Henry Cavill - biography, filmography, personal life and photos

Henry Cavill - biography, filmography, personal life and photos
Henry Cavill - biography, filmography, personal life and photos

Today, Henry Cavill is a fairly well-known British actor. He is known to the audience for his memorable roles in the popular television series The Tudors, as well as the science fiction film Man of Steel. And if today an actor regularly receives invitations to participate in a particular film, then a few years ago the situation was completely different. After all, the path to success and recognition is not always easy.

Henry Cavill: biography and childhood

henry cavill
henry cavill

The future famous actor was born on May 5, 1983. He spent his entire childhood on the island of Jersey. His mother Marianne worked in a bank. Colin's father was a stock trader. By the way, Henry has four other brothers.

First, he studied at St. Michael's Primary School, after which he was sent to a boarding school, which is located on the territory of Buckinghamshire. It was here that the guy became seriously interested in stagecraft.

How did Henry become an actor?

While studying at school, the young guy planned to go to university and devote his life to studying the history of ancient Egypt. There was another option - to join the army and try to build a military career. But all these planshave lost relevance since Henry began to occasionally act in school theater productions.

He got the main roles in school plays, and his acting teacher gave the boy extremely positive marks. The actor himself says that he first felt an incomparable mixture of adrenaline, fear and delight in his school years, standing under the spotlight. From that time on, there was no question of a career as a historian or a soldier - Henry was determined to become an artist.

First film work

henry cavill filmography
henry cavill filmography

For the first time, the young actor appeared on the screens in the film "Laguna", which was released in 2001. Here he got the episodic role of Thomas Apri. And a year later he was offered a small job in the famous Kevin Reynolds film called The Count of Monte Cristo, based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas. And although the role of Albert Mondego was not so important, Henry still appeared on the screen, replenished his filmography and gained some experience.

In 2002, he played Chas Quilter in one of the episodes of the popular series Inspector Linley Investigates. In 2003, the actor took part in the filming of another popular detective series called "Purely English Murders" - in one of the episodes he plays Simon Mayfeld.

In 2005, the continuation of the famous horror film called "Hellraiser 8: Hellworld" is released. Here Henry appears as Mike. In 2006, the actor gets a role in the legendary romantic story "Tristan and Isolde", where he plays Melot. AT2007 participates in a kind of experimental film "Little Red Riding Hood", where he appears as a hunter.

Hollywood's unluckiest man

In 2005, the actor had several setbacks during castings. The "black streak" in Henry's career began with an audition for the role of Cedric Diggory in the fourth film about the sorcerer boy, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. But, as you know, Robert Pattinson appeared on the screen in this image.

In the same year, Henry Cavill, along with Sam Warrington and Daniel Craig, claimed the role of the famous British spy James Bond in the movie "Casino Royale". Unfortunately, the producers and directors considered the actor too young to recreate everyone's favorite image.

A little later, the actor again took part in the auditions - this time he wanted to play Edward Cullen in the popular saga "Twilight". But here he was again unlucky, since at that time Henry was already 24 years old and he could no longer look like a seventeen-year-old teenager. Robert Pattinson stole a role from under Cavill's nose for the second time. Such ridiculous failures led to the fact that the actor was called "the most unlucky man in Hollywood." Fortunately, luck returned to Henry pretty quickly.

The Tudors series and the long-awaited recognition

henry cavill photo
henry cavill photo

In April 2007, the first episode of the famous series "The Tudors" was released. Despite the name, the central character of the plot is the King of England, Henry the Eighth. This monarch, who successfully fulfilled his dream of becoming one of the most powerful rulers in Europe, is known throughout the world.also thanks to the founding of the Anglican Church and great love of love - during the reign, the king was married six times, and some of his wives ended their lives on the block.

The ratings of the series broke all records after the first episode. Therefore, a few weeks after the start of the show, the studio announced the start of work on the second season. The series ran for four seasons - the last episode aired in April 2010.

Of course, each actor taking part in the series has received its share of fame and recognition. Henry Cavill (photo) worked on the project for all four seasons. Here he brilliantly played the best friend and son-in-law of the monarch Charles Brandon, the first Duke of Suffolk, who remained in the pages of history as an extremely successful courtier and politician. It was after this series that the actor became famous and began to receive invitations to more serious projects.

Henry Cavill Filmography

In 2007, the premiere of a science fiction film called "Stardust" took place. Henry Cavill works with many famous actors here, including Robert De Niro and Sienna Miller. By the way, he got the role of the groom of the main character Humphrey Munday.

henry cavill personal life
henry cavill personal life

And already in 2009, the actor got one of the main roles in the horror film Bloody Stream, the plot of which tells about the painful experiments of the Nazis of the Third Reich with the occult sciences.

Henry also landed a small supporting role as Randy James in Woody Allen's Come What May, which was released onscreens in 2009.

And some time later, in 2011, Henry Cavill appears on the screens as Theseus. The fantasy action thriller titled War of the Gods: Immortals received not too good reviews from critics. Nevertheless, the cast, modern special effects and excellent musical arrangement made the story of ancient Greek myths quite popular among the audience.

In 2012, the actor appeared in an action movie called "In broad daylight", where he played the main character of Will Shaw.

How did the famous actor turn into a "man of steel"?

henry cavill workout
henry cavill workout

In 2013, the premiere of the film "Man of Steel" took place. At all times, stories about a simple man, Clark Kent, who hid his true nature, were very popular. That is why Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan decided to take a fresh look at the history of Superman. And it was Henry Cavill who played the part.

The actor's training began a few months before filming began and continued throughout the making of the film. Intense physical activity and exercises under the supervision of the famous trainer Mark Twight pursued only one goal - to make the viewer believe that the main character of the film really has extraordinary strength. The actor himself in an interview mentioned that exhausting training helped him first of all - he really felt like a "man of steel".

Future films with famous actor

henry cavill biography
henry cavill biography

After successfantasy Superman story, Henry Cavill received several more offers. In the near future, two more films with his participation will appear on the screens. He is currently working on The Man from U. N. C. L. E, in which he plays CIA agent Napoleon Solo. Together with a KGB officer at the height of the Cold War, he tries to stop a highly dangerous international crime syndicate.

And another large-scale premiere is planned for 2016, which will become a kind of continuation of the film "Man of Steel". The official name of the picture is not yet known, but the working one sounds like "Batman v Superman". The plot of the tape has not yet been disclosed, Zack Snyder and other creators sacredly keep the secret. It is only known that the first shooting took place at the end of October 2013.

Cavill's personal life

Henry Cavill and his girlfriend
Henry Cavill and his girlfriend

Naturally, after the success of the historical series and several feature films, many film fans began to wonder who Henry Cavill was. The actor's personal life is also the subject of heated discussion.

But it is worth noting that Henry, despite his sincere friendliness, is not inclined to talk about his problems and relationships with the opposite sex. Nevertheless, it is known that the actor met with athlete Ellen Whitaker for a long time. In 2011, Henry Cavill and his girlfriend even announced their engagement. Nevertheless, the relationship did not work out - in August 2012 it became known about their breakup.

And a month later there were rumors that the actor began dating Gina Carano - young peopleoften seen together. But this relationship did not last long, since in May 2013 it became known about the separation of the stars. After that, rumors appeared in the press about Cavill's by no means friendly relationship with actress Kaley Cuoco. But the actors quickly ended the relationship.
