recognized in the former prisoner of the German camp a red commander named Toporkov.

"Disappeared": actors

Kirill Pirogov played the main role. Yegor Pazenko played the role of the partisan Gonta. The film career of this artist began in the mid-nineties, when he played one of the characters in the movie "Eagle and Tails". The lead actor in the TV series "The Disappeared" (actor Kirill Pirogov) also made his debut in the comedy by George Danelia.

The role of partisan Andreev was played by Vladimir Tolokonnikov. The nurse who joined the partisan detachment was played by Elena Lyadova. Berkovich - Mikhail Trukhin. Other actors of the "Disappeared": Andrey Feskov, Alexander Vorobyov, Ivan Parshin, Mitya Labush, Svetlana Chuikina.

Kirill Pirogov

The actor was born in 1973. Graduated from the Shchukin School. The first role, as already mentioned, was performed in Danelia's film "Eagle and Tails". However, the real fame for Pie came later, after the release of the film "Brother 2". The actor played in such films as "Doctor Zhivago", "Blind Man's Buff", "Azazel", "Killer's Diary".

Vladimir Tolokonnikov

disappeared 2009 actors and roles
disappeared 2009 actors and roles

This actor began acting in films in the early eighties, but few of the audience knew then his last name. Glory to Tolokonnikov came after the film by Vladimir Bortko "Heart of a Dog" was released. Then the actor played several dozen more characters in the movie ("Sky in Diamonds", "Hottabych", "Enchanted Plot" and so on). But for the audience, Vladimir Tolokonnikov forever remained Sharikov from the film adaptation of the workBulgakov. The actor passed away on July 15, 2017 as a result of a heart attack.
