Krylov's fable "Cabin" - the most mysterious work of the Russian fabulist

Krylov's fable "Cabin" - the most mysterious work of the Russian fabulist
Krylov's fable "Cabin" - the most mysterious work of the Russian fabulist

The fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov are rightfully considered the heritage of Russian literature. They have become so firmly established in our lives that many phrases from them have long become winged. An excellent proof of the significance of the works of Ivan Krylov is the famous phrase "And the chest just opened." People who haven't yet

Krylov's fable casket
Krylov's fable casket

have come across the poetic stories of this author, successfully use this phrase at different moments of life and do not even suspect that the deepest meaning of the author's most mysterious poem is hidden behind the common expression. Krylov's fable "Casket" has a complex moral meaning, which we will try to reveal in this story. But first, let's get acquainted with its content.

The plot of the work

Before trying to reveal the moral of this poem, we suggest that you study the summary of Krylov's fable "Casket".

A wonderful handmade chest was brought to the workshop, which no one could open. The item was without a lock, which gavethe situation is even more mysterious, so a real sage undertook to understand his inaccessibility. He twisted and

summary of Krylov's fable casket
summary of Krylov's fable casket

twisted the extraordinary box as best he could, but nothing came out. Even when various tools were used, the sage could not open the chest. Krylov's fable would have remained unfinished if not for the final lines of the work, which eventually became a catchphrase.

Krylov's fable "Casket": basic morality

Krylov I. A. composed his poems so subtly that, using the example of seemingly simple situations, he revealed life truths in an accessible language for everyone. But Krylov's Fable "Casket" is a work that is considered the most mysterious by this author, because in addition to basic morality, it also has a hidden meaning.

A poetic story about a sage who could not open a mysterious box reveals its basic morality in its last lines. It lies in the fact that you do not need to look for the unknown in something initially, but first of all, you need to go the easiest way, and only he, perhaps, will turn out to be true. This idea can also be attributed to relationships between people: when one considers the reason for the incomprehensible behavior of a loved one to be some kind of secret, then it most likely lies on the very surface and is nothing unusual.

Krylov's fable "Casket" is no exception, and, like all the other poems of the author, in the last quatrain contains the main moral … But this work is not at all ordinarypoem, as it also contains a hidden meaning.

Minor moral of the piece

Krylov's fable
Krylov's fable

Krylov's fable "Casket" is considered among the writers as a poem that has several interpretations of the semantic load. A certain hidden morality of the work deserves the greatest attention. When the author describes the ways of opening the chest by an experienced craftsman, he seems to be telling us that we need to take life much easier. The efforts of the sage, which ultimately ended in failure, are similar to the selection of ways to solve a problem by each of us, and his initial confidence that the casket is actually with a secret resembles excessive suspiciousness and self-doubt, although everything is really easier … But how? The author left this a mystery, although it is easy to guess that if the casket did not have a shutter, then it was not closed at all.
