Kachalina Ksenia (actress): biography and personal life

Kachalina Ksenia (actress): biography and personal life
Kachalina Ksenia (actress): biography and personal life

Kachalina Ksenia is an actress with an attractive appearance and a difficult fate. Do you want to know what films she starred in? With whom was she legally married? Where has she been for several years? The answers to these and other questions will be given in the article.

Kachalina ksenia actress
Kachalina ksenia actress

Ksenia Kachalina: biography

The Russian actress was born on May 3, 1971 in Saratov. Her parents are middle class. Neither dad nor mom have anything to do with cinema.

Our heroine grew up as a calm and obedient girl. Neighbors and relatives could not get enough of her. Ksyusha always listened to her mother, helped her with the housework and studied well at school.

Personal life of Ksenia Kachalina
Personal life of Ksenia Kachalina


At the age of 13, cardinal changes took place with the girl. Perhaps it's all about hormonal changes during adolescence. Ksenia contacted a bad company. She could not appear at home for several days. Together with her friends, the girl was a hooligan: she punctured tires on cars, broke windows in porches, and so on. Ksenia Kachalina, whose biography we are considering today, wasregistered with the police. Our heroine could stand trial. But she managed to get off with little blood. The rebel girl was sent to a special vocational school.

The parents decided to take their daughter to the village to her aunts and uncle for "re-education". For almost a year, Ksyusha lived in the countryside, where she was engaged in farming. And the girl devoted her free time to reading literature.

Ksenia realized her mistakes and returned home. She was accepted into her home school. Classmates saw a completely different girl - calm and friendly.


After graduating from high school, Kachalina Jr. applied to the Conservatory. Sobinova. There she studied for only 2 years. Then Ksyusha went to Moscow. The girl entered VGIK the first time. She was enrolled in the course of S. Solovyov and V. Rubinchik.

Ksenia Kachalina biography
Ksenia Kachalina biography

First movie roles

Kachalina Ksenia is an actress who combined her studies at the university and shooting in films. For the first time on wide screens, she appeared in 1991 in the film "Dislike". The role was offered to her by the teacher V. Rubinchik. Ksyusha agreed. The student was not even embarrassed by the moment that, according to the plot, she would have to participate in bed scenes.

In 1991, another picture was released with the participation of Ksenia Kachalina. It was called "Dark". The girl successfully got used to the image of a prostitute meeting with a revolutionary. Her colleague on the set was actor Oleg Yankovsky.

With special warmth, our heroine recalls shooting in the film "Over Dark Water" (1993). With the director of the picture, Dmitry Meskhiev, she struck up friendly relations. In thatthe film also starred young Alexander Abdulov.

Many viewers remember the role of Ksenia Kachalina in the tragic melodrama Wild Love. Filming took place in Kyiv. Ksyusha brilliantly performed one of the main roles. Her heroine is a sweet and pretty girl Masha, who lives in a boarding house. She is dating a guy from a we althy family. Lovers make plans for life. But suddenly an American Susan appears in their fate. She manages to win the guy over to her side. And between love and prospects, he chooses the latter. The audience is used to happy endings. But in this picture, everything will end in tragedy. What does Kachalina Ksenia think about her heroine? The actress feels sorry for her and understands to some extent. Masha's love was really wild.

The filmography of Ksenia Kachalina includes about two dozen works. Among them are:

  • "Three Sisters" (1994) - Masha;
  • "The one who is more tender" (1996) - Alena;
  • "The circus burned down and the clowns fled" (1998) - Alya;
  • "Holiday" (2001) - Lena;
  • "In the first circle" (2006) - Potapov's wife.
  • Filmography of Ksenia Kachalina
    Filmography of Ksenia Kachalina

Personal life of Ksenia Kachalina

Our heroine is a slender brunette with a pretty face. It is easy to guess that she had no end to the fans. Even in high school, guys began to run after Ksyusha. Kachalina had her first love and first kiss. But a serious relationship began only at the institute. But soon the couple broke up. The actress is fully committed to work.

A few years later, Ksenia Kachalina's personal life improved. On thefilming one of the films, she met actor Mikhail Efremov. A spark ran between them. Mikhail did not put off the marriage proposal indefinitely. The lovers got married. Relatives of the bride and groom, as well as their colleagues in the shop, were invited to the celebration.

October 14, 2000 Ksyusha gave her husband a charming daughter. The baby received the double name Anna-Maria. The family life of the acting couple quickly went wrong. Mikhail announced that he was leaving Xenia. On the same day, he packed his suitcase and left in an unknown direction.

What happened to Ksenia Kachalina
What happened to Ksenia Kachalina


Since 2007, the actress has not starred in TV shows and movies. Many viewers immediately wondered: “What happened to Ksenia Kachalina?” Has she moved to another country for permanent residence? But the truth turned out to be much sadder.

Ksenia was very worried about parting with Efremov. She tried to drown her pain and sadness in alcohol. Soon, at the invitation of Amalia Mordvinova, the actress went to India. They say that there Kachalina became addicted to drugs. She was not in the country for 7 years. All this time, daughter Anna-Maria was in Russia with her grandmother.

When the actress returned to her homeland, her neighbors and former colleagues did not recognize her. There was no trace left of the young and flourishing woman. Due to the constant use of drugs and alcohol, Kachalina became like a street beggar.

In conclusion

We talked about where she studied and how Kachalina Ksenia built her career. The actress has come a long way. The article hadthe details of her biography and personal life are announced. We wish her he alth and happiness!
